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/ utils / gz.py

import struct

    from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
except ImportError:
    from io import BytesIO
from gzip import GzipFile

import six
import re

# - Python>=3.5 GzipFile's read() has issues returning leftover
#   uncompressed data when input is corrupted
#   (regression or bug-fix compared to Python 3.4)
# - read1(), which fetches data before raising EOFError on next call
#   works here but is only available from Python>=3.3
# - scrapy does not support Python 3.2
# - Python 2.7 GzipFile works fine with standard read() + extrabuf
if six.PY2:
    def read1(gzf, size=-1):
        return gzf.read(size)
    def read1(gzf, size=-1):
        return gzf.read1(size)

def gunzip(data):
    """Gunzip the given data and return as much data as possible.

    This is resilient to CRC checksum errors.
    f = GzipFile(fileobj=BytesIO(data))
    output = b''
    chunk = b'.'
    while chunk:
            chunk = read1(f, 8196)
            output += chunk
        except (IOError, EOFError, struct.error):
            # complete only if there is some data, otherwise re-raise
            # see issue 87 about catching struct.error
            # some pages are quite small so output is '' and f.extrabuf
            # contains the whole page content
            if output or getattr(f, 'extrabuf', None):
                    output += f.extrabuf
    return output

_is_gzipped = re.compile(br'^application/(x-)?gzip\b', re.I).search
_is_octetstream = re.compile(br'^(application|binary)/octet-stream\b', re.I).search

def is_gzipped(response):
    """Return True if the response is gzipped, or False otherwise"""
    ctype = response.headers.get('Content-Type', b'')
    cenc = response.headers.get('Content-Encoding', b'').lower()
    return (_is_gzipped(ctype) or
            (_is_octetstream(ctype) and cenc in (b'gzip', b'x-gzip')))