Repository URL to install this package:
* Theme updater class.
* @package EDD Theme Updater
class EDD_Theme_Updater {
private $remote_api_url;
private $request_data;
private $response_key;
private $theme_slug;
private $license_key;
private $version;
private $author;
protected $strings = null;
function __construct( $args = array(), $strings = array() ) {
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'remote_api_url' => '',
'request_data' => array(),
'theme_slug' => get_template(),
'item_name' => '',
'license' => '',
'version' => '',
'author' => ''
) );
extract( $args );
$this->license = $license;
$this->item_name = $item_name;
$this->version = $version;
$this->theme_slug = sanitize_key( $theme_slug );
$this->author = $author;
$this->remote_api_url = $remote_api_url;
$this->response_key = $this->theme_slug . '-update-response';
$this->strings = $strings;
add_filter( 'site_transient_update_themes', array( &$this, 'theme_update_transient' ) );
add_filter( 'delete_site_transient_update_themes', array( &$this, 'delete_theme_update_transient' ) );
add_action( 'load-update-core.php', array( &$this, 'delete_theme_update_transient' ) );
add_action( 'load-themes.php', array( &$this, 'delete_theme_update_transient' ) );
add_action( 'load-themes.php', array( &$this, 'load_themes_screen' ) );
function load_themes_screen() {
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( &$this, 'update_nag' ) );
function update_nag() {
$strings = $this->strings;
$theme = wp_get_theme( $this->theme_slug );
$api_response = get_transient( $this->response_key );
if ( false === $api_response ) {
$update_url = wp_nonce_url( 'update.php?action=upgrade-theme&theme=' . urlencode( $this->theme_slug ), 'upgrade-theme_' . $this->theme_slug );
$update_onclick = ' onclick="if ( confirm(\'' . esc_js( $strings['update-notice'] ) . '\') ) {return true;}return false;"';
if ( version_compare( $this->version, $api_response->new_version, '<' ) ) {
echo '<div id="update-nag">';
$theme->get( 'Name' ),
'#TB_inline?width=640&inlineId=' . $this->theme_slug . '_changelog',
$theme->get( 'Name' ),
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id="' . $this->theme_slug . '_' . 'changelog" style="display:none;">';
echo wpautop( $api_response->sections['changelog'] );
echo '</div>';
function theme_update_transient($value) {
$update_data = $this->check_for_update();
if (! isset($value->response)) {
return $value;
if ($update_data && ! isset($value->response[$this->theme_slug])) {
$value->response[$this->theme_slug] = @$update_data;
if (
) > 0
) {
$value->response[$this->theme_slug] = $update_data;
return $value;
function delete_theme_update_transient() {
function check_for_update() {
$update_data = get_transient( $this->response_key );
if ( false === $update_data ) {
$failed = false;
$api_params = array(
'edd_action' => 'get_version',
'license' => $this->license,
'name' => $this->item_name,
'slug' => $this->theme_slug,
'author' => $this->author
$response = wp_remote_post( $this->remote_api_url, array( 'timeout' => 15, 'body' => $api_params ) );
// Make sure the response was successful
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) || 200 != wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) ) {
$failed = true;
$update_data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) );
if ( ! is_object( $update_data ) ) {
$failed = true;
// If the response failed, try again in 30 minutes
if ( $failed ) {
$data = new stdClass;
$data->new_version = $this->version;
set_transient( $this->response_key, $data, strtotime( '+30 minutes' ) );
return false;
// If the status is 'ok', return the update arguments
if ( ! $failed ) {
$update_data->sections = maybe_unserialize( $update_data->sections );
set_transient( $this->response_key, $update_data, strtotime( '+12 hours' ) );
if ( version_compare( $this->version, $update_data->new_version, '>=' ) ) {
return false;
return (array) $update_data;