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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/generatepress-premium   php

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Version: 2.2.2 

/ functions / css.php

 * This file handles all of the Secondary Navigation functionality.
 * @package GP Premium

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	exit; // No direct access, please.

if ( ! class_exists( 'GeneratePress_Secondary_Nav_CSS' ) ) :
	 * Generate CSS class.
	class GeneratePress_Secondary_Nav_CSS {

		 * The css selector that you're currently adding rules to.
		 * @access protected
		 * @var string
		protected $_selector = '';

		 * Stores the final css output with all of its rules for the current selector.
		 * @access protected
		 * @var string
		protected $_selector_output = '';

		 * Stores all of the rules that will be added to the selector.
		 * @access protected
		 * @var string
		protected $_css = '';

		 * The string that holds all of the css to output.
		 * @access protected
		 * @var string
		protected $_output = '';

		 * Sets a selector to the object and changes the current selector to a new one
		 * @access public
		 * @since  1.0
		 * @param  string $selector - the css identifier of the html that you wish to target.
		 * @return $this
		public function set_selector( $selector = '' ) {
			// Render the css in the output string everytime the selector changes.
			if ( '' !== $this->_selector ) {

			$this->_selector = $selector;
			return $this;

		 * Adds a css property with value to the css output.
		 * @access public
		 * @since  1.0
		 * @param  string $property - the css property.
		 * @param  string $value - the value to be placed with the property.
		 * @param  string $og_default - check to see if the value matches the default.
		 * @param  string $unit - the unit for the value (px).
		 * @return $this
		public function add_property( $property, $value, $og_default = false, $unit = false ) {
			// Add our unit to the value if it exists.
			if ( $unit && '' !== $unit ) {
				$value = $value . $unit;
				if ( '' !== $og_default ) {
					$og_default = $og_default . $unit;

			// If we don't have a value or our value is the same as our og default, bail.
			if ( empty( $value ) || $og_default == $value ) {
				return false;

			$this->_css .= $property . ':' . $value . ';';
			return $this;

		 * Adds the current selector rules to the output variable
		 * @access private
		 * @since  1.0
		 * @return $this
		private function add_selector_rules_to_output() {
			if ( ! empty( $this->_css ) ) {
				$this->_selector_output = $this->_selector;
				$selector_output = sprintf( '%1$s{%2$s}', $this->_selector_output, $this->_css );

				$this->_output .= $selector_output;

				// Reset the css.
				$this->_css = '';

			return $this;

		 * Returns the minified css in the $_output variable
		 * @access public
		 * @since  1.0
		 * @return string
		public function css_output() {
			// Add current selector's rules to output.

			// Output minified css.
			return $this->_output;
