Repository URL to install this package:
* @package Freemius
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, Freemius, Inc.
* @license GNU General Public License Version 3
* @since 1.1.2
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* @var array $VARS
$fs = freemius( $VARS['id'] );
$slug = $fs->get_slug();
$subscription_cancellation_dialog_box_template_params = $VARS['subscription_cancellation_dialog_box_template_params'];
$show_deactivation_feedback_form = $VARS['show_deactivation_feedback_form'];
$confirmation_message = $VARS['uninstall_confirmation_message'];
$is_anonymous = ( ! $fs->is_registered() );
$anonymous_feedback_checkbox_html = '';
$reasons_list_items_html = '';
$snooze_select_html = '';
if ( $show_deactivation_feedback_form ) {
$reasons = $VARS['reasons'];
foreach ( $reasons as $reason ) {
$list_item_classes = 'reason' . ( ! empty( $reason['input_type'] ) ? ' has-input' : '' );
if ( isset( $reason['internal_message'] ) && ! empty( $reason['internal_message'] ) ) {
$list_item_classes .= ' has-internal-message';
$reason_internal_message = $reason['internal_message'];
} else {
$reason_internal_message = '';
$reason_input_type = ( ! empty( $reason['input_type'] ) ? $reason['input_type'] : '' );
$reason_input_placeholder = ( ! empty( $reason['input_placeholder'] ) ? $reason['input_placeholder'] : '' );
$reason_list_item_html = <<< HTML
<li class="{$list_item_classes}"
<input type="radio" name="selected-reason" value="{$reason['id']}"/>
<div class="internal-message">{$reason_internal_message}</div>
$reasons_list_items_html .= $reason_list_item_html;
if ( $is_anonymous ) {
$anonymous_feedback_checkbox_html = sprintf(
'<label class="anonymous-feedback-label"><input type="checkbox" class="anonymous-feedback-checkbox"> %s</label>',
fs_esc_html_inline( 'Anonymous feedback', 'anonymous-feedback', $slug )
$snooze_periods = array(
'increment' => fs_text_inline( 'hour', $slug ),
'quantity' => number_format_i18n(1),
'value' => 6 * WP_FS__TIME_10_MIN_IN_SEC,
'increment' => fs_text_inline( 'hours', $slug ),
'quantity' => number_format_i18n(24),
'value' => WP_FS__TIME_24_HOURS_IN_SEC,
'increment' => fs_text_inline( 'days', $slug ),
'quantity' => number_format_i18n(7),
'value' => WP_FS__TIME_WEEK_IN_SEC,
'increment' => fs_text_inline( 'days', $slug ),
'quantity' => number_format_i18n(30),
'value' => 30 * WP_FS__TIME_24_HOURS_IN_SEC,
$snooze_select_html = '<select>';
foreach ($snooze_periods as $period) {
$snooze_select_html .= sprintf(
'<option value="%s">%s %s</option>',
$snooze_select_html .= '</select>';
// Aliases.
$deactivate_text = fs_text_inline( 'Deactivate', 'deactivate', $slug );
$theme_text = fs_text_inline( 'Theme', 'theme', $slug );
$activate_x_text = fs_text_inline( 'Activate %s', 'activate-x', $slug );
$submit_deactivate_text = sprintf(
fs_text_inline( 'Submit & %s', 'deactivation-modal-button-submit', $slug ),
$fs->is_plugin() ?
$deactivate_text :
sprintf( $activate_x_text, $theme_text )
fs_enqueue_local_style( 'fs_dialog_boxes', '/admin/dialog-boxes.css' );
if ( ! empty( $subscription_cancellation_dialog_box_template_params ) ) {
fs_require_template( 'forms/subscription-cancellation.php', $subscription_cancellation_dialog_box_template_params );
<script type="text/javascript">
(function ($) {
var reasonsHtml = <?php echo json_encode( $reasons_list_items_html ) ?>,
modalHtml =
'<div class="fs-modal fs-modal-deactivation-feedback<?php echo empty( $confirmation_message ) ? ' no-confirmation-message' : ''; ?>">'
+ ' <div class="fs-modal-dialog">'
+ ' <div class="fs-modal-header">'
+ ' <h4><?php fs_esc_attr_echo_inline( 'Quick Feedback', 'quick-feedback' , $slug ) ?></h4>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' <div class="fs-modal-body">'
+ ' <div class="fs-modal-panel" data-panel-id="confirm"><p><?php echo $confirmation_message; ?></p></div>'
+ ' <div class="fs-modal-panel active" data-panel-id="reasons"><h3><strong><?php echo esc_js( sprintf( fs_text_inline( 'If you have a moment, please let us know why you are %s', 'deactivation-share-reason' , $slug ), ( $fs->is_plugin() ? fs_text_inline( 'deactivating', 'deactivating', $slug ) : fs_text_inline( 'switching', 'switching', $slug ) ) ) ) ?>:</strong></h3><ul id="reasons-list">' + reasonsHtml + '</ul></div>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' <div class="fs-modal-footer">'
+ ' <?php echo $anonymous_feedback_checkbox_html ?>'
+ ' <label style="display: none" class="feedback-from-snooze-label"><input type="checkbox" class="feedback-from-snooze-checkbox"> <span><?php fs_esc_js_echo_inline( 'Snooze this panel during troubleshooting', 'snooze-panel-during-troubleshooting', $slug ) ?></span><span style="display: none"><?php fs_esc_js_echo_inline( 'Snooze this panel for', 'snooze-panel-for', $slug ) ?> <?php echo $snooze_select_html ?></span></label>'
+ ' <a href="#" class="button button-secondary button-deactivate"></a>'
+ ' <a href="#" class="button button-secondary button-close"><?php fs_esc_js_echo_inline( 'Cancel', 'cancel', $slug ) ?></a>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' </div>'
+ '</div>',
$modal = $(modalHtml),
selectedReasonID = false,
redirectLink = '',
$anonymousFeedback = $modal.find( '.anonymous-feedback-label' ),
$feedbackSnooze = $modal.find( '.feedback-from-snooze-label' ),
isAnonymous = <?php echo ( $is_anonymous ? 'true' : 'false' ); ?>,
otherReasonID = <?php echo Freemius::REASON_OTHER; ?>,
dontShareDataReasonID = <?php echo Freemius::REASON_DONT_LIKE_TO_SHARE_MY_INFORMATION; ?>,
deleteThemeUpdateData = <?php echo $fs->is_theme() && $fs->is_premium() && ! $fs->has_any_active_valid_license() ? 'true' : 'false' ?>,
$subscriptionCancellationModal = $( '.fs-modal-subscription-cancellation-<?php echo $fs->get_id() ?>' ),
showDeactivationFeedbackForm = <?php echo ( $show_deactivation_feedback_form ? 'true' : 'false' ) ?>,
$body = $( 'body' );
$modal.appendTo( $body );
if ( 0 !== $subscriptionCancellationModal.length ) {
$subscriptionCancellationModal.on( '<?php echo $fs->get_action_tag( 'subscription_cancellation_action' ) ?>', function( evt, cancelSubscription ) {
var shouldDeactivateModule = ( $modal.hasClass( 'no-confirmation-message' ) && ! showDeactivationFeedbackForm );
if ( false === cancelSubscription ) {
if ( ! shouldDeactivateModule ) {
$subscriptionCancellationModal.trigger( 'closeModal' );
if ( shouldDeactivateModule ) {
} else {
var $errorMessage = $subscriptionCancellationModal.find( '.notice-error' );
$subscription_cancellation_context = $fs->is_paid_trial() ?
fs_text_inline( 'trial', 'trial', $slug ) :
fs_text_inline( 'subscription', 'subscription', $slug );
url : <?php echo Freemius::ajax_url() ?>,
method : 'POST',
data : {
action : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_action( 'cancel_subscription_or_trial' ) ?>',
security : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_security( 'cancel_subscription_or_trial' ) ?>',
module_id: '<?php echo $fs->get_id() ?>'
beforeSend: function() {
$subscriptionCancellationModal.find( '.fs-modal-footer .button' ).addClass( 'disabled' );
$subscriptionCancellationModal.find( '.fs-modal-footer .button-primary' ).text( '<?php echo esc_js(
sprintf( fs_text_inline( 'Cancelling %s...', 'cancelling-x' , $slug ), $subscription_cancellation_context )
) ?>' );
success: function( result ) {
if ( result.success ) {
$subscriptionCancellationModal.removeClass( 'has-subscription-actions' );
$subscriptionCancellationModal.find( '.fs-modal-footer .button-primary' ).removeClass( 'warn' );
if ( ! shouldDeactivateModule ) {
} else {
} else {
$errorMessage.find( '> p' ).html( result.error );
$subscriptionCancellationModal.find( '.fs-modal-footer .button' ).removeClass( 'disabled' );
$subscriptionCancellationModal.find( '.fs-modal-footer .button-primary' ).html( <?php echo json_encode( sprintf(
fs_text_inline( 'Cancel %s & Proceed', 'cancel-x-and-proceed', $slug ),
ucfirst( $subscription_cancellation_context )
) ) ?> );
function registerEventHandlers() {
$body.on( 'click', '#the-list .deactivate > a', function ( evt ) {
if ( 0 === $( this ).next( '[data-module-id=<?php echo $fs->get_id() ?>].fs-module-id' ).length ) {
return true;
redirectLink = $(this).attr('href');
if ( 0 == $subscriptionCancellationModal.length ) {
} else {
$subscriptionCancellationModal.trigger( 'showModal' );
if ( ! $fs->is_plugin() ) {
* For "theme" module type, the modal is shown when the current user clicks on
* the "Activate" button of any other theme. The "Activate" button is actually
* a link to the "Themes" page (/wp-admin/themes.php) containing query params
* that tell WordPress to deactivate the current theme and activate a different theme.
* @author Leo Fajardo (@leorw)
* @since 1.2.2
* @since Don't trigger the deactivation feedback form if activating the premium version of the theme.
$('body').on('click', '.theme-browser .theme:not([data-slug=<?php echo $fs->get_premium_slug() ?>]) .theme-actions .button.activate', function (evt) {
redirectLink = $(this).attr('href');
if ( 0 != $subscriptionCancellationModal.length ) {
$subscriptionCancellationModal.trigger( 'showModal' );
} else {
if ( $modal.hasClass( 'no-confirmation-message' ) && ! showDeactivationFeedbackForm ) {
} else {
} ?>
$modal.on('input propertychange', '.reason-input input', function () {
var reason = $(this).val().trim();
* If reason is not empty, remove the error-message class of the message container
* to change the message color back to default.
if (reason.length > 0) {
toggleDeactivationButtonPrimary( reason.length > 0 );
$modal.on('blur', '.reason-input input', function () {
var $userReason = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
if (!isOtherReasonSelected()) {
* If reason is empty, add the error-message class to the message container
* to change the message color to red.
if (0 === $userReason.val().trim().length) {
}, 150);
$modal.on('click', '.fs-modal-footer .button', function (evt) {
if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
var _parent = $(this).parents('.fs-modal:first');
var _this = $(this);
if (_this.hasClass('allow-deactivate')) {
$radio = $modal.find('input[type="radio"]:checked'),
isReasonSelected = (0 < $radio.length),
userReason = '';
if ( isReasonSelected ) {
var $selectedReason = $radio.parents('li:first'),
$reasonInput = $selectedReason.find('textarea, input[type="text"]');
if ( 0 < $reasonInput.length ) {
userReason = $reasonInput.val().trim();
if ( otherReasonID == selectedReasonID && '' === userReason ) {
// If the 'Other' is selected and a reason is not provided (aka it's empty), treat it as if a reason wasn't selected at all.
isReasonSelected = false;
_parent.find( '.fs-modal-footer .button' ).addClass( 'disabled' );
if ( ! isReasonSelected ) {
if ( ! deleteThemeUpdateData ) {
// If no selected reason, just deactivate the plugin.
window.location.href = redirectLink;
} else {
url : <?php echo Freemius::ajax_url() ?>,
method : 'POST',
data : {
action : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_action( 'delete_theme_update_data' ) ?>',
security : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_security( 'delete_theme_update_data' ) ?>',
module_id: '<?php echo $fs->get_id() ?>'
beforeSend: function() {
_parent.find( '.fs-modal-footer .button-deactivate' ).text( '<?php echo esc_js( fs_text_inline( 'Processing', 'processing', $slug ) ) ?>...' );
complete : function() {
window.location.href = redirectLink;
var snoozePeriod = 0,
shouldSnooze = $feedbackSnooze.find( '.feedback-from-snooze-checkbox' ).is( ':checked' );
if ( shouldSnooze && <?php echo Freemius::REASON_TEMPORARY_DEACTIVATION ?> == selectedReasonID ) {
snoozePeriod = parseInt($feedbackSnooze.find('select').val(), 10);
url : <?php echo Freemius::ajax_url() ?>,
method : 'POST',
data : {
action : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_action( 'submit_uninstall_reason' ) ?>',
security : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_security( 'submit_uninstall_reason' ) ?>',
module_id : '<?php echo $fs->get_id() ?>',
reason_id : $radio.val(),
reason_info : userReason,
is_anonymous : isAnonymousFeedback(),
snooze_period: snoozePeriod
beforeSend: function () {
_parent.find('.fs-modal-footer .button-deactivate').text('<?php echo esc_js( fs_text_inline( 'Processing', 'processing', $slug ) ) ?>...');
complete : function () {
// Do not show the dialog box, deactivate the plugin.
window.location.href = redirectLink;
} else if (_this.hasClass('button-deactivate')) {
// Change the Deactivate button's text and show the reasons panel.
if ( showDeactivationFeedbackForm ) {
} else {
$modal.on('click', 'input[type="radio"]', function () {
var $selectedReasonOption = $( this );
// If the selection has not changed, do not proceed.
if (selectedReasonID === $selectedReasonOption.val())
selectedReasonID = $selectedReasonOption.val();
if ( isAnonymous ) {
if ( isReasonSelected( dontShareDataReasonID ) ) {
} else {
var _parent = $(this).parents('li:first');
$modal.find( '.internal-message' ).hide();
$modal.find('.button-deactivate').html('<?php echo esc_js( $submit_deactivate_text ) ?>');
if ( _parent.hasClass( 'has-internal-message' ) ) {
_parent.find( '.internal-message' ).show();
if ( ! _parent.hasClass('has-input') ) {
toggleDeactivationButtonPrimary( true );
} else {
toggleDeactivationButtonPrimary( false );
var inputType ='input-type'),
inputPlaceholder ='input-placeholder'),
reasonInputHtml = '<div class="reason-input"><span class="message"></span>' + ( ( 'textfield' === inputType ) ? '<input type="text" maxlength="128" />' : '<textarea rows="5" maxlength="128"></textarea>' ) + '</div>';
_parent.find('input, textarea').attr('placeholder', inputPlaceholder).focus();
if (isOtherReasonSelected()) {
showMessage('<?php echo esc_js( fs_text_inline( 'Kindly tell us the reason so we can improve.', 'ask-for-reason-message' , $slug ) ); ?>');
$anonymousFeedback.toggle( <?php echo Freemius::REASON_TEMPORARY_DEACTIVATION ?> != selectedReasonID );
$feedbackSnooze.toggle( <?php echo Freemius::REASON_TEMPORARY_DEACTIVATION ?> == selectedReasonID );
if ( <?php echo Freemius::REASON_TEMPORARY_DEACTIVATION ?> == selectedReasonID ) {
var toggleDeactivationButtonPrimary = function ( isPrimary ) {
if ( isPrimary ) {
.removeClass( 'button-secondary' )
.addClass( 'button-primary' );
} else {
.addClass( 'button-secondary' )
.removeClass( 'button-primary' );
var snooze = false;
var updateDeactivationButtonOnTrouble = function () {
if ( snooze ) {
$modal.find('.button-deactivate').html('<?php echo esc_js( sprintf(
fs_text_inline( 'Snooze & %s', 'snooze-modal-button-submit' , $slug ),
$fs->is_plugin() ?
$deactivate_text :
sprintf( $activate_x_text, $theme_text )
) ) ?>');
} else {
$modal.find('.button-deactivate').html('<?php echo esc_js(
$fs->is_plugin() ?
$deactivate_text :
sprintf( $activate_x_text, $theme_text )
) ?>');
$feedbackSnooze.on( 'click', 'input', function () {
var $spans = $feedbackSnooze.find( 'span' );
snooze = ( ! snooze );
$( $spans[0] ).toggle();
$( $spans[1] ).toggle();
// If the user has clicked outside the window, cancel it.
$modal.on('click', function (evt) {
var $target = $(;
// If the user has clicked anywhere in the modal dialog, just return.
if ($target.hasClass('fs-modal-body') || $target.hasClass('fs-modal-footer')) {
// If the user has not clicked the close button and the clicked element is inside the modal dialog, just return.
if (
! $target.hasClass( 'button-close' ) &&
( $target.parents( '.fs-modal-body' ).length > 0 || $target.parents( '.fs-modal-footer' ).length > 0 )
) {
return false;
function isAnonymousFeedback() {
if ( ! isAnonymous ) {
return false;
return ( isReasonSelected( dontShareDataReasonID ) || $anonymousFeedback.find( 'input' ).prop( 'checked' ) );
function isReasonSelected( reasonID ) {
// Get the selected radio input element.
var $selectedReasonOption = $modal.find('input[type="radio"]:checked');
return ( reasonID == $selectedReasonOption.val() );
function isOtherReasonSelected() {
return isReasonSelected( otherReasonID );
function showModal() {
// Display the dialog box.
function closeModal() {
function resetModal() {
selectedReasonID = false;
// Uncheck all radio buttons.
$modal.find('input[type="radio"]').prop('checked', false);
// Remove all input fields ( textfield, textarea ).
if ( isAnonymous ) {
$anonymousFeedback.find( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', <?php echo $fs->apply_filters( 'default_to_anonymous_feedback', false ) ? 'true' : 'false' ?> );
// Hide, since by default there is no selected reason.
var $deactivateButton = $modal.find('.button-deactivate');
* If the modal dialog has no confirmation message, that is, it has only one panel, then ensure
* that clicking the deactivate button will actually deactivate the plugin.
if ( $modal.hasClass( 'no-confirmation-message' ) ) {
$deactivateButton.addClass( 'allow-deactivate' );
showPanel( 'reasons' );
} else {
$deactivateButton.removeClass( 'allow-deactivate' );
showPanel( 'confirm' );
function showMessage(message) {
* @author Xiaheng Chen (@xhchen)
* @since 2.4.2
function changeDeactivateButtonText() {
if ( ! isOtherReasonSelected()) {
$userReason = $modal.find('.reason-input input'),
$deactivateButton = $modal.find('.button-deactivate');
if (0 === $userReason.val().trim().length) {
// If the reason is empty, just change the text to 'Deactivate' (plugin) or 'Activate themeX' (theme).
$deactivateButton.html('<?php echo
$fs->is_plugin() ?
$deactivate_text :
sprintf( $activate_x_text, $theme_text )
} else {
$deactivateButton.html('<?php echo esc_js( $submit_deactivate_text ) ?>');
function showPanel(panelType) {
$modal.find( '.fs-modal-panel' ).removeClass( 'active' );
$modal.find( '[data-panel-id="' + panelType + '"]' ).addClass( 'active' );
function updateButtonLabels() {
var $deactivateButton = $modal.find( '.button-deactivate' );
// Reset the deactivate button's text.
if ( 'confirm' === getCurrentPanel() ) {
$deactivateButton.text( <?php echo json_encode( sprintf(
fs_text_inline( 'Yes - %s', 'deactivation-modal-button-confirm', $slug ),
$fs->is_plugin() ?
$deactivate_text :
sprintf( $activate_x_text, $theme_text )
) ) ?> );
} else {
$deactivateButton.html( <?php echo json_encode( sprintf(
fs_text_inline('Skip & %s', 'skip-and-x', $slug ),
$fs->is_plugin() ?
$deactivate_text :
sprintf( $activate_x_text, $theme_text )
) ) ?> );
function getCurrentPanel() {
return $modal.find('').attr('data-panel-id');
* @author Leo Fajardo (@leorw)
* @since 2.3.0
function deactivateModule() {
window.location.href = redirectLink;