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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/blocksy-companion-pro   php

Repository URL to install this package:

Version: 1.8.76 


$languages =  apply_filters(

if (empty($languages)) {

$list_class = 'class="ct-language"';

if ($ls_type === 'dropdown') {
	$list_class = '';

	foreach ($languages as $l) {
		if ($l['active']) {
			echo '<div class="ct-language ct-active-language" tabindex="0">';

			if ($l['country_flag_url'] && $language_type['icon']) {
				echo '<img src="' . $l['country_flag_url'] . '" height="12" alt="' . $l['language_code'] . '" width="18">';

			if ($language_type['label']) {
				echo '<span>';

				if ($language_label === 'long') {
					echo $l['native_name'];
				} else {
					echo strtoupper($l['language_code']);

				echo '</span>';

			if ($has_arrow) {
				echo '<svg class="ct-icon" width="8" height="8" viewBox="0 0 15 15"><path d="M2.1,3.2l5.4,5.4l5.4-5.4L15,4.3l-7.5,7.5L0,4.3L2.1,3.2z"></path></svg>';

			echo '</div>';

echo '<ul ' . $list_class . '>';

foreach ($languages as $l) {
	if ($l['active']) {
		if ($hide_current_language) {

		echo '<li class="current-lang">';
	} else {
		echo '<li>';

	echo '<a href="' . $l['url'] . '" aria-label="' . $l['native_name'] . '">';
	if ($l['country_flag_url'] && $language_type['icon']) {
		echo '<img src="' . $l['country_flag_url'] . '" height="12" alt="' . $l['language_code'] . '" width="18">';

	if ($language_type['label']) {
		echo '<span>';
		if ($language_label === 'long') {
			echo $l['native_name'];
		} else {
			echo strtoupper($l['language_code']);
		echo '</span>';

	echo '</a>';

	echo '</li>';

echo '</ul>';