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/ scripts / cfadmin

# Author: Chris Moyer
# cfadmin is similar to sdbadmin for CloudFront, it's a simple
# console utility to perform the most frequent tasks with CloudFront
def _print_distributions(dists):
    """Internal function to print out all the distributions provided"""
    print "%-12s %-50s %s" % ("Status", "Domain Name", "Origin")
    print "-"*80
    for d in dists:
        print "%-12s %-50s %-30s" % (d.status, d.domain_name, d.origin)
        for cname in d.cnames:
            print " "*12, "CNAME => %s" % cname
    print ""

def help(cf, fnc=None):
    """Print help message, optionally about a specific function"""
    import inspect
    self = sys.modules['__main__']
    if fnc:
            cmd = getattr(self, fnc)
            cmd = None
        if not inspect.isfunction(cmd):
            print "No function named: %s found" % fnc
        (args, varargs, varkw, defaults) = inspect.getargspec(cmd)
        print cmd.__doc__
        print "Usage: %s %s" % (fnc, " ".join([ "[%s]" % a for a in args[1:]]))
        print "Usage: cfadmin [command]"
        for cname in dir(self):
            if not cname.startswith("_"):
                cmd = getattr(self, cname)
                if inspect.isfunction(cmd):
                    doc = cmd.__doc__
                    print "\t%s - %s" % (cname, doc)

def ls(cf):
    """List all distributions and streaming distributions"""
    print "Standard Distributions"
    print "Streaming Distributions"

def invalidate(cf, origin_or_id, *paths):
    """Create a cloudfront invalidation request"""
    # Allow paths to be passed using stdin
    if not paths:
        paths = []
        for path in sys.stdin.readlines():
            path = path.strip()
            if path:
    dist = None
    for d in cf.get_all_distributions():
        if d.id == origin_or_id or d.origin.dns_name == origin_or_id:
            dist = d
    if not dist:
        print "Distribution not found: %s" % origin_or_id
    cf.create_invalidation_request(dist.id, paths)

def listinvalidations(cf, origin_or_id):
    """List invalidation requests for a given origin"""
    dist = None
    for d in cf.get_all_distributions():
        if d.id == origin_or_id or d.origin.dns_name == origin_or_id:
            dist = d
    if not dist:
        print "Distribution not found: %s" % origin_or_id
    results = cf.get_invalidation_requests(dist.id)
    if results:
        for result in results:
            if result.status == "InProgress":
                result = result.get_invalidation_request()
                print result.id, result.status, result.paths
                print result.id, result.status

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import boto
    import sys
    cf = boto.connect_cloudfront()
    self = sys.modules['__main__']
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
            cmd = getattr(self, sys.argv[1])
            cmd = None
        args = sys.argv[2:]
        cmd = help
        args = []
    if not cmd:
        cmd = help
        cmd(cf, *args)
    except TypeError as e:
        print e
        help(cf, cmd.__name__)