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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/blocksy-companion-pro   php

Repository URL to install this package:

Version: 1.8.76 

/ features / header / items / account / views / login.php


$loggedin_account_label_visibility = blocksy_akg(
		'desktop' => false,
		'tablet' => false,
		'mobile' => false,

// Logged in
$link = get_edit_profile_url();
$account_link = blocksy_akg('account_link', $atts, 'profile');

if ($account_link === 'dashboard') {
	$link = admin_url();

if ($account_link === 'logout') {
	$link = wp_logout_url(blocksy_current_url());

if ($account_link === 'custom') {
	$link = blocksy_akg('account_custom_page', $atts, '');

if ($account_link === 'woocommerce_account' && class_exists('WooCommerce')) {
	$link = get_permalink(get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id'));

// Media
$media_html = '';
$loggedin_media = blocksy_akg('loggedin_media', $atts, 'avatar');

if ($loggedin_media === 'avatar') {
	$avatar_size = intval(
			blocksy_akg('accountHeaderAvatarSize', $atts, 18)

	$media_html = blocksy_simple_image(
				'size' => $avatar_size * 2
			'img_atts' => [
				'width' => $avatar_size,
				'height' => $avatar_size,
				'aria-hidden' => 'true',

if ($loggedin_media === 'icon') {
	$media_html = $icon[
		blocksy_akg('account_loggedin_icon', $atts, 'type-1')

	if (function_exists('blc_get_icon')) {
		$icon_source = blocksy_default_akg('loggedin_icon_source', $atts, 'default');
		if ( $icon_source === 'custom' ) {
			$media_html = blc_get_icon([
				'icon_descriptor' => blocksy_akg(
					['icon' => 'blc blc-user']
				'icon_container' => false,
				'icon_class' => 'ct-icon'

// Label
$loggedin_label = blocksy_akg('loggedin_label', $atts, __('My Account', 'blocksy-companion'));

if (blocksy_akg('loggedin_text', $atts, 'label') === 'username') {
	$user = wp_get_current_user();
	$loggedin_label = $user->display_name;

$loggedin_label_position = blocksy_expand_responsive_value(
	blocksy_akg('loggedin_label_position', $atts, 'left')

$attr['data-state'] = 'in';

if (! empty($media_html)) {
	$attr['data-label'] = $loggedin_label_position[$device];

$attr['href'] = apply_filters('wpml_permalink', $link);
$attr['aria-label'] = $loggedin_label;

echo '<a ' . blocksy_attr_to_html($attr) . '>';

if (! empty($loggedin_label)) {
	echo '<span class="' . trim('ct-label ' . blocksy_visibility_classes(
	)) . '">';
	echo $loggedin_label;
	echo '</span>';

echo $media_html;

echo '</a>';