* WordPress dependencies
const { __ } = wp.i18n
const {
} = wp.components
// Extend component
const { Component, Fragment } = wp.element
* Internal dependencies
import map from "lodash/map"
import googleFonts from "./fonts"
import Select from "react-select"
function FontFamilyControl( props ) {
const fonts = [
{ value: "", label: __( "Default" ), weight: [ "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900" ], google: false },
{ value: "Arial", label: "Arial", weight: [ "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900" ], google: false },
{ value: "Helvetica", label: "Helvetica", weight: [ "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900" ], google: false },
{ value: "Times New Roman", label: "Times New Roman", weight: [ "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900" ], google: false },
{ value: "Georgia", label: "Georgia", weight: [ "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900" ], google: false },
let fontWeight = ""
let fontSubset = ""
//Push Google Fonts into stytem fonts object
Object.keys( googleFonts ).map( ( k, v ) => {
{ value: k, label: k, weight: googleFonts[k].weight }
if( k === props.fontFamily.value ) {
fontWeight = googleFonts[k].weight
fontSubset = googleFonts[k].subset
// check if the font is a system font and then apply the font weight accordingly.
if ( fontWeight === "" ) {
fontWeight = fonts[0].weight
const fontWeightObj = []
fontWeight.forEach(function(item) {
{ value: item, label: item }
const fontSubsetObj = []
if( typeof fontSubset == "object" ) {
fontSubset.forEach(function(item) {
{ value: item, label: item }
const onFontfamilyChange = ( value ) => {
const { loadGoogleFonts, fontFamily, fontWeight, fontSubset } = props
props.setAttributes( { [ fontFamily.label ]: value.label } )
onLoadGoogleFonts( loadGoogleFonts, value.label )
onFontChange( fontWeight, fontSubset, value.label )
const onFontChange = ( fontWeight, fontSubset, fontFamily ) => {
let font_flag
let new_value
if( typeof googleFonts[fontFamily] == "object" ) {
const gfontsObj = googleFonts[fontFamily].weight
const gfontSubsetObj = googleFonts[fontFamily].subset
if( typeof gfontsObj == "object" ) {
gfontsObj.forEach(function(item) {
if( fontWeight.value == item ) {
font_flag = false
} else {
new_value = item
font_flag = true
props.setAttributes( { [ props.fontWeight.label ]: new_value } )
gfontSubsetObj.forEach(function(item) {
if( fontSubset.value == item ) {
font_flag = false
} else {
new_value = item
font_flag = true
props.setAttributes( { [ props.fontSubset.label ]: new_value } )
const onLoadGoogleFonts = ( loadGoogleFonts, fontFamily ) => {
let value
if( fontFamily != "" && typeof googleFonts[fontFamily] != "object" ) {
value = false
} else {
value = true
props.setAttributes( { [loadGoogleFonts.label]: value } )
return (
<div className="cfp-typography-font-family-options">
<label className="cfp-typography-font-family-label">{ __( "Font Family" ) }</label>
options={ fonts }
value={ { value: props.fontFamily.value, label: props.fontFamily.value, weight: fontWeightObj } }
isMulti={ false }
maxMenuHeight={ 300 }
onChange={ onFontfamilyChange }
label={ __( "Font Weight" ) }
value={ props.fontWeight.value }
onChange={ ( value ) => props.setAttributes( { [ props.fontWeight.label ]: value } ) }
label={ __( "Font Subset" ) }
value={ props.fontSubset.value }
onChange={ ( value ) => props.setAttributes( { [ props.fontSubset.label ]: value } ) }
export default FontFamilyControl