Repository URL to install this package:
namespace FSProVendor\WPDesk\Helper;
use FSProVendor\WPDesk\Notice\Notice;
* Know if helper is active/installed and can show notices about it
* @package WPDesk\Helper
class HelperRemoveInfo
private $plugin_file = 'wpdesk-helper/wpdesk-helper.php';
* Is helper active? We should disable
* @return bool
public function is_helper_active()
return \FSProVendor\WPDesk_Basic_Requirement_Checker::is_wp_plugin_active($this->plugin_file);
* Is helper installed? We should delete
* @return bool
public function is_helper_installed()
return \FSProVendor\WPDesk_Basic_Requirement_Checker::is_wp_plugin_installed($this->plugin_file);
* Show notice with disable helper info and url
* @return void
public function show_deactivate_helper_notice()
$remove_url = \self_admin_url('plugins.php?action=deactivate&plugin=' . $this->plugin_file);
if (\function_exists('wp_nonce_url') && \function_exists('wp_create_nonce')) {
$remove_url = \wp_nonce_url($remove_url, 'deactivate-plugin_' . $this->plugin_file);
new \FSProVendor\WPDesk\Notice\Notice(\sprintf(\__('We recommend to <a href="%s">deactivate and remove</a> the "WP Desk Helper" plugin as it is no longer required by WP Desk plugins', 'flexible-shipping-pro'), $remove_url));
* Show notice with remove helper info and url
* @return void
public function show_remove_helper_notice()
$remove_url = \self_admin_url('plugins.php?action=delete-selected&checked[]=' . $this->plugin_file);
if (\function_exists('wp_nonce_url') && \function_exists('wp_create_nonce')) {
$remove_url = \wp_nonce_url($remove_url, 'bulk-plugins');
new \FSProVendor\WPDesk\Notice\Notice(\sprintf(\__('We recommend to <a href="%s">remove</a> the "WP Desk Helper" plugin as it is no longer required by WP Desk plugins', 'flexible-shipping-pro'), $remove_url));