Repository URL to install this package:
namespace FSProVendor;
// uncomment this line for testing
//set_site_transient( 'update_plugins', null );
// Exit if accessed directly
if (!\defined('ABSPATH')) {
* Allows plugins to use their own update API.
* @author Pippin Williamson
* @version 1.6
class S214_Plugin_Updater
private $api_url = '';
private $api_data = array();
private $name = '';
private $slug = '';
private $version = '';
* Class constructor.
* @uses plugin_basename()
* @uses hook()
* @param string $_api_url The URL pointing to the custom API endpoint.
* @param string $_plugin_file Path to the plugin file.
* @param array $_api_data Optional data to send with API calls.
function __construct($_api_url, $_plugin_file, $_api_data = null)
global $s214_plugin_data;
$this->api_url = \trailingslashit($_api_url);
$this->api_data = $_api_data;
$this->name = \plugin_basename($_plugin_file);
$this->slug = \basename($_plugin_file, '.php');
$this->version = $_api_data['version'];
$s214_plugin_data[$this->slug] = $this->api_data;
// Set up hooks.
* Set up WordPress filters to hook into WP's update process.
* @uses add_filter()
* @return void
public function init()
\add_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', array($this, 'check_update'));
\add_filter('plugins_api', array($this, 'plugins_api_filter'), 10, 3);
\remove_action('after_plugin_row_' . $this->name, 'wp_plugin_update_row', 10, 2);
\add_action('after_plugin_row_' . $this->name, array($this, 'show_update_notification'), 10, 2);
\add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'show_changelog'));
* Check for Updates at the defined API endpoint and modify the update array.
* This function dives into the update API just when WordPress creates its update array,
* then adds a custom API call and injects the custom plugin data retrieved from the API.
* It is reassembled from parts of the native WordPress plugin update code.
* See wp-includes/update.php line 121 for the original wp_update_plugins() function.
* @uses api_request()
* @param array $_transient_data Update array build by WordPress.
* @return array Modified update array with custom plugin data.
function check_update($_transient_data)
global $pagenow;
if (!\is_object($_transient_data)) {
$_transient_data = new \stdClass();
if ('plugins.php' == $pagenow && \is_multisite()) {
return $_transient_data;
if (empty($_transient_data->response) || empty($_transient_data->response[$this->name])) {
$version_info = $this->api_request('plugin_latest_version', array('slug' => $this->slug));
if (\false !== $version_info && \is_object($version_info) && isset($version_info->new_version)) {
if (\version_compare($this->version, $version_info->new_version, '<')) {
if (empty($version_info->plugin)) {
$version_info->plugin = $this->name;
$_transient_data->response[$this->name] = $version_info;
$_transient_data->last_checked = \time();
$_transient_data->checked[$this->name] = $this->version;
return $_transient_data;
* show update nofication row -- needed for multisite subsites, because WP won't tell you otherwise!
* @param string $file
* @param array $plugin
public function show_update_notification($file, $plugin)
if (!\current_user_can('update_plugins')) {
if (!\is_multisite()) {
if ($this->name != $file) {
// Remove our filter on the site transient
\remove_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', array($this, 'check_update'), 10);
$update_cache = \get_site_transient('update_plugins');
$update_cache = \is_object($update_cache) ? $update_cache : new \stdClass();
if (empty($update_cache->response) || empty($update_cache->response[$this->name])) {
$cache_key = \md5('edd_plugin_' . \sanitize_key($this->name) . '_version_info');
$version_info = \get_transient($cache_key);
if (\false === $version_info) {
$version_info = $this->api_request('plugin_latest_version', array('slug' => $this->slug));
\set_transient($cache_key, $version_info, 3600);
if (!\is_object($version_info)) {
if (\version_compare($this->version, $version_info->new_version, '<')) {
$update_cache->response[$this->name] = $version_info;
$update_cache->last_checked = \time();
$update_cache->checked[$this->name] = $this->version;
\set_site_transient('update_plugins', $update_cache);
} else {
$version_info = $update_cache->response[$this->name];
// Restore our filter
\add_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', array($this, 'check_update'));
if (!empty($update_cache->response[$this->name]) && \version_compare($this->version, $version_info->new_version, '<')) {
// build a plugin list row, with update notification
$wp_list_table = \_get_list_table('WP_Plugins_List_Table');
echo '<tr class="plugin-update-tr"><td colspan="' . $wp_list_table->get_column_count() . '" class="plugin-update colspanchange"><div class="update-message">';
$changelog_link = \self_admin_url('index.php?edd_sl_action=view_plugin_changelog&plugin=' . $this->name . '&slug=' . $this->slug . '&TB_iframe=true&width=772&height=911');
if (empty($version_info->download_link)) {
\printf(\__('There is a new version of %1$s available. %2$sView version %3$s details%4$s.', 'easy-digital-downloads'), \esc_html($version_info->name), '<a target="_blank" class="thickbox" href="' . \esc_url($changelog_link) . '">', \esc_html($version_info->new_version), '</a>');
} else {
\printf(\__('There is a new version of %1$s available. %2$sView version %3$s details%4$s or %5$supdate now%6$s.', 'easy-digital-downloads'), \esc_html($version_info->name), '<a target="_blank" class="thickbox" href="' . \esc_url($changelog_link) . '">', \esc_html($version_info->new_version), '</a>', '<a href="' . \esc_url(\wp_nonce_url(\self_admin_url('update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=') . $this->name, 'upgrade-plugin_' . $this->name)) . '">', '</a>');
\do_action("in_plugin_update_message-{$file}", $plugin, $version_info);
echo '</div></td></tr>';
* Updates information on the "View version x.x details" page with custom data.
* @uses api_request()
* @param mixed $_data
* @param string $_action
* @param object $_args
* @return object $_data
function plugins_api_filter($_data, $_action = '', $_args = null)
if ($_action != 'plugin_information') {
return $_data;
if (!isset($_args->slug) || $_args->slug != $this->slug) {
return $_data;
$to_send = array('slug' => $this->slug, 'is_ssl' => \is_ssl(), 'fields' => array(
'banners' => \false,
// These will be supported soon hopefully
'reviews' => \false,
$api_response = $this->api_request('plugin_information', $to_send);
if (\false !== $api_response) {
$_data = $api_response;
return $_data;
* Disable SSL verification in order to prevent download update failures
* @param array $args
* @param string $url
* @return object $array
function http_request_args($args, $url)
// If it is an https request and we are performing a package download, disable ssl verification
if (\strpos($url, 'https://') !== \false && \strpos($url, 'edd_action=package_download')) {
$args['sslverify'] = \false;
return $args;
* Calls the API and, if successfull, returns the object delivered by the API.
* @uses get_bloginfo()
* @uses wp_remote_post()
* @uses is_wp_error()
* @param string $_action The requested action.
* @param array $_data Parameters for the API action.
* @return false|object
private function api_request($_action, $_data)
global $wp_version;
$data = \array_merge($this->api_data, $_data);
if ($data['slug'] != $this->slug) {
if (empty($data['license'])) {
if ($this->api_url == \home_url()) {
return \false;
// Don't allow a plugin to ping itself
$api_params = array('edd_action' => 'get_version', 'license' => !empty($data['license']) ? $data['license'] : '', 'item_name' => isset($data['item_name']) ? $data['item_name'] : \false, 'item_id' => isset($data['item_id']) ? $data['item_id'] : \false, 'slug' => $data['slug'], 'author' => $data['author'], 'url' => \home_url());
$request = \wp_remote_post($this->api_url, array('timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => \false, 'body' => $api_params));
if (!\is_wp_error($request)) {
$request = \json_decode(\wp_remote_retrieve_body($request));
if ($request && isset($request->sections)) {
$request->sections = \maybe_unserialize($request->sections);
} else {
$request = \false;
return $request;
public function show_changelog()
if (empty($_REQUEST['edd_sl_action']) || 'view_plugin_changelog' != $_REQUEST['edd_sl_action']) {
if (empty($_REQUEST['plugin'])) {
if (empty($_REQUEST['slug'])) {
if (!\current_user_can('update_plugins')) {
\wp_die(\__('You do not have permission to install plugin updates', 'easy-digital-downloads'), \__('Error', 'easy-digital-downloads'), array('response' => 403));
global $s214_plugin_data;
$data = $s214_plugin_data[$_REQUEST['slug']];
$cache_key = \md5('edd_plugin_' . \sanitize_key($_REQUEST['plugin']) . '_version_info');
$version_info = \get_transient($cache_key);
if (\false === $version_info) {
$api_params = array('edd_action' => 'get_version', 'item_name' => isset($data['item_name']) ? $data['item_name'] : \false, 'item_id' => isset($data['item_id']) ? $data['item_id'] : \false, 'slug' => $_REQUEST['slug'], 'author' => $data['author'], 'url' => \home_url());
$request = \wp_remote_post($this->api_url, array('timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => \false, 'body' => $api_params));
if (!\is_wp_error($request)) {
$version_info = \json_decode(\wp_remote_retrieve_body($request));
if (!empty($version_info) && isset($version_info->sections)) {
$version_info->sections = \maybe_unserialize($version_info->sections);
} else {
$version_info = \false;
\set_transient($cache_key, $version_info, 3600);
if (!empty($version_info) && isset($version_info->sections['changelog'])) {
echo '<div style="background:#fff;padding:10px;">' . $response->sections['changelog'] . '</div>';