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/ templatetags / future.py

import warnings

from django.template import Library, defaulttags
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango110Warning

register = Library()

def cycle(parser, token):
    This is the future version of `cycle` with auto-escaping.
    The deprecation is now complete and this version is no different
    from the non-future version so this is deprecated.

    By default all strings are escaped.

    If you want to disable auto-escaping of variables you can use::

        {% autoescape off %}
            {% cycle var1 var2 var3 as somecycle %}
        {% autoescape %}

    Or if only some variables should be escaped, you can use::

        {% cycle var1 var2|safe var3|safe  as somecycle %}
        "Loading the `cycle` tag from the `future` library is deprecated and "
        "will be removed in Django 1.10. Use the default `cycle` tag instead.",
    return defaulttags.cycle(parser, token)

def firstof(parser, token):
    This is the future version of `firstof` with auto-escaping.
    The deprecation is now complete and this version is no different
    from the non-future version so this is deprecated.

    This is equivalent to::

        {% if var1 %}
            {{ var1 }}
        {% elif var2 %}
            {{ var2 }}
        {% elif var3 %}
            {{ var3 }}
        {% endif %}

    If you want to disable auto-escaping of variables you can use::

        {% autoescape off %}
            {% firstof var1 var2 var3 "<strong>fallback value</strong>" %}
        {% autoescape %}

    Or if only some variables should be escaped, you can use::

        {% firstof var1 var2|safe var3 "<strong>fallback value</strong>"|safe %}
        "Loading the `firstof` tag from the `future` library is deprecated and "
        "will be removed in Django 1.10. Use the default `firstof` tag instead.",
    return defaulttags.firstof(parser, token)