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Version: 2.3.7 

/ campaignmonitor / createsend-php / csrest_lists.php

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/class/base_classes.php';



 * Class to access a lists resources from the create send API.
 * This class includes functions to create lists and custom fields,
 * along with accessing the subscribers of a specific list
 * @author tobyb
if (!class_exists('CS_REST_Lists')) {
    class CS_REST_Lists extends CS_REST_Wrapper_Base {

         * The base route of the lists resource.
         * @var string
         * @access private
        var $_lists_base_route;

         * Constructor.
         * @param $list_id string The list id to access (Ignored for create requests)
         * @param $auth_details array Authentication details to use for API calls.
         *        This array must take one of the following forms:
         *        If using OAuth to authenticate:
         *        array(
         *          'access_token' => 'your access token',
         *          'refresh_token' => 'your refresh token')
         *        Or if using an API key:
         *        array('api_key' => 'your api key')
         * @param $protocol string The protocol to use for requests (http|https)
         * @param $debug_level int The level of debugging required CS_REST_LOG_NONE | CS_REST_LOG_ERROR | CS_REST_LOG_WARNING | CS_REST_LOG_VERBOSE
         * @param $host string The host to send API requests to. There is no need to change this
         * @param $log CS_REST_Log The logger to use. Used for dependency injection
         * @param $serialiser The serialiser to use. Used for dependency injection
         * @param $transport The transport to use. Used for dependency injection
         * @access public
        function __construct (
        $protocol = 'https',
        $debug_level = CS_REST_LOG_NONE,
        $host = 'api.createsend.com',
        $log = NULL,
        $serialiser = NULL,
        $transport = NULL) {

            parent::__construct($auth_details, $protocol, $debug_level, $host, $log, $serialiser, $transport);

         * Change the list id used for calls after construction
         * @param $list_id
         * @access public
        function set_list_id($list_id) {
            $this->_lists_base_route = $this->_base_route.'lists/'.$list_id.'/';

         * Creates a new list based on the provided details.
         * Both the UnsubscribePage and the ConfirmationSuccessPage parameters are optional
         * @param string $client_id The client to create the campaign for
         * @param array $list_details The list details to use during creation.
         *     This array should be of the form
         *     array(
         *         'Title' => string The list title
         *         'UnsubscribePage' => string The page to redirect subscribers to when they unsubscribe
         *         'ConfirmedOptIn' => boolean Whether this list requires confirmation of subscription
         *         'ConfirmationSuccessPage' => string The page to redirect subscribers to when
         *             they confirm their subscription
         *         'UnsubscribeSetting' => string Unsubscribe setting must be
         *             See the documentation for details: http://www.campaignmonitor.com/api/lists/#creating_a_list
         *     )
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be the ID of the newly created list
        function create($client_id, $list_details) {
            return $this->post_request($this->_base_route.'lists/'.$client_id.'.json', $list_details);

         * Updates the details of an existing list
         * Both the UnsubscribePage and the ConfirmationSuccessPage parameters are optional
         * @param string $client_id The client to create the campaign for
         * @param array $list_details The list details to use during creation.
         *     This array should be of the form
         *     array(
         *         'Title' => string The list title
         *         'UnsubscribePage' => string The page to redirect subscribers to when they unsubscribe
         *         'ConfirmedOptIn' => boolean Whether this list requires confirmation of subscription
         *         'ConfirmationSuccessPage' => string The page to redirect subscribers to when
         *             they confirm their subscription
         *         'UnsubscribeSetting' => string Unsubscribe setting must be
         *             See the documentation for details: http://www.campaignmonitor.com/api/lists/#updating_a_list
         *         'AddUnsubscribesToSuppList' => boolean When UnsubscribeSetting
         *             whether unsubscribes from this list should be added to the
         *             suppression list.
         *         'ScrubActiveWithSuppList' => boolean When UnsubscribeSetting
         *             whether active subscribers should be scrubbed against the
         *             suppression list.
         *     )
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
        function update($list_details) {
            return $this->put_request(trim($this->_lists_base_route, '/').'.json', $list_details);

         * Creates a new custom field for the current list
         * @param array $custom_field_details The details of the new custom field.
         *     This array should be of the form
         *     array(
         *         'FieldName' => string The name of the new custom field
         *         'DataType' => string The data type of the new custom field
         *             This should be one of
         *             CS_REST_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE_TEXT
         *             CS_REST_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE_NUMBER
         *             CS_REST_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE_DATE
         *             CS_REST_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE_COUNTRY
         *             CS_REST_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE_USSTATE
         *         'Options' => array<string> Valid options for either
         *           Multi-Optioned field data type.
         *         'VisibleInPreferenceCenter' => boolean representing whether or
         *           not the field should be visible in the subscriber preference
         *           center.
         *     )
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be the 
         * personalisation tag of the newly created custom field
        function create_custom_field($custom_field_details) {
            return $this->post_request($this->_lists_base_route.'customfields.json', $custom_field_details);

         * Updates a custom field for the current list
         * @param string $key The personalisation tag of the field to update
         * @param array $custom_field_details The details of the new custom field.
         *     This array should be of the form
         *     array(
         *         'FieldName' => string The new name for the field
         *         'VisibleInPreferenceCenter' => boolean representing whether or
         *           not the field should be visible in the subscriber preference
         *           center.
         *     )
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be the
         * personalisation tag of the updated custom field
        function update_custom_field($key, $custom_field_details) {
            return $this->put_request($this->_lists_base_route.'customfields/'.rawurlencode($key).'.json',

         * Updates the optios for the given multi-optioned custom field
         * @param string $key The personalisation tag of the field to update
         * @param array<string> $new_options The set of options to add to the custom field
         * @param boolean $keep_existing Whether to remove any existing options not contained in $new_options
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
        function update_field_options($key, $new_options, $keep_existing) {
            $options = array(
                'KeepExistingOptions' => $keep_existing,
                'Options' => $new_options
            return $this->put_request($this->_lists_base_route.'customfields/'.rawurlencode($key).'/options.json', 

         * Deletes an existing list from the system
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
        function delete() {
            return $this->delete_request(trim($this->_lists_base_route, '/').'.json');

         * Deletes an existing custom field from the system
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
        function delete_custom_field($key) {
            return $this->delete_request($this->_lists_base_route.'customfields/'.rawurlencode($key).'.json');

         * Gets a list of all custom fields defined for the current list
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
         * array(
         *     {
         *         'FieldName' => The name of the custom field
         *         'Key' => The personalisation tag of the custom field
         *         'DataType' => The data type of the custom field
         *         'FieldOptions' => Valid options for a multi-optioned custom field
         *         'VisibleInPreferenceCenter' => Boolean representing whether or
         *           not the field is visible in the subscriber preference center
         *     }
         * )
        function get_custom_fields() {
            return $this->get_request($this->_lists_base_route.'customfields.json');

         * Gets a list of all segments defined for the current list
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
         * array(
         *     {
         *         'ListID' => The current list id
         *         'SegmentID' => The id of this segment
         *         'Title' => The title of this segment
         *     }
         * )
        function get_segments() {
            return $this->get_request($this->_lists_base_route.'segments.json');

         * Gets all active subscribers added since the given date
         * @param string $added_since The date to start getting subscribers from
         * @param int $page_number The page number to get
         * @param int $page_size The number of records per page
         * @param string $order_field The field to order the record set by ('EMAIL', 'NAME', 'DATE')
         * @param string $order_direction The direction to order the record set ('ASC', 'DESC')
         * @param boolean $include_tracking_pref Whether or not to return the ConsentToTrack value (true, false)
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
         * {
         *     'ResultsOrderedBy' => The field the results are ordered by
         *     'OrderDirection' => The order direction
         *     'PageNumber' => The page number for the result set
         *     'PageSize' => The page size used
         *     'RecordsOnThisPage' => The number of records returned
         *     'TotalNumberOfRecords' => The total number of records available
         *     'NumberOfPages' => The total number of pages for this collection
         *     'Results' => array(
         *         {
         *             'EmailAddress' => The email address of the subscriber
         *             'Name' => The name of the subscriber
         *             'Date' => The date that the subscriber was added to the list
         *             'State' => The current state of the subscriber, will be 'Active'
         *             'CustomFields' => array (
         *                 {
         *                     'Key' => The personalisation tag of the custom field
         *                     'Value' => The value of the custom field for this subscriber
         *                 }
         *             )
         *         }
         *     )
         * }
        function get_active_subscribers($added_since = '', $page_number = NULL, 
            $page_size = NULL, $order_field = NULL, $order_direction = NULL, $include_tracking_pref = NULL) {
            return $this->get_request_paged($this->_lists_base_route.'active.json?date='.urlencode($added_since), 
                $page_number, $page_size, $order_field, $order_direction, $include_tracking_pref);

         * Gets all unconfirmed subscribers added since the given date
         * @param string $added_since The date to start getting subscribers from
         * @param int $page_number The page number to get
         * @param int $page_size The number of records per page
         * @param string $order_field The field to order the record set by ('EMAIL', 'NAME', 'DATE')
         * @param string $order_direction The direction to order the record set ('ASC', 'DESC')
         * @param boolean $include_tracking_pref Whether or not to return the ConsentToTrack value (true, false)
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
         * {
         *     'ResultsOrderedBy' => The field the results are ordered by
         *     'OrderDirection' => The order direction
         *     'PageNumber' => The page number for the result set
         *     'PageSize' => The page size used
         *     'RecordsOnThisPage' => The number of records returned
         *     'TotalNumberOfRecords' => The total number of records available
         *     'NumberOfPages' => The total number of pages for this collection
         *     'Results' => array(
         *         {
         *             'EmailAddress' => The email address of the subscriber
         *             'Name' => The name of the subscriber
         *             'Date' => The date that the subscriber was added to the list
         *             'State' => The current state of the subscriber, will be 'Unconfirmed'
         *             'CustomFields' => array (
         *                 {
         *                     'Key' => The personalisation tag of the custom field
         *                     'Value' => The value of the custom field for this subscriber
         *                 }
         *             )
         *         }
         *     )
         * }
        function get_unconfirmed_subscribers($added_since = '', $page_number = NULL, 
            $page_size = NULL, $order_field = NULL, $order_direction = NULL, $include_tracking_pref = NULL) {

            return $this->get_request_paged($this->_lists_base_route.'unconfirmed.json?date='.urlencode($added_since), 
                $page_number, $page_size, $order_field, $order_direction, $include_tracking_pref);

         * Gets all bounced subscribers who have bounced out since the given date
         * @param string $added_since The date to start getting subscribers from
         * @param int $page_number The page number to get
         * @param int $page_size The number of records per page
         * @param string $order_field The field to order the record set by ('EMAIL', 'NAME', 'DATE')
         * @param string $order_direction The direction to order the record set ('ASC', 'DESC')
         * @param boolean $include_tracking_pref Whether or not to return the ConsentToTrack value (true, false)
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
         * {
         *     'ResultsOrderedBy' => The field the results are ordered by
         *     'OrderDirection' => The order direction
         *     'PageNumber' => The page number for the result set
         *     'PageSize' => The page size used
         *     'RecordsOnThisPage' => The number of records returned
         *     'TotalNumberOfRecords' => The total number of records available
         *     'NumberOfPages' => The total number of pages for this collection
         *     'Results' => array(
         *         {
         *             'EmailAddress' => The email address of the subscriber
         *             'Name' => The name of the subscriber
         *             'Date' => The date that the subscriber bounced out of the list
         *             'State' => The current state of the subscriber, will be 'Bounced'
         *             'CustomFields' => array (
         *                 {
         *                     'Key' => The personalisation tag of the custom field
         *                     'Value' => The value of the custom field for this subscriber
         *                 }
         *             )
         *         }
         *     )
         * }
        function get_bounced_subscribers($bounced_since = '', $page_number = NULL, 
            $page_size = NULL, $order_field = NULL, $order_direction = NULL, $include_tracking_pref = NULL) {
            return $this->get_request_paged($this->_lists_base_route.'bounced.json?date='.urlencode($bounced_since), 
                $page_number, $page_size, $order_field, $order_direction, $include_tracking_pref);

         * Gets all unsubscribed subscribers who have unsubscribed since the given date
         * @param string $added_since The date to start getting subscribers from
         * @param int $page_number The page number to get
         * @param int $page_size The number of records per page
         * @param string $order_field The field to order the record set by ('EMAIL', 'NAME', 'DATE')
         * @param string $order_direction The direction to order the record set ('ASC', 'DESC')
         * @param boolean $include_tracking_pref Whether or not to return the ConsentToTrack value (true, false)
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
         * {
         *     'ResultsOrderedBy' => The field the results are ordered by
         *     'OrderDirection' => The order direction
         *     'PageNumber' => The page number for the result set
         *     'PageSize' => The page size used
         *     'RecordsOnThisPage' => The number of records returned
         *     'TotalNumberOfRecords' => The total number of records available
         *     'NumberOfPages' => The total number of pages for this collection
         *     'Results' => array(
         *         {
         *             'EmailAddress' => The email address of the subscriber
         *             'Name' => The name of the subscriber
         *             'Date' => The date that the subscriber was unsubscribed from the list
         *             'State' => The current state of the subscriber, will be 'Unsubscribed'
         *             'CustomFields' => array (
         *                 {
         *                     'Key' => The personalisation tag of the custom field
         *                     'Value' => The value of the custom field for this subscriber
         *                 }
         *             )
         *         }
         *     )
         * }
        function get_unsubscribed_subscribers($unsubscribed_since = '', $page_number = NULL, 
            $page_size = NULL, $order_field = NULL, $order_direction = NULL, $include_tracking_pref = NULL) {
            return $this->get_request_paged($this->_lists_base_route.'unsubscribed.json?date='.urlencode($unsubscribed_since), 
                $page_number, $page_size, $order_field, $order_direction,$include_tracking_pref);

         * Gets all subscribers who have been deleted since the given date
         * @param string $deleted_since The date to start getting subscribers from
         * @param int $page_number The page number to get
         * @param int $page_size The number of records per page
         * @param string $order_field The field to order the record set by ('EMAIL', 'NAME', 'DATE')
         * @param string $order_direction The direction to order the record set ('ASC', 'DESC')
         * @param boolean $include_tracking_pref Whether or not to return the ConsentToTrack value (true, false)
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
         * {
         *     'ResultsOrderedBy' => The field the results are ordered by
         *     'OrderDirection' => The order direction
         *     'PageNumber' => The page number for the result set
         *     'PageSize' => The page size used
         *     'RecordsOnThisPage' => The number of records returned
         *     'TotalNumberOfRecords' => The total number of records available
         *     'NumberOfPages' => The total number of pages for this collection
         *     'Results' => array(
         *         {
         *             'EmailAddress' => The email address of the subscriber
         *             'Name' => The name of the subscriber
         *             'Date' => The date that the subscriber was deleted from the list
         *             'State' => The current state of the subscriber, will be 'Deleted'
         *             'CustomFields' => array (
         *                 {
         *                     'Key' => The personalisation tag of the custom field
         *                     'Value' => The value of the custom field for this subscriber
         *                 }
         *             )
         *         }
         *     )
         * }
        function get_deleted_subscribers($deleted_since = '', $page_number = NULL, 
            $page_size = NULL, $order_field = NULL, $order_direction = NULL, $include_tracking_pref = NULL) {
            return $this->get_request_paged($this->_lists_base_route.'deleted.json?date='.urlencode($deleted_since), 
                $page_number, $page_size, $order_field, $order_direction, $include_tracking_pref);

         * Gets the basic details of the current list
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
         * {
         *     'ListID' => The id of the list
         *     'Title' => The title of the list
         *     'UnsubscribePage' => The page which subscribers are redirected to upon unsubscribing
         *     'ConfirmedOptIn' => Whether the list is Double-Opt In
         *     'ConfirmationSuccessPage' => The page which subscribers are
         *         redirected to upon confirming their subscription
         *     'UnsubscribeSetting' => The unsubscribe setting for the list. Will
         * }
        function get() {
            return $this->get_request(trim($this->_lists_base_route, '/').'.json');

         * Gets statistics for list subscriptions, deletions, bounces and unsubscriptions
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
         * {
         *     'TotalActiveSubscribers'
         *     'NewActiveSubscribersToday'
         *     'NewActiveSubscribersYesterday'
         *     'NewActiveSubscribersThisWeek'
         *     'NewActiveSubscribersThisMonth'
         *     'NewActiveSubscribersThisYeay'
         *     'TotalUnsubscribes'
         *     'UnsubscribesToday'
         *     'UnsubscribesYesterday'
         *     'UnsubscribesThisWeek'
         *     'UnsubscribesThisMonth'
         *     'UnsubscribesThisYear'
         *     'TotalDeleted'
         *     'DeletedToday'
         *     'DeletedYesterday'
         *     'DeletedThisWeek'
         *     'DeletedThisMonth'
         *     'DeletedThisYear'
         *     'TotalBounces'
         *     'BouncesToday'
         *     'BouncesYesterday'
         *     'BouncesThisWeek'
         *     'BouncesThisMonth'
         *     'BouncesThisYear'
         * }
        function get_stats() {
            return $this->get_request($this->_lists_base_route.'stats.json');
         * Gets the webhooks which are currently subcribed to event on this list
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
         * array(
         *     {
         *         'WebhookID' => The if of
         *         'Events' => An array of the events this webhook is subscribed to ('Subscribe', 'Update', 'Deactivate')
         *         'Url' => The url the webhook data will be POSTed to
         *         'Status' => The current status of this webhook
         *         'PayloadFormat' => The format in which data will be POSTed
         *     }
         * )
        function get_webhooks() {
            return $this->get_request($this->_lists_base_route.'webhooks.json');
         * Creates a new webhook based on the provided details
         * @param array $webhook The details of the new webhook
         *     This array should be of the form
         *     array(
         *         'Events' => array<string> The events to subscribe to. Valid events are 
         *             CS_REST_LIST_WEBHOOK_SUBSCRIBE, 
         *             CS_REST_LIST_WEBHOOK_DEACTIVATE, 
         *             CS_REST_LIST_WEBHOOK_UPDATE
         *         'Url' => string The url of the page to POST the webhook events to
         *         'PayloadFormat' => The format to use when POSTing webhook event data, either
         *             CS_REST_WEBHOOK_FORMAT_JSON or
         *             CS_REST_WEBHOOK_FORMAT_XML
         *         (xml or json)
         *     )
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be the ID of the newly created webhook
        function create_webhook($webhook) {
            return $this->post_request($this->_lists_base_route.'webhooks.json', $webhook);    
         * Sends test events for the given webhook id
         * @param string $webhook_id The id of the webhook to test
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty. 
        function test_webhook($webhook_id) {
            return $this->get_request($this->_lists_base_route.'webhooks/'.$webhook_id.'/test.json');

         * Deletes an existing webhook from the system
         * @param string $webhook_id The id of the webhook to delete
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
        function delete_webhook($webhook_id) {
            return $this->delete_request($this->_lists_base_route.'webhooks/'.$webhook_id.'.json');
         * Activates an existing deactivated webhook
         * @param string $webhook_id The id of the webhook to activate
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
        function activate_webhook($webhook_id) {
            return $this->put_request($this->_lists_base_route.'webhooks/'.$webhook_id.'/activate.json', '');
         * Deactivates an existing activated webhook
         * @param string $webhook_id The id of the webhook to deactivate
         * @access public
         * @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
        function deactivate_webhook($webhook_id) {
            return $this->put_request($this->_lists_base_route.'webhooks/'.$webhook_id.'/deactivate.json', '');