Repository URL to install this package:
* @package Freemius
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, Freemius, Inc.
* @license GNU General Public License Version 3
* @since 2.0.0
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* @var array $VARS
* @var Freemius $fs
* @var FS_Plugin_License $main_license
$fs = $VARS['freemius'];
$slug = $fs->get_slug();
$site = $VARS['site'];
$main_license = $VARS['license'];
$is_data_debug_mode = $fs->is_data_debug_mode();
$is_whitelabeled = $fs->is_whitelabeled();
$has_paid_plan = $fs->has_paid_plan();
$is_premium = $fs->is_premium();
$main_user = $VARS['user'];
$blog_id = $site['blog_id'];
$install = $VARS['install'];
$is_registered = ! empty( $install );
$license = null;
$trial_plan = $fs->get_trial_plan();
$free_text = fs_text_inline( 'Free', 'free', $slug );
if ( $is_whitelabeled && is_object( $install ) && $fs->is_delegated_connection( $blog_id ) ) {
$is_whitelabeled = $fs->is_whitelabeled( true, $blog_id );
<tr class="fs-site-details" data-blog-id="<?php echo $blog_id ?>"<?php if ( $is_registered ) : ?> data-install-id="<?php echo $install->id ?>"<?php endif ?>>
<!-- Install ID or Opt-in option -->
<td><?php if ( $is_registered ) : ?>
<?php echo $install->id ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php $action = 'opt_in' ?>
<form action="<?php echo $fs->_get_admin_page_url( 'account' ) ?>" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="fs_action" value="<?php echo $action ?>">
<?php wp_nonce_field( trim( "{$action}:{$blog_id}", ':' ) ) ?>
<input type="hidden" name="blog_id" value="<?php echo $blog_id ?>">
<button class="fs-opt-in button button-small"><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Opt In', 'opt-in', $slug ) ?></button>
<?php endif ?>
<!--/ Install ID or Opt-in option -->
<!-- Site URL -->
<td class="fs-field-url fs-main-column"><?php echo fs_strip_url_protocol( $site['url'] ) ?></td>
<!--/ Site URL -->
<!-- License Activation / Deactivation -->
<td><?php if ( $has_paid_plan ) {
$view_params = array(
'freemius' => $fs,
'slug' => $slug,
'blog_id' => $blog_id,
'class' => 'button-small',
$license = null;
if ( $is_registered ) {
$view_params['install_id'] = $install->id;
$view_params['is_localhost'] = $install->is_localhost();
$has_license = FS_Plugin_License::is_valid_id( $install->license_id );
$license = $has_license ?
$fs->_get_license_by_id( $install->license_id ) :
} else {
$view_params['is_localhost'] = FS_Site::is_localhost_by_address( $site['url'] );
if ( ! $is_whitelabeled ) {
if ( is_object( $license ) ) {
$view_params['license'] = $license;
// Show license deactivation button.
fs_require_template( 'account/partials/deactivate-license-button.php', $view_params );
} else {
if ( is_object( $main_license ) && $main_license->can_activate( $view_params['is_localhost'] ) ) {
// Main license is available for activation.
$available_license = $main_license;
} else {
// Try to find any available license for activation.
$available_license = $fs->_get_available_premium_license( $view_params['is_localhost'] );
if ( is_object( $available_license ) ) {
$premium_plan = $fs->_get_plan_by_id( $available_license->plan_id );
$view_params['license'] = $available_license;
$view_params['class'] .= ' button-primary';
$view_params['plan'] = $premium_plan;
fs_require_template( 'account/partials/activate-license-button.php', $view_params );
} ?></td>
<!--/ License Activation / Deactivation -->
<!-- Plan -->
<td><?php if ( $is_registered ) : ?>
if ( ! $has_paid_plan ) {
$plan_title = $free_text;
} else {
if ( $install->is_trial() ) {
if ( is_object( $trial_plan ) && $trial_plan->id == $install->trial_plan_id ) {
$plan_title = is_string( $trial_plan->name ) ?
strtoupper( $trial_plan->title ) :
fs_text_inline( 'Trial', 'trial', $slug );
} else {
$plan_title = fs_text_inline( 'Trial', 'trial', $slug );
} else {
$plan = $fs->_get_plan_by_id( $install->plan_id );
$plan_title = strtoupper( is_string( $plan->title ) ?
$plan->title :
strtoupper( $free_text )
<code><?php echo $plan_title ?></code>
<?php endif ?></td>
<!--/ Plan -->
<!-- More details button -->
<td><?php if ( $is_registered ) : ?>
<button class="fs-show-install-details button button-small">More details <i
class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-right-alt2"></i>
</button><?php endif ?></td>
<!--/ More details button -->
<?php if ( $is_registered ) : ?>
<!-- More details -->
<tr class="fs-install-details" data-install-id="<?php echo $install->id ?>" style="display: none">
<td colspan="5">
<table class="widefat fs-key-value-table">
<?php $row_index = 0 ?>
<!-- Blog ID -->
<tr <?php if ( 1 == $row_index % 2 ) {
echo ' class="alternate"';
} ?>>
<nobr><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Blog ID', 'blog-id', $slug ) ?>:</nobr>
<td><code><?php echo $blog_id ?></code></td>
<td><?php if ( ! FS_Plugin_License::is_valid_id( $install->license_id ) ) : ?>
<!-- Toggle Usage Tracking -->
<?php $action = 'toggle_tracking' ?>
<?php $is_disconnected = ! FS_Permission_Manager::instance( $fs )->is_homepage_url_tracking_allowed( $blog_id ) ?>
<form action="<?php echo $fs->_get_admin_page_url( 'account' ) ?>" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="fs_action" value="<?php echo $action ?>">
<?php wp_nonce_field( trim( "{$action}:{$blog_id}:{$install->id}", ':' ) ) ?>
<input type="hidden" name="install_id" value="<?php echo $install->id ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="blog_id" value="<?php echo $blog_id ?>">
<button class="fs-toggle-tracking button button-small<?php if ( $is_disconnected ) {
echo ' button-primary';
} ?>" data-is-disconnected="<?php echo $is_disconnected ? 'true' : 'false' ?>"><?php $is_disconnected ? fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Opt In', 'opt-in', $slug ) : fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Opt Out', 'opt-out', $slug ) ?></button>
<!--/ Toggle Usage Tracking -->
<?php endif ?></td>
<?php $row_index ++ ?>
<!--/ Blog ID -->
<?php if ( $install->user_id != $main_user->id ) : ?>
* @var FS_User $user
$user = Freemius::_get_user_by_id( $install->user_id ) ?>
<?php if ( is_object( $user ) ) : ?>
<!-- User Name -->
<tr <?php if ( 1 == $row_index % 2 ) {
echo ' class="alternate"';
} ?>>
<nobr><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Owner Name', 'owner-name', $slug ) ?>:</nobr>
<td colspan="2"><code><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $user->get_name() ) ?></code></td>
<?php $row_index ++ ?>
<!--/ User Name -->
<!-- User Email -->
<tr <?php if ( 1 == $row_index % 2 ) {
echo ' class="alternate"';
} ?>>
<nobr><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Owner Email', 'owner-email', $slug ) ?>:</nobr>
<td colspan="2"><code><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $user->email ) ?></code></td>
<?php $row_index ++ ?>
<!--/ User Email -->
<!-- User ID -->
<tr <?php if ( 1 == $row_index % 2 ) {
echo ' class="alternate"';
} ?>>
<nobr><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Owner ID', 'owner-id', $slug ) ?>:</nobr>
<td colspan="2"><code><?php echo $user->id ?></code></td>
<?php $row_index ++ ?>
<!--/ User ID -->
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>
<!-- Public Key -->
<tr <?php if ( 1 == $row_index % 2 ) {
echo ' class="alternate"';
} ?>>
<nobr><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Public Key', 'public-key', $slug ) ?>:</nobr>
<td><code><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $install->public_key ) ?></code></td>
<?php $row_index ++ ?>
<!--/ Public Key -->
<!-- Secret Key -->
<tr <?php if ( 1 == $row_index % 2 ) {
echo ' class="alternate"';
} ?>>
<nobr><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Secret Key', 'secret-key', $slug ) ?>:</nobr>
<code><?php echo FS_Plugin_License::mask_secret_key_for_html( $install->secret_key ) ?></code>
<?php if ( ! $is_whitelabeled ) : ?>
<input type="text" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $install->secret_key ) ?>"
style="display: none" readonly/></td>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ( ! $is_whitelabeled ) : ?>
<td><button class="button button-small fs-toggle-visibility"><?php fs_esc_html_echo_x_inline( 'Show', 'verb', 'show', $slug ) ?></button></td>
<?php endif ?>
<?php $row_index ++ ?>
<!--/ Secret Key -->
<?php if ( is_object( $license ) ) : ?>
<!-- License Key -->
<tr <?php if ( 1 == $row_index % 2 ) {
echo ' class="alternate"';
} ?>>
<nobr><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'License Key', 'license-key', $slug ) ?>:</nobr>
<code><?php echo $license->get_html_escaped_masked_secret_key() ?></code>
<?php if ( ! $is_whitelabeled ) : ?>
<input type="text" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $license->secret_key ) ?>"
style="display: none" readonly/></td>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ( ! $is_whitelabeled ) : ?>
<button class="button button-small fs-toggle-visibility"><?php fs_esc_html_echo_x_inline( 'Show', 'verb', 'show', $slug ) ?></button>
<button class="button button-small activate-license-trigger <?php echo $fs->get_unique_affix() ?>"><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Change License', 'change-license', $slug ) ?></button>
<?php endif ?>
<?php $row_index ++ ?>
<!--/ License Key -->
<?php if ( ! is_object( $main_license ) || $main_license->id != $license->id ) : ?>
<?php $subscription = $fs->_get_subscription( $license->id ) ?>
<?php if ( ! $license->is_lifetime() && is_object( $subscription ) ) : ?>
<!-- Subscription -->
<tr <?php if ( 1 == $row_index % 2 ) {
echo ' class="alternate"';
} ?>>
<nobr><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Subscription', 'subscription', $slug ) ?>:</nobr>
$is_active_subscription = $subscription->is_active();
$renews_in_text = fs_text_inline( 'Auto renews in %s', 'renews-in', $slug );
/* translators: %s: Time period (e.g. Expires in "2 months") */
$expires_in_text = fs_text_inline( 'Expires in %s', 'expires-in', $slug );
<code><?php echo $subscription->id ?> - <?php
echo ( 12 == $subscription->billing_cycle ?
_fs_text_inline( 'Annual', 'annual', $slug ) :
_fs_text_inline( 'Monthly', 'monthly', $slug )
<?php if ( ! $is_active_subscription && ! $license->is_first_payment_pending() ) : ?>
<label class="fs-tag fs-warn"><?php echo esc_html( sprintf( $expires_in_text, human_time_diff( time(), strtotime( $license->expiration ) ) ) ) ?></label>
<?php elseif ( $is_active_subscription && ! $subscription->is_first_payment_pending() ) : ?>
<label class="fs-tag fs-success"><?php echo esc_html( sprintf( $renews_in_text, human_time_diff( time(), strtotime( $subscription->next_payment ) ) ) ) ?></label>
<?php endif ?>
<td><?php if ( $is_active_subscription ) : ?>
$downgrading_plan_text = fs_text_inline( 'Downgrading your plan', 'downgrading-plan', $slug );
$cancelling_subscription_text = fs_text_inline( 'Cancelling the subscription', 'cancelling-subscription', $slug );
/* translators: %1$s: Either 'Downgrading your plan' or 'Cancelling the subscription' */
$downgrade_x_confirm_text = fs_text_inline( '%1$s will immediately stop all future recurring payments and your %2$s plan license will expire in %3$s.', 'downgrade-x-confirm', $slug );
$prices_increase_text = fs_text_inline( 'Please note that we will not be able to grandfather outdated pricing for renewals/new subscriptions after a cancellation. If you choose to renew the subscription manually in the future, after a price increase, which typically occurs once a year, you will be charged the updated price.', 'pricing-increase-warning', $slug );
$after_downgrade_non_blocking_text = fs_text_inline( 'You can still enjoy all %s features but you will not have access to %s security & feature updates, nor support.', 'after-downgrade-non-blocking', $slug );
$after_downgrade_blocking_text = fs_text_inline( 'Once your license expires you can still use the Free version but you will NOT have access to the %s features.', 'after-downgrade-blocking', $slug );
$downgrade_text = fs_text_x_inline( 'Downgrade', 'verb', 'downgrade', $slug );
$human_readable_license_expiration = human_time_diff( time(), strtotime( $license->expiration ) );
$downgrade_confirmation_message = sprintf(
( $fs->is_only_premium() ? $cancelling_subscription_text : $downgrading_plan_text ),
$after_downgrade_message = ! $license->is_block_features ?
sprintf( $after_downgrade_non_blocking_text, $plan->title, $fs->get_module_label( true ) ) :
sprintf( $after_downgrade_blocking_text, $plan->title );
<?php $action = 'downgrade_account' ?>
<form id="fs_downgrade" action="<?php echo $fs->_get_admin_page_url( 'account' ) ?>" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="fs_action" value="<?php echo $action ?>">
<?php wp_nonce_field( trim( "{$action}:{$blog_id}", ':' ) ) ?>
<input type="hidden" name="blog_id" value="<?php echo $blog_id ?>">
<button class="button button-small" onclick="if (confirm('<?php echo esc_attr( $downgrade_confirmation_message . ' ' . $after_downgrade_message . ' ' . $prices_increase_text ) ?>')) { this.parentNode.submit(); } else { return false; }"><?php echo $downgrade_text ?></button>
<?php endif ?></td>
<?php $row_index ++ ?>
<?php endif ?>
<!--/ Subscription -->
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>
<!--/ More details -->
<?php endif ?>