import './preview-iframe.scss';
export default function PreviewIFrame( props ) {
const ref = React.useRef( null ),
previewBreakpoint = 1200,
[ scale, setScale ] = React.useState( 1 ),
[ height, setHeight ] = React.useState( 0 );
// In order to make sure that the iframe itself show the content in specific viewport,
// and it should fit to the size of the card, there is a use of css props `scale` and `height`,
// and another element that wraps the iframe to be the guidelines of the iframe sizes.
React.useEffect( () => {
const currentScale = ref.current.clientWidth / previewBreakpoint;
setScale( currentScale );
setHeight( ref.current.clientHeight / currentScale );
}, [] );
return (
ref={ ref }
className={ `site-editor__preview-iframe site-editor__preview-iframe--${ props.templateType }` }
src={ props.src }
className={ `site-editor__preview-iframe__iframe` }
style={ { transform: `scale(${ scale })`, height, width: previewBreakpoint } }
PreviewIFrame.propTypes = {
src: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
templateType: PropTypes.string.isRequired,