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hemamaps / django-celery   python

Repository URL to install this package:

Version: 3.1.17 

/ management / commands / celerymon.py


Start the celery clock service from the Django management command.

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import sys

from djcelery.app import app
from djcelery.management.base import CeleryCommand

    from celerymon.bin.celerymon import MonitorCommand
    mon = MonitorCommand(app=app)
except ImportError:
    mon = None

You don't have celerymon installed, please install it by running the following

    $ pip install -U celerymon

or if you're still using easy_install (shame on you!)

    $ easy_install -U celerymon

class Command(CeleryCommand):
    """Run the celery monitor."""
    options = (CeleryCommand.options +
               (mon and mon.get_options() + mon.preload_options or ()))
    help = 'Run the celery monitor'

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        """Handle the management command."""
        if mon is None: