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/ http / multipartparser.py

Multi-part parsing for file uploads.

Exposes one class, ``MultiPartParser``, which feeds chunks of uploaded data to
file upload handlers for processing.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import base64
import binascii
import cgi
import sys

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousMultipartForm
from django.core.files.uploadhandler import (
    SkipFile, StopFutureHandlers, StopUpload,
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote
from django.utils.text import unescape_entities

__all__ = ('MultiPartParser', 'MultiPartParserError', 'InputStreamExhausted')

class MultiPartParserError(Exception):

class InputStreamExhausted(Exception):
    No more reads are allowed from this device.

RAW = "raw"
FILE = "file"
FIELD = "field"

_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR = TypeError if six.PY2 else binascii.Error

class MultiPartParser(object):
    A rfc2388 multipart/form-data parser.

    ``MultiValueDict.parse()`` reads the input stream in ``chunk_size`` chunks
    and returns a tuple of ``(MultiValueDict(POST), MultiValueDict(FILES))``.
    def __init__(self, META, input_data, upload_handlers, encoding=None):
        Initialize the MultiPartParser object.

            The standard ``META`` dictionary in Django request objects.
            The raw post data, as a file-like object.
            A list of UploadHandler instances that perform operations on the uploaded
            The encoding with which to treat the incoming data.

        # Content-Type should contain multipart and the boundary information.

        content_type = META.get('HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE', META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', ''))
        if not content_type.startswith('multipart/'):
            raise MultiPartParserError('Invalid Content-Type: %s' % content_type)

        # Parse the header to get the boundary to split the parts.
        ctypes, opts = parse_header(content_type.encode('ascii'))
        boundary = opts.get('boundary')
        if not boundary or not cgi.valid_boundary(boundary):
            raise MultiPartParserError('Invalid boundary in multipart: %s' % boundary)

        # Content-Length should contain the length of the body we are about
        # to receive.
            content_length = int(META.get('HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH', META.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)))
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            content_length = 0

        if content_length < 0:
            # This means we shouldn't continue...raise an error.
            raise MultiPartParserError("Invalid content length: %r" % content_length)

        if isinstance(boundary, six.text_type):
            boundary = boundary.encode('ascii')
        self._boundary = boundary
        self._input_data = input_data

        # For compatibility with low-level network APIs (with 32-bit integers),
        # the chunk size should be < 2^31, but still divisible by 4.
        possible_sizes = [x.chunk_size for x in upload_handlers if x.chunk_size]
        self._chunk_size = min([2 ** 31 - 4] + possible_sizes)

        self._meta = META
        self._encoding = encoding or settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET
        self._content_length = content_length
        self._upload_handlers = upload_handlers

    def parse(self):
        Parse the POST data and break it into a FILES MultiValueDict and a POST

        Returns a tuple containing the POST and FILES dictionary, respectively.
        # We have to import QueryDict down here to avoid a circular import.
        from django.http import QueryDict

        encoding = self._encoding
        handlers = self._upload_handlers

        # HTTP spec says that Content-Length >= 0 is valid
        # handling content-length == 0 before continuing
        if self._content_length == 0:
            return QueryDict('', encoding=self._encoding), MultiValueDict()

        # See if any of the handlers take care of the parsing.
        # This allows overriding everything if need be.
        for handler in handlers:
            result = handler.handle_raw_input(self._input_data,
            # Check to see if it was handled
            if result is not None:
                return result[0], result[1]

        # Create the data structures to be used later.
        self._post = QueryDict('', mutable=True)
        self._files = MultiValueDict()

        # Instantiate the parser and stream:
        stream = LazyStream(ChunkIter(self._input_data, self._chunk_size))

        # Whether or not to signal a file-completion at the beginning of the loop.
        old_field_name = None
        counters = [0] * len(handlers)

            for item_type, meta_data, field_stream in Parser(stream, self._boundary):
                if old_field_name:
                    # We run this at the beginning of the next loop
                    # since we cannot be sure a file is complete until
                    # we hit the next boundary/part of the multipart content.
                    self.handle_file_complete(old_field_name, counters)
                    old_field_name = None

                    disposition = meta_data['content-disposition'][1]
                    field_name = disposition['name'].strip()
                except (KeyError, IndexError, AttributeError):

                transfer_encoding = meta_data.get('content-transfer-encoding')
                if transfer_encoding is not None:
                    transfer_encoding = transfer_encoding[0].strip()
                field_name = force_text(field_name, encoding, errors='replace')

                if item_type == FIELD:
                    # This is a post field, we can just set it in the post
                    if transfer_encoding == 'base64':
                        raw_data = field_stream.read()
                            data = base64.b64decode(raw_data)
                        except _BASE64_DECODE_ERROR:
                            data = raw_data
                        data = field_stream.read()

                                          force_text(data, encoding, errors='replace'))
                elif item_type == FILE:
                    # This is a file, use the handler...
                    file_name = disposition.get('filename')
                    if file_name:
                        file_name = force_text(file_name, encoding, errors='replace')
                        file_name = self.IE_sanitize(unescape_entities(file_name))
                    if not file_name:

                    content_type, content_type_extra = meta_data.get('content-type', ('', {}))
                    content_type = content_type.strip()
                    charset = content_type_extra.get('charset')

                        content_length = int(meta_data.get('content-length')[0])
                    except (IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
                        content_length = None

                    counters = [0] * len(handlers)
                        for handler in handlers:
                                handler.new_file(field_name, file_name,
                                                 content_type, content_length,
                                                 charset, content_type_extra)
                            except StopFutureHandlers:

                        for chunk in field_stream:
                            if transfer_encoding == 'base64':
                                # We only special-case base64 transfer encoding
                                # We should always decode base64 chunks by multiple of 4,
                                # ignoring whitespace.

                                stripped_chunk = b"".join(chunk.split())

                                remaining = len(stripped_chunk) % 4
                                while remaining != 0:
                                    over_chunk = field_stream.read(4 - remaining)
                                    stripped_chunk += b"".join(over_chunk.split())
                                    remaining = len(stripped_chunk) % 4

                                    chunk = base64.b64decode(stripped_chunk)
                                except Exception as e:
                                    # Since this is only a chunk, any error is an unfixable error.
                                    msg = "Could not decode base64 data: %r" % e
                                    six.reraise(MultiPartParserError, MultiPartParserError(msg), sys.exc_info()[2])

                            for i, handler in enumerate(handlers):
                                chunk_length = len(chunk)
                                chunk = handler.receive_data_chunk(chunk,
                                counters[i] += chunk_length
                                if chunk is None:
                                    # If the chunk received by the handler is None, then don't continue.

                    except SkipFile:
                        # Just use up the rest of this file...
                        # Handle file upload completions on next iteration.
                        old_field_name = field_name
                    # If this is neither a FIELD or a FILE, just exhaust the stream.
        except StopUpload as e:
            if not e.connection_reset:
            # Make sure that the request data is all fed

        # Signal that the upload has completed.
        for handler in handlers:
            retval = handler.upload_complete()
            if retval:

        return self._post, self._files

    def handle_file_complete(self, old_field_name, counters):
        Handle all the signaling that takes place when a file is complete.
        for i, handler in enumerate(self._upload_handlers):
            file_obj = handler.file_complete(counters[i])
            if file_obj:
                # If it returns a file object, then set the files dict.
                    force_text(old_field_name, self._encoding, errors='replace'),

    def IE_sanitize(self, filename):
        """Cleanup filename from Internet Explorer full paths."""
        return filename and filename[filename.rfind("\\") + 1:].strip()

    def _close_files(self):
        # Free up all file handles.
        # FIXME: this currently assumes that upload handlers store the file as 'file'
        # We should document that... (Maybe add handler.free_file to complement new_file)
        for handler in self._upload_handlers:
            if hasattr(handler, 'file'):

class LazyStream(six.Iterator):
    The LazyStream wrapper allows one to get and "unget" bytes from a stream.

    Given a producer object (an iterator that yields bytestrings), the
    LazyStream object will support iteration, reading, and keeping a "look-back"
    variable in case you need to "unget" some bytes.
    def __init__(self, producer, length=None):
        Every LazyStream must have a producer when instantiated.

        A producer is an iterable that returns a string each time it
        is called.
        self._producer = producer
        self._empty = False
        self._leftover = b''
        self.length = length
        self.position = 0
        self._remaining = length
        self._unget_history = []

    def tell(self):
        return self.position

    def read(self, size=None):
        def parts():
            remaining = self._remaining if size is None else size
            # do the whole thing in one shot if no limit was provided.
            if remaining is None:
                yield b''.join(self)

            # otherwise do some bookkeeping to return exactly enough
            # of the stream and stashing any extra content we get from
            # the producer
            while remaining != 0:
                assert remaining > 0, 'remaining bytes to read should never go negative'

                    chunk = next(self)
                except StopIteration:
                    emitting = chunk[:remaining]
                    remaining -= len(emitting)
                    yield emitting

        out = b''.join(parts())
        return out

    def __next__(self):
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