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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/cartflows   php

Repository URL to install this package:

Version: 1.6.11 

/ js / rest-api.js

( function ( $ ) {
	var CartFlowsAPILocalCache = {
		 * timeout for cache in millis
		 * @type {number}
		timeout: 300000,

		 * @type {{_: number, data: {}}}
		data: {},

		 * Remove cache
		 * @param  {[type]} url [description]
		 * @return {[type]}     [description]
		remove: function ( url ) {
			delete CartFlowsAPILocalCache.data[ url ];

		 * Check cache
		 * @param  {[type]} url [description]
		 * @return {[type]}     [description]
		exist: function ( url ) {
			return (
				!! CartFlowsAPILocalCache.data[ url ] &&
				new Date().getTime() - CartFlowsAPILocalCache.data[ url ]._ <

		 * Get cache
		 * @param  {[type]} url [description]
		 * @return {[type]}     [description]
		get: function ( url ) {
			return CartFlowsAPILocalCache.data[ url ].data;

		 * Set cache
		 * @param {[type]}   url        [description]
		 * @param {[type]}   cachedData [description]
		 * @param {Function} callback   [description]
		set: function ( url, cachedData, callback ) {
			CartFlowsAPILocalCache.remove( url );

			CartFlowsAPILocalCache.data[ url ] = {
				_: new Date().getTime(),
				data: cachedData,

			if ( callback && typeof callback == 'function' ) {
				callback( cachedData );

	$.ajaxPrefilter( function ( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) {
		if ( 'cartflows' !== options.author ) {

		var complete = originalOptions.complete || $.noop,
			url = originalOptions.url;

		options.beforeSend = function () {
			if ( CartFlowsAPILocalCache.exist( url ) ) {
				var data = CartFlowsAPILocalCache.get( url );

				// Load from cache.
				CartFlowsAPI._api_cached_request( data );
				return false;
			return true;
		options.complete = function ( XHR, status ) {
			var data = {
				args: options.args,
				items: XHR.responseText ? JSON.parse( XHR.responseText ) : '',
				items_count: XHR.getResponseHeader( 'x-wp-total' ) || 0,
				callback: options.callback,

				// AJAX response.
				status: status,
				XHR: XHR,

			CartFlowsAPILocalCache.set( url, data, complete );
	} );

	CartFlowsAPI = {
		 * Debugging.
		 * @param  {mixed} data Mixed data.
		_log: function ( data, format ) {
			if ( CartFlowsImportVars.debug ) {
				if ( 'table' === format ) {
					console.table( data );
				} else {
					var date = new Date();
					var time = date.toLocaleTimeString();

					if ( typeof data == 'object' ) {
							'%c ' + JSON.stringify( data ) + ' ' + time,
							'background: #ededed; color: #444'
					} else {
							'%c ' + data + ' ' + time,
							'background: #ededed; color: #444'

		_api_url: CartFlowsImportVars.server_rest_url,

		_api_cached_request: function ( data ) {
			CartFlowsAPI._log( CartFlowsAPILocalCache.data, 'table' );
			CartFlowsAPI._log( 'Current time ' + new Date().getTime() );
				'Cache expired in ' +
					parseInt( CartFlowsAPILocalCache.timeout ) / 1000 +
					' seconds.'

			if ( undefined !== data.args.trigger && '' !== data.args.trigger ) {
				$( document ).trigger( data.args.trigger, [ data ] );

			if ( data.callback && typeof data.callback == 'function' ) {
				data.callback( data );

		_api_request: function ( args, callback ) {
			// Set API Request Data.
			var data = {
				url: CartFlowsAPI._api_url + args.slug,
				args: args,
				callback: callback,
				headers: CartFlowsImportVars.headers,
				author: 'cartflows',

			$.ajax( data )
				.done( function ( items, status, XHR ) {
					if (
						'success' === status &&
						XHR.getResponseHeader( 'x-wp-total' )
					) {
						var data = {
							args: args,
							items: items,
								XHR.getResponseHeader( 'x-wp-total' ) || 0,
							callback: callback,

							// AJAX response.
							status: status,
							XHR: XHR,

						if (
							undefined !== args.trigger &&
							'' !== args.trigger
						) {
							$( document ).trigger( args.trigger, [ data ] );
					} else {
						$( document ).trigger( 'cartflows-api-request-error' );

					if ( callback && typeof callback == 'function' ) {
						callback( data );
				} )
				.fail( function ( jqXHR, textStatus ) {
					$( document ).trigger( 'cartflows-api-request-fail', [
					] );
				} )
				.always( function () {
					$( document ).trigger( 'cartflows-api-request-always' );
				} );
} )( jQuery );