Repository URL to install this package:
<?php if (! isset($current_url)) { $current_url = home_url(); } $users_can_register = get_option('users_can_register'); if (get_option('woocommerce_enable_myaccount_registration') === 'yes') { $users_can_register = true; } $form_views = [ 'login' => '', 'register' => '', 'lostpassword' => '' ]; foreach ($form_views as $form_key => $value) { $form_views[$form_key] = apply_filters( 'blocksy:header:account-modal:views:' . $form_key . '-form', blocksy_render_view( dirname(__FILE__) . '/modal/' . $form_key . '.php', [ 'current_url' => $current_url ] ) ); } $close_button_type = blocksy_akg('account_close_button_type', $atts, 'type-1'); ?> <div id="account-modal" class="ct-panel" data-behaviour="modal"> <div class="ct-panel-actions"> <button class="ct-toggle-close" data-type="<?php echo $close_button_type ?>" aria-label="<?php echo __('Close account modal', 'blocksy-companion') ?>"> <svg class="ct-icon" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 15 15"> <path d="M1 15a1 1 0 01-.71-.29 1 1 0 010-1.41l5.8-5.8-5.8-5.8A1 1 0 011.7.29l5.8 5.8 5.8-5.8a1 1 0 011.41 1.41l-5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8a1 1 0 01-1.41 1.41l-5.8-5.8-5.8 5.8A1 1 0 011 15z"/> </svg> </button> </div> <div class="ct-panel-content"> <div class="ct-account-form"> <?php if ($users_can_register) { ?> <ul> <li class="active ct-login" tabindex="0"> <?php echo __('Login', 'blocksy-companion') ?> </li> <li class="ct-register" tabindex="0"> <?php echo __('Sign Up', 'blocksy-companion') ?> </li> </ul> <?php } ?> <div class="ct-account-panel ct-login-form active"> <?php echo $form_views['login'] ?> </div> <?php if ($users_can_register) { ?> <div class="ct-account-panel ct-register-form"> <?php echo $form_views['register'] ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="ct-account-panel ct-forgot-password-form"> <?php echo $form_views['lostpassword'] ?> <a href="<?php echo wp_login_url() ?>" class="ct-back-to-login ct-login"> ← <?php echo __('Back to login', 'blocksy-companion') ?> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div>