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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/brizy-pro   php

Repository URL to install this package:

Version: 2.3.7 

/ config.php


class BrizyPro_Config {
	const ACTIVATE_LICENSE = 'https://www.brizy.io/account/misc/brizy-license/';
	const UDPATE_LICENSE = 'https://www.brizy.io/account/misc/brizy-license/update';
	const DEACTIVATE_LICENSE = 'https://www.brizy.io/account/misc/brizy-license/deactivate';

	const BRIZY_APPLICATION_INTEGRATION_URL = 'https://forms.brizy.io';

	const COMPILER_DOWNLOAD_URL = 'https://static.brizy.io/builds/pro/' . BRIZY_PRO_EDITOR_VERSION;

	static public function getEditorBuildUrl() {
		return BRIZY_PRO_PLUGIN_URL . '/public/editor-build/' . BRIZY_PRO_EDITOR_VERSION;

	static public function getLicenseActivationData() {
		$data = array(
			'market'   => 'brizy',
			'author'   => 'brizy',
			'theme_id' => '000000',

		return apply_filters( 'brizy-pro-license-data', $data );

	static public function getConfigUrls() {
		$assets_url = BRIZY_PRO_PLUGIN_URL . '/public';

		return array(
			'assets' => $assets_url . '/editor-build/'.BRIZY_PRO_EDITOR_VERSION

    static public function getCompilerDownloadUrl() {
        return 'https://static.brizy.io/builds/pro/' . BRIZY_PRO_EDITOR_VERSION;