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import { createElement, Fragment, Component, useContext, useState, } from '@wordpress/element' import { Overlay, OptionsPanel, getValueFromInput, ColumnsDragDropContext, Switch, Select, } from 'blocksy-options' import { __ } from 'ct-i18n' import classnames from 'classnames' const CreateFooter = () => { const [isCreating, setIsCreating] = useState(false) const [{ name, copy }, setFooterData] = useState({ name: '', copy: null }) const { builderValueCollection, builderValueDispatch } = useContext( ColumnsDragDropContext ) return ( <Fragment> <div className="ct-create-instance"> <button className="button button-primary" onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault() setIsCreating(true) }}> {__('Create new footer', 'blocksy-companion')} </button> </div> <Overlay items={isCreating} className="ct-admin-modal ct-create-instance-modal" onDismiss={() => { setIsCreating(false) setFooterData({ name: '', copy: null }) }} render={() => ( <div className="ct-modal-content"> <h1>{sprintf(__('Create new footer', 'blocksy-companion'))}</h1> <p> {__( 'Create a new footer and assign it to different pages or posts based on your conditions.', 'blocksy-companion' )} </p> <div className="ct-create-instance-content"> <div className="ct-option-input"> <label>{__('Footer name', 'blocksy-companion')}</label> <input type="text" value={name} onChange={({ target: { value } }) => { setFooterData((data) => ({, name: value, })) }} placeholder={__('Footer name', 'blocksy-companion')} /> </div> <div className={classnames( 'ct-control-copy-instance', { 'ct-disabled': !copy, } )}> <div className="ct-checkbox-container" onClick={() => { setFooterData((data) => ({, copy: data.copy ? null : builderValueCollection.current_section, })) }}> <span className={classnames('ct-checkbox', { active: copy, })}> <svg width="10" height="8" viewBox="0 0 11.2 9.1"> <polyline className="check" points="1.2,4.8 4.4,7.9 9.9,1.2 "></polyline> </svg> </span> {__('Copy elements & styles from', 'blocksy-companion')} </div> <Select onChange={(copy) => setFooterData((data) => ({, copy, })) } option={{ placeholder: __( 'Picker Footer', 'blocksy' ), choices: builderValueCollection.sections .filter( ({ id }) => id !== 'type-2' && id !== 'type-3' ) .map(({ name, id }) => ({ key: id, value: name || { 'type-1': __( 'Global Footer', 'blocksy' ), 'type-2': __( 'Secondary', 'blocksy' ), 'type-3': __( 'Centered', 'blocksy' ), }[id] || id, })), }} value={copy} /> </div> </div> <div className="ct-modal-actions has-divider"> <button className="button-primary" onClick={() => { builderValueDispatch({ type: 'CREATE_NEW_SECTION', payload: { name, copy, }, }) setIsCreating(false) setTimeout(() => { setFooterData({ name: '', copy: null }) }, 1000) }} disabled={!name}> {__('Create New Footer', 'blocksy-companion')} </button> </div> </div> )} /> </Fragment> ) } export default CreateFooter