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Version: 2.4.1 

/ pial / engines / base.py

from athumb.pial.helpers import toint
from athumb.pial.parsers import parse_crop

class EngineBase(object):
    A base class whose public methods define the public-facing API for all
    EngineBase sub-classes. Do not use this class directly, but instantiate
    and use one of the sub-classes.

    If you're writing a new backend, implement all of the methods seen after
    the comment header 'Methods which engines need to implement'.

    .. note:: Do not instantiate and use this class directly, use one of the
    def create_thumbnail(self, image, geometry,
                         upscale=True, crop=None, colorspace='RGB'):
        This serves as a really basic example of a thumbnailing method. You
        may want to implement your own logic, but this will work for
        simple cases.

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :param tuple geometry: Geometry of the image in the format of (x,y).
        :keyword str crop: A cropping offset string. This is either one or two
            space-separated values. If only one value is specified, the cropping
            amount (pixels or percentage) for both X and Y dimensions is the
            amount given. If two values are specified, X and Y dimension cropping
            may be set independently. Some examples: '50% 50%', '50px 20px',
            '50%', '50px'.
        :keyword str colorspace: The colorspace to set/convert the image to.
            This is typically 'RGB' or 'GRAY'.
        :returns: The thumbnailed image. The returned type depends on your
            choice of Engine.
        image = self.colorspace(image, colorspace)
        image = self.scale(image, geometry, upscale, crop)
        image = self.crop(image, geometry, crop)

        return image

    def colorspace(self, image, colorspace):
        Sets the image's colorspace. This is typical 'RGB' or 'GRAY', but
        may be other things, depending on your choice of Engine.

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :param str colorspace: The colorspace to set/convert the image to.
            This is typically 'RGB' or 'GRAY'.
        :returns: The colorspace-adjusted image. The returned type depends on
            your choice of Engine.
        return self._colorspace(image, colorspace)

    def scale(self, image, geometry, upscale, crop):
        Given an image, scales the image down (or up, if ``upscale`` equates
        to a boolean ``True``).

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :param tuple geometry: Geometry of the image in the format of (x,y).
        :returns: The scaled image. The returned type depends on your
            choice of Engine.
        x_image, y_image = map(float, self.get_image_size(image))

        # Calculate scaling factor.
        factors = (geometry[0] / x_image, geometry[1] / y_image)
        factor = max(factors) if crop else min(factors)
        if factor < 1 or upscale:
            width = toint(x_image * factor)
            height = toint(y_image * factor)
            image = self._scale(image, width, height)

        return image

    def crop(self, image, geometry, crop):
        Crops the given ``image``, with dimensions specified in ``geometry``,
        according to the value(s) in ``crop``. Returns the cropped image.

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :param tuple geometry: Geometry of the image in the format of (x,y).
        :param str crop: A cropping offset string. This is either one or two
            space-separated values. If only one value is specified, the cropping
            amount (pixels or percentage) for both X and Y dimensions is the
            amount given. If two values are specified, X and Y dimension cropping
            may be set independently. Some examples: '50% 50%', '50px 20px',
            '50%', '50px'.
        :returns: The cropped image. The returned type depends on your
            choice of Engine.
        if not crop:
            return image

        x_image, y_image = self.get_image_size(image)
        x_offset, y_offset = parse_crop(crop, (x_image, y_image), geometry)

        return self._crop(image, geometry[0], geometry[1], x_offset, y_offset)

    def write(self, image, dest_fobj, quality=95, format=None):
        Wrapper for ``_write``

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :keyword int quality: A quality level as a percent. The lower, the
            higher the compression, the worse the artifacts.
        :keyword str format: The format to save to. If omitted, guess based
            on the extension. We recommend specifying this. Typical values
            are 'JPEG', 'GIF', 'PNG'. Other formats largely depend on your
            choice of Engine.
        if isinstance(format, basestring) and format.lower() == 'jpg':
            # This mistake is made all the time. Let's just effectively alias
            # this, since it's commonly used.
            format = 'JPEG'

        raw_data = self._get_raw_data(image, format, quality)

    def get_image_ratio(self, image):
        Calculates the image ratio (X to Y).

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :rtype: float
        :returns: The X to Y ratio of your image's dimensions.
        x, y = self.get_image_size(image)
        return float(x) / y

    # Methods which engines need to implement
    # The ``image`` argument refers to a backend image object
    def get_image(self, source):
        Given a file-like object, loads it up into the Engine's choice of
        native object and returns it.

        :param file source: A file-like object to load the image from.
        :returns: Your Engine's representation of an Image file.
        raise NotImplemented()

    def get_image_size(self, image):
        Returns the image width and height as a tuple.

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :rtype: tuple
        :returns: Dimensions in the form of (x,y).
        raise NotImplemented()

    def is_valid_image(self, raw_data):
        Checks if the supplied raw data is valid image data.

        :param str raw_data: A string representation of the image data.
        :rtype: bool
        :returns: ``True`` if ``raw_data`` is valid, ``False`` if not.
        raise NotImplemented()

    def _scale(self, image, width, height):
        Given an image, scales the image to the given ``width`` and ``height``.

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :param int width: The width of the scaled image.
        :param int height: The height of the scaled image.
        :returns: The scaled image. The returned type depends on your
            choice of Engine.
        raise NotImplemented()

    def _crop(self, image, width, height, x_offset, y_offset):
        Crops the ``image``, starting at ``width`` and ``height``, adding the
        ``x_offset`` and ``y_offset`` to make the crop window.

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :param int width: The X plane's start of the crop window.
        :param int height: The Y plane's start of the crop window.
        :param int x_offset: The 'width' of the crop window.
        :param int y_offset: The 'height' of the crop window.
        :returns: The cropped image. The returned type depends on your
            choice of Engine.
        raise NotImplemented()

    def _get_raw_data(self, image, format, quality):
        Gets raw data given the image, format and quality. This method is
        called from :meth:`write`

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :param str format: The format to dump the image in. Typical values
            are 'JPEG', 'GIF', and 'PNG', but are dependent upon the Engine.
        :rtype: str
        :returns: The string representation of the image.
        raise NotImplemented()

    def _colorspace(self, image, colorspace):
        Sets the image's colorspace. This is typical 'RGB' or 'GRAY', but
        may be other things, depending on your choice of Engine.

        :param Image image: This is your engine's ``Image`` object. For
            PIL it's PIL.Image.
        :param str colorspace: The colorspace to set/convert the image to.
            This is typically 'RGB' or 'GRAY'.
        :returns: The colorspace-adjusted image. The returned type depends on
            your choice of Engine.
        raise NotImplemented()