Repository URL to install this package:
import { createElement, Component, useEffect, useState, useContext, createContext, Fragment, } from '@wordpress/element' import { __ } from 'ct-i18n' import classnames from 'classnames' import { DemosContext } from '../../DemoInstall' import DashboardContext from '../../../DashboardContext' import Checkbox from '../../../helpers/Checkbox' const ChildTheme = ({ demoConfiguration, setDemoConfiguration, style }) => { const { is_child_theme, child_theme_exists } = useContext(DashboardContext) return ( <div className="ct-demo-child" style={style}> <i className="ct-demo-icon"> <svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 43 41.1"> <path fill="#DBE7EE" d="M0,39.5c0,0.9,0.7,1.6,1.5,1.6h32.3c0.9,0,1.5-0.7,1.5-1.6V14H0V39.5z" /> <path fill="#BDC8D7" d="M18.2,41.1h15.6c0.9,0,1.5-0.7,1.5-1.6V14H7.6L8,32.4L18.2,41.1z" /> <path fill="#BDC8D7" d="M0,15.6V9.8c0-0.9,0.7-1.6,1.5-1.6h32.3c0.9,0,1.5,0.7,1.5,1.6v5.8H0z" /> <path fill="#3497D3" d="M7.6,31.3c0,0.9,0.7,1.6,1.5,1.6h32.4c0.9,0,1.5-0.7,1.5-1.6V5.8H7.6V31.3z" /> <path fill="#0C7AB3" d="M7.6,7.4V1.6C7.6,0.7,8.3,0,9.1,0h32.4C42.4,0,43,0.7,43,1.6v5.8H7.6z" /> <rect x="11.2" y="11" fill="#44ACDF" width="16.8" height="17.9" /> <rect x="31.5" y="11" fill="#44ACDF" width="7.9" height="17.9" /> </svg> </i> {!child_theme_exists ? ( <h2>{__('Install Child Theme', 'blocksy-companion')}</h2> ) : ( <h2>{__('Activate Child Theme', 'blocksy-companion')}</h2> )} {!is_child_theme && ( <Fragment> {!child_theme_exists ? ( <p> {__( 'We strongly recommend to install the child theme, this way you will have freedom to make changes without breaking the parent theme.', 'blocksy-companion' )} </p> ) : ( <p> {__( 'We strongly recommend to activate the child theme, this way you will have freedom to make changes without breaking the parent theme.', 'blocksy-companion' )} </p> )} <Checkbox checked={demoConfiguration.child_theme} onChange={() => setDemoConfiguration({ ...demoConfiguration, child_theme: !demoConfiguration.child_theme, }) }> {!child_theme_exists ? __('Install Child Theme', 'blocksy-companion') : __('Activate Child Theme', 'blocksy-companion')} </Checkbox> </Fragment> )} {is_child_theme && __( 'You already have a child theme properly installed and activated. Move on.', 'blocksy-companion' )} <a href="" target="_blank"> {__('Learn more about child themes', 'blocksy-companion')} </a> </div> ) } export default ChildTheme