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import { createElement, Component, useEffect, useState, useContext, createContext, Fragment } from '@wordpress/element' import { __, sprintf } from 'ct-i18n' import classnames from 'classnames' import Checkbox from '../../../helpers/Checkbox' const Content = ({ demoConfiguration, setDemoConfiguration, currentDemo, style }) => { return ( <div style={style}> <i className="ct-demo-icon"> <svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40"> <path d="M25,22.67a5,5,0,0,1-10,0H0V36a3.33,3.33,0,0,0,3.33,3.33H36.67A3.33,3.33,0,0,0,40,36V22.67Z" transform="translate(0 -0.67)" fill="#bdc8d7"/><rect x="2.5" y="14" width="35" height="3" rx="1.5" fill="#0c7ab3"/><rect x="5" y="7" width="30" height="3" rx="1.5" fill="#3497d3"/><rect x="7.5" width="25" height="3" rx="1.5" fill="#44acdf"/> </svg> </i> <h2>{__('Import Content', 'blocksy-companion')}</h2> <p> {__( 'This will import posts, pages, comments, navigation menus, custom fields, terms and custom posts', 'blocksy-companion' )} </p> {['options', 'widgets', 'content'].map(option => ( <Checkbox checked={demoConfiguration.content[option]} onChange={() => setDemoConfiguration({ ...demoConfiguration, content: { ...demoConfiguration.content, [option]: !demoConfiguration.content[option] } }) } key={option}> {option .split('_') .map(w => w.replace(/^\w/, c => c.toUpperCase())) .join(' ')} </Checkbox> ))} <div className="ct-demo-erase"> <Checkbox checked={demoConfiguration.content.erase_content} onChange={() => setDemoConfiguration({ ...demoConfiguration, content: { ...demoConfiguration.content, erase_content: !demoConfiguration.content .erase_content } }) }> <div> {__('Clean Install', 'blocksy-companion')} <i> {__( 'This option will remove the previous imported content and will perform a fresh and clean install.', 'blocksy-companion' )} </i> </div> </Checkbox> </div> </div> ) } export default Content