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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/cartflows   php

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Version: 1.6.11 

/ gutenberg / classes / class-cartflows-block-config.php

 * Cartflows Config.
 * @package Cartflows

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	exit; // Exit if accessed directly.

if ( ! class_exists( 'Cartflows_Block_Config' ) ) {

	 * Class Cartflows_Block_Config.
	class Cartflows_Block_Config {

		 * Block Attributes
		 * @var block_attributes
		public static $block_attributes = null;

		 * Block Assets
		 * @var block_attributes
		public static $block_assets = null;

		 * Get Widget List.
		 * @since x.x.x
		 * @return array The Widget List.
		public static function get_block_attributes() {

			if ( null === self::$block_attributes ) {
				self::$block_attributes = array(
					'wcfb/next-step-button'  => array(
						'slug'        => '',
						'title'       => __( 'Next Step Button', 'cartflows' ),
						'description' => '',
						'default'     => true,
						'attributes'  => array(
							'classMigrate'             => false,
							'borderStyle'              => 'solid',
							'align'                    => 'center',
							'malign'                   => 'center',
							'talign'                   => 'center',
							'titletextTransform'       => 'none',
							'subtitletextTransform'    => 'none',
							'letterSpacing'            => '',
							'borderWidth'              => '1',
							'borderColor'              => '#abb8c3',
							'borderHoverColor'         => '#abb8c3',
							'borderRadius'             => '4',
							'buttonColor'              => '#abb8c3',
							'buttonHoverColor'         => '#abb8c3',
							'paddingTypeDesktop'       => 'px',
							'paddingTypeTablet'        => 'px',
							'paddingTypeMobile'        => 'px',
							'vPaddingDesktop'          => '5',
							'hPaddingDesktop'          => '30',
							'vPaddingTablet'           => '5',
							'hPaddingTablet'           => '30',
							'vPaddingMobile'           => '5',
							'hPaddingMobile'           => '30',
							'textAlignment'            => 'center',
							'textColor'                => '#ffffff',
							'textHoverColor'           => '#ffffff',
							'titleFontFamily'          => '',
							'titleFontSize'            => '20',
							'titleFontWeight'          => '500',
							'titleFontSizeType'        => 'px',
							'titleFontSizeTablet'      => '',
							'titleFontSizeMobile'      => '',
							'titleLineHeightType'      => 'em',
							'titleLineHeight'          => '',
							'titleLineHeightTablet'    => '',
							'titleLineHeightMobile'    => '',
							'subTitleFontFamily'       => '',
							'subTitleFontWeight'       => '500',
							'subTitleFontSize'         => '20',
							'subTitleFontSizeType'     => 'px',
							'subTitleFontSizeTablet'   => '',
							'subTitleFontSizeMobile'   => '',
							'subTitleLineHeightType'   => 'em',
							'subTitleLineHeight'       => '',
							'subTitleLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'subTitleLineHeightMobile' => '',
							'titleletterSpacing'       => '',
							'subtitleletterSpacing'    => '',
							'titleBottomSpacing'       => '0',
							'iconSize'                 => '20',
							'iconSpacing'              => '10',
							'iconColor'                => '',
							'iconHoverColor'           => '',
							'iconPosition'             => 'before_title',
							'backgroundType'           => 'none',
							'backgroundImage'          => '',
							'backgroundPosition'       => 'center-center',
							'backgroundSize'           => 'cover',
							'backgroundRepeat'         => 'no-repeat',
							'backgroundAttachment'     => 'scroll',
							'backgroundColor'          => '#abb8c3',
							'gradientColor1'           => '#abb8c3',
							'gradientColor2'           => '#abb8c3',
							'gradientType'             => 'linear',
							'gradientLocation1'        => '0',
							'gradientLocation2'        => '100',
							'gradientAngle'            => '0',
							'gradientPosition'         => 'center center',
							'backgroundOpacity'        => 100,
							'backgroundImageColor'     => '#abb8c3',
							'gradientValue'            => '',
					'wcfb/order-detail-form' => array(
						'slug'        => '',
						'title'       => __( 'Order Details Form', 'cartflows' ),
						'description' => '',
						'default'     => true,
						'attributes'  => array(
							'classMigrate'                 => false,
							'align'                        => 'center',
							// Genaral.
							'orderOverview'                => true,
							'orderDetails'                 => true,
							'billingAddress'               => true,
							'shippingAddress'              => true,
							// Spacing.
							'headingBottomSpacing'         => '',
							'sectionSpacing'               => '',
							// Heading.
							'thanyouText'                  => 'center',
							'headingAlignment'             => 'center',
							'headingColor'                 => '',
							'headingFontFamily'            => '',
							'headingFontWeight'            => '',
							'headingFontSize'              => '',
							'headingFontSizeType'          => 'px',
							'headingFontSizeTablet'        => '',
							'headingFontSizeMobile'        => '',
							'headingLineHeightType'        => 'em',
							'headingLineHeight'            => '',
							'headingLineHeightTablet'      => '',
							'headingLineHeightMobile'      => '',
							// Sections.
							'sectionHeadingColor'          => '',
							'sectionHeadingFontFamily'     => '',
							'sectionHeadingFontWeight'     => '',
							'sectionHeadingFontSize'       => '',
							'sectionHeadingFontSizeType'   => 'px',
							'sectionHeadingFontSizeTablet' => '',
							'sectionHeadingFontSizeMobile' => '',
							'sectionHeadingLineHeightType' => '',
							'sectionHeadingLineHeight'     => 'em',
							'sectionHeadingLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'sectionHeadingLineHeightMobile' => '',
							'sectionContentColor'          => '',
							'sectionContentFontFamily'     => '',
							'sectionContentFontWeight'     => '',
							'sectionContentFontSize'       => '',
							'sectionContentFontSizeType'   => 'px',
							'sectionContentFontSizeTablet' => '',
							'sectionContentFontSizeMobile' => '',
							'sectionContentLineHeightType' => 'em',
							'sectionContentLineHeight'     => '',
							'sectionContentLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'sectionContentLineHeightMobile' => '',
							'sectionBackgroundColor'       => '',
							// Order Overview.
							'orderOverviewTextColor'       => '',
							'orderOverviewBackgroundColor' => '',
							'orderOverviewFontFamily'      => '',
							'orderOverviewFontWeight'      => '',
							'orderOverviewFontSize'        => '',
							'orderOverviewFontSizeType'    => 'px',
							'orderOverviewFontSizeTablet'  => '',
							'orderOverviewFontSizeMobile'  => '',
							'orderOverviewLineHeightType'  => 'em',
							'orderOverviewLineHeight'      => '',
							'orderOverviewLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'orderOverviewLineHeightMobile' => '',
							// Downloads.
							'downloadHeadingColor'         => '',
							'downloadHeadingFontFamily'    => '',
							'downloadHeadingFontWeight'    => '',
							'downloadHeadingFontSize'      => '',
							'downloadHeadingFontSizeType'  => 'px',
							'downloadHeadingFontSizeTablet' => '',
							'downloadHeadingFontSizeMobile' => '',
							'downloadHeadingLineHeightType' => 'em',
							'downloadHeadingLineHeight'    => '',
							'downloadHeadingLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'downloadHeadingLineHeightMobile' => '',
							'downloadContentColor'         => '',
							'downloadContentFontFamily'    => '',
							'downloadContentFontWeight'    => '',
							'downloadContentFontSize'      => '',
							'downloadContentFontSizeType'  => 'px',
							'downloadContentFontSizeTablet' => '',
							'downloadContentFontSizeMobile' => '',
							'downloadContentLineHeightType' => 'em',
							'downloadContentLineHeight'    => '',
							'downloadContentLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'downloadContentLineHeightMobile' => '',
							'downloadBackgroundColor'      => '',
							// Order Details.
							'orderDetailHeadingColor'      => '',
							'orderDetailHeadingFontFamily' => '',
							'orderDetailHeadingFontWeight' => '',
							'orderDetailHeadingFontSize'   => '',
							'orderDetailHeadingFontSizeType' => 'px',
							'orderDetailHeadingFontSizeTablet' => '',
							'orderDetailHeadingFontSizeMobile' => '',
							'orderDetailHeadingLineHeightType' => 'em',
							'orderDetailHeadingLineHeight' => '',
							'orderDetailHeadingLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'orderDetailHeadingLineHeightMobile' => '',
							'orderDetailContentColor'      => '',
							'orderDetailContentFontFamily' => '',
							'orderDetailContentFontWeight' => '',
							'orderDetailContentFontSize'   => '',
							'orderDetailContentFontSizeType' => 'px',
							'orderDetailContentFontSizeTablet' => '',
							'orderDetailContentFontSizeMobile' => '',
							'orderDetailContentLineHeightType' => 'em',
							'orderDetailContentLineHeight' => '',
							'orderDetailContentLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'orderDetailContentLineHeightMobile' => '',
							'orderDetailBackgroundColor'   => '',
							// Customer Details.
							'customerDetailHeadingColor'   => '',
							'customerDetailHeadingFontFamily' => '',
							'customerDetailHeadingFontWeight' => '',
							'customerDetailHeadingFontSize' => '',
							'customerDetailHeadingFontSizeType' => 'px',
							'customerDetailHeadingFontSizeTablet' => '',
							'customerDetailHeadingFontSizeMobile' => '',
							'customerDetailHeadingLineHeightType' => 'em',
							'customerDetailHeadingLineHeight' => '',
							'customerDetailHeadingLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'customerDetailHeadingLineHeightMobile' => '',
							'customerDetailContentColor'   => '',
							'customerDetailContentFontFamily' => '',
							'customerDetailContentFontWeight' => '',
							'customerDetailContentFontSize' => '',
							'customerDetailContentFontSizeType' => 'px',
							'customerDetailContentFontSizeTablet' => '',
							'customerDetailContentFontSizeMobile' => '',
							'customerDetailContentLineHeightType' => 'em',
							'customerDetailContentLineHeight' => '',
							'customerDetailContentLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'customerDetailContentLineHeightMobile' => '',
							'customerDetailBackgroundColor' => '',
							'backgroundType'               => 'none',
							'backgroundImage'              => '',
							'backgroundPosition'           => 'center-center',
							'backgroundSize'               => 'cover',
							'backgroundRepeat'             => 'no-repeat',
							'backgroundAttachment'         => 'scroll',
							'backgroundColor'              => '',
							'backgroundOpacity'            => 100,
							'backgroundImageColor'         => '#abb8c3',
							'odbackgroundType'             => 'none',
							'odbackgroundImage'            => '',
							'odbackgroundPosition'         => 'center-center',
							'odbackgroundSize'             => 'cover',
							'odbackgroundRepeat'           => 'no-repeat',
							'odbackgroundAttachment'       => 'scroll',
							'odbackgroundColor'            => '',
							'odbackgroundOpacity'          => 100,
							'odbackgroundImageColor'       => '#abb8c3',
							'dbackgroundType'              => 'none',
							'dbackgroundImage'             => '',
							'dbackgroundPosition'          => 'center-center',
							'dbackgroundSize'              => 'cover',
							'dbackgroundRepeat'            => 'no-repeat',
							'dbackgroundAttachment'        => 'scroll',
							'dbackgroundColor'             => '',
							'dbackgroundOpacity'           => 100,
							'dbackgroundImageColor'        => '#abb8c3',
							'odetailbackgroundType'        => 'none',
							'odetailbackgroundImage'       => '',
							'odetailbackgroundPosition'    => 'center-center',
							'odetailbackgroundSize'        => 'cover',
							'odetailbackgroundRepeat'      => 'no-repeat',
							'odetailbackgroundAttachment'  => 'scroll',
							'odetailbackgroundColor'       => '',
							'odetailbackgroundOpacity'     => 100,
							'odetailbackgroundImageColor'  => '#abb8c3',
							'cdetailbackgroundType'        => 'none',
							'cdetailbackgroundImage'       => '',
							'cdetailbackgroundPosition'    => 'center-center',
							'cdetailbackgroundSize'        => 'cover',
							'cdetailbackgroundRepeat'      => 'no-repeat',
							'cdetailbackgroundAttachment'  => 'scroll',
							'cdetailbackgroundColor'       => '',
							'cdetailsbackgroundOpacity'    => 100,
							'cdetailsbackgroundImageColor' => '#abb8c3',
					'wcfb/checkout-form'     => array(
						'slug'        => '',
						'title'       => __( 'Checkout Form', 'cartflows' ),
						'description' => '',
						'default'     => true,
						'is_active'   => class_exists( 'Cartflows_Checkout_Markup' ),
						'attributes'  => array(
							'block_id'                => '',
							'boxShadowColor'          => '',
							'boxShadowHOffset'        => 0,
							'boxShadowVOffset'        => 0,
							'boxShadowBlur'           => 0,
							'boxShadowSpread'         => 0,
							'boxShadowPosition'       => 'outset',
							'headBgColor'             => '',
							'fieldHrPadding'          => '',
							'fieldVrPadding'          => '',
							'fieldBgColor'            => '',
							'fieldLabelColor'         => '',
							'fieldInputColor'         => '',
							'fieldBorderStyle'        => 'solid',
							'fieldBorderWidth'        => 1,
							'fieldBorderRadius'       => 0,
							'fieldBorderColor'        => '#eeeeee',
							'fieldBorderFocusColor'   => '',
							'buttonAlignment'         => 'left',
							'buttonVrPadding'         => '',
							'buttonHrPadding'         => '',
							'buttonTextColor'         => '',
							'buttonBgColor'           => '',
							'buttonTextHoverColor'    => '',
							'buttonBgHoverColor'      => '',
							'buttonBorderStyle'       => 'inherit',
							'buttonBorderWidth'       => '',
							'buttonBorderRadius'      => '',
							'buttonBorderColor'       => '',
							'buttonBorderHoverColor'  => '',
							'fieldSpacing'            => '',
							'fieldLabelSpacing'       => '',
							'inputFontSize'           => '',
							'inputFontSizeType'       => 'px',
							'inputFontSizeTablet'     => '',
							'inputFontSizeMobile'     => '',
							'inputFontFamily'         => 'Default',
							'inputFontWeight'         => '',
							'inputFontSubset'         => '',
							'inputLineHeightType'     => 'px',
							'inputLineHeight'         => '',
							'inputLineHeightTablet'   => '',
							'inputLineHeightMobile'   => '',
							'inputLoadGoogleFonts'    => false,
							'submitButtonText'        => '',
							'buttonFontSize'          => '',
							'buttonFontSizeType'      => 'px',
							'buttonFontSizeTablet'    => '',
							'buttonFontSizeMobile'    => '',
							'buttonFontFamily'        => 'Default',
							'buttonFontWeight'        => '',
							'buttonFontSubset'        => '',
							'buttonLineHeightType'    => 'px',
							'buttonLineHeight'        => '',
							'buttonLineHeightTablet'  => '',
							'buttonLineHeightMobile'  => '',
							'buttonLoadGoogleFonts'   => false,
							'errorMsgColor'           => '',
							'errorMsgBgColor'         => '',
							'errorMsgBorderColor'     => '',
							'msgBorderSize'           => '',
							'msgBorderRadius'         => '',
							'msgVrPadding'            => 10,
							'msgHrPadding'            => 10,
							'msgBorderRadiusType'     => 'px',
							'fieldBorderRadiusType'   => 'px',
							'buttonBorderRadiusType'  => 'px',
							'paymentdescriptionColor' => '',
							'paymenttitleColor'       => '',
							'sectionbgColor'          => '',
							'informationbgColor'      => '',
							'sectionhrPadding'        => '',
							'sectionvrPadding'        => '',
							'sectionhrMargin'         => '',
							'sectionvrMargin'         => '',
							'sectionBorderRadius'     => '',
							'headFontSize'            => '',
							'headFontSizeType'        => 'px',
							'headFontSizeTablet'      => '',
							'headFontSizeMobile'      => '',
							'headFontFamily'          => 'Default',
							'headFontWeight'          => '',
							'headFontSubset'          => '',
							'headLineHeightType'      => 'px',
							'headLineHeight'          => '',
							'headLineHeightTablet'    => '',
							'headLineHeightMobile'    => '',
							'headLoadGoogleFonts'     => '',
							'globaltextColor'         => '',
							'globalbgColor'           => '',
							'globalFontSize'          => '',
							'globalFontSizeType'      => 'px',
							'globalFontSizeTablet'    => '',
							'globalFontSizeMobile'    => '',
							'globalFontFamily'        => 'Default',
							'globalFontWeight'        => '',
							'globalFontSubset'        => '',
							'globalLineHeightType'    => 'px',
							'globalLineHeight'        => '',
							'globalLineHeightTablet'  => '',
							'globalLineHeightMobile'  => '',
							'globalLoadGoogleFonts'   => false,
							'backgroundType'          => 'color',
							'backgroundImage'         => '',
							'backgroundPosition'      => 'center-center',
							'backgroundSize'          => 'cover',
							'backgroundRepeat'        => 'no-repeat',
							'backgroundAttachment'    => 'scroll',
							'backgroundColor'         => '',
							'backgroundHoverColor'    => '',
							'gradientColor1'          => '#abb8c3',
							'gradientColor2'          => '#abb8c3',
							'gradientType'            => 'linear',
							'gradientLocation1'       => '0',
							'gradientLocation2'       => '100',
							'gradientAngle'           => '0',
							'gradientPosition'        => 'center center',
							'backgroundOpacity'       => 100,
							'backgroundImageColor'    => '#abb8c3',
							'gradientValue'           => '',
							'errorLabelColor'         => '',
							'errorFieldBorderColor'   => '',
					'wcfb/optin-form'        => array(
						'slug'        => '',
						'title'       => __( 'Optin Form', 'cartflows' ),
						'description' => '',
						'default'     => true,
						'attributes'  => array(
							'block_id'                     => '',
							'classMigrate'                 => false,
							// General.
							'generalPrimaryColor'          => '',
							'generalFontFamily'            => '',
							'generalFontWeight'            => '',
							'generalFontSize'              => '',
							'generalFontSizeType'          => 'px',
							'generalFontSizeTablet'        => '',
							'generalFontSizeMobile'        => '',
							'generalLineHeightType'        => 'em',
							'generalLineHeight'            => '',
							'generalLineHeightTablet'      => '',
							'generalLineHeightMobile'      => '',
							// Input Fields.
							'inputFieldFontFamily'         => '',
							'inputFieldFontWeight'         => '',
							'inputFieldFontSize'           => '',
							'inputFieldFontSizeType'       => 'px',
							'inputFieldFontSizeTablet'     => '',
							'inputFieldFontSizeMobile'     => '',
							'inputFieldLineHeightType'     => 'em',
							'inputFieldLineHeight'         => '',
							'inputFieldLineHeightTablet'   => '',
							'inputFieldLineHeightMobile'   => '',
							'inputFieldLabelColor'         => '',
							'inputFieldBackgroundColor'    => '',
							'inputFieldTextPlaceholderColor' => '',
							'inputFieldBorderStyle'        => '',
							'inputFieldBorderWidth'        => '',
							'inputFieldBorderRadius'       => '',
							'inputFieldBorderColor'        => '',
							// Submit Button.
							'submitButtonFontFamily'       => '',
							'submitButtonFontWeight'       => '',
							'submitButtonFontSize'         => '',
							'submitButtonFontSizeType'     => 'px',
							'submitButtonFontSizeTablet'   => '',
							'submitButtonFontSizeMobile'   => '',
							'submitButtonLineHeightType'   => 'em',
							'submitButtonLineHeight'       => '',
							'submitButtonLineHeightTablet' => '',
							'submitButtonLineHeightMobile' => '',
							'submitButtonTextColor'        => '',
							'submitButtonBackgroundColor'  => '',
							'submitButtonTextHoverColor'   => '',
							'submitButtonBackgroundHoverColor' => '',
							'submitButtonBorderStyle'      => '',
							'submitButtonBorderWidth'      => '',
							'submitButtonBorderRadius'     => '',
							'submitButtonBorderColor'      => '',
							'submitButtonBorderHoverColor' => '',
							'boxShadowColor'               => '',
							'boxShadowHOffset'             => 0,
							'boxShadowVOffset'             => 0,
							'boxShadowBlur'                => 0,
							'boxShadowSpread'              => 0,
							'boxShadowPosition'            => 'outset',


				return self::$block_attributes;

				 * Get Block Assets.
				 * @since x.x.x
				 * @return array The Asset List.
		public static function get_block_assets() {

			if ( null === self::$block_assets ) {
				self::$block_assets = array();
			return self::$block_assets;