Repository URL to install this package:
namespace FSProVendor;
* @var string $plugin_version
* @var string $plugin_name
* @var string $plugin_class_name
* @var string $plugin_text_domain
* @var string $plugin_dir
* @var string $plugin_file
* @var array $requirements
* @var string $product_id
* @var WPDesk\Plugin\Flow\Initialization\InitializationFactory|void $plugin_init_factory
if (!\defined('ABSPATH')) {
// Code in PHP >= 5.3 but understandable by older parsers
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID > 50300) {
require_once $plugin_dir . '/vendor/autoload.php';
if (!isset($plugin_init_factory)) {
$plugin_init_factory = new \FSProVendor\WPDesk\Plugin\Flow\Initialization\Simple\SimpleFactory();
$bootstrap = new \FSProVendor\WPDesk\Plugin\Flow\PluginBootstrap(
// deprecated
// all optional vars must be cleared
} else {
/** @noinspection PhpDeprecationInspection */
$php52_function = \create_function('', 'echo sprintf( __("<p><strong style=\'color: red;\'>PHP version is older than 5.3 so no WP Desk plugins will work. Please contact your host and ask them to upgrade. </strong></p>", \'wp-plugin-flow\') );');
\add_action('admin_notices', $php52_function);