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/ functions / js / offside.js

/* offside-js 1.3.1 22-05-2016
* Minimal JavaScript kit without library dependencies to push things off-canvas using just class manipulation
* https://github.com/toomuchdesign/offside.git
* by Andrea Carraro
* Available under the MIT license

;(function ( window, document, undefined ) {

    * The first time Offside is called, it creates a singleton-factory object
    * and place it into "window.offside.factory".
    * Offside factory serves the following purposes:
    * - DOM initialization
    * - Centralized Offside instances management and initialization

    'use strict';

    // Self-invoking function returning the object which contains
    // the "getInstance" method used for initializing
    // the Offside sigleton factory
    var offside = (function () {

        // Global Offside singleton-factory constructor
        function initOffsideFactory( options ) {

            // Utility functions
            // Shared among factory and Offside instances, too

            // Close all open Offsides.
            // If an Offside instance id is provided, it just closes the matching instance instead
            var closeAll = function( offsideId ) {

                // Look for an open Offside id
                if ( openOffsidesId.length > 0 ) {

                    // Close matching Offside instance if an ID is provided
                    if ( !isNaN( offsideId ) ) {

                        instantiatedOffsides[ offsideId ].close();
                    } else {

                        // Close all Offside instances
                        openOffsidesId.forEach( function( offsideId ) {
                            instantiatedOffsides[ offsideId ].close();


            // Append a class to body in order to turn on elements CSS 3D transitions
            // only when happens the first interation with an Offside instance.
            // Otherwise we would see Offside instances being smoothly pushed
            // out of the screen during DOM initialization.
            turnOnCssTransitions = function() {
                addClass( body, transitionsClass );

            addClass = function( el, c ) {
                if ( el.classList ) {
                } else {
                    el.className = ( el.className + ' ' + c ).trim();

            removeClass = function( el, c ) {
                if ( el.classList ) {
                } else {
                    el.className = el.className.replace( new RegExp( '(^|\\b)' + c.split(' ').join('|') + '(\\b|$)', 'gi' ), ' ' );

            addEvent = function( el, eventName, eventHandler ) {
                el.addEventListener( eventName, eventHandler );

            removeEvent = function( el, eventName, eventHandler ) {
                el.removeEventListener( eventName, eventHandler );

            // Return a collection (array) of DOM elements from:
            // - A DOM element
            // - An array of DOM elements
            // - A string selector
            getDomElements = function( els ) {

                // "els" is a DOM element
                // http://stackoverflow.com/a/120275/2902821
                if( els instanceof HTMLElement ){
                    return [ els ];

                // "els" is an array
                else if( Array.isArray( els ) ) {
                    return els;

                // "els" is a string
                else if( typeof els === 'string' ) {
                    // Convert Nodelist into an array
                    // http://www.jstips.co/en/converting-a-node-list-to-an-array/
                    return Array.apply( null, document.querySelectorAll( els ) );

                return false;

            // Check if a value exists in an array. Returns:
            // - array index if value exists
            // - "false" if value is not found
            // See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/5767357
            isInArray = function( arr, value ) {
                var index = arr.indexOf( value );
                return index > -1 ? index : false;

            // Offside.js factory initialization

            var i,
                factorySettings;                                    // Offside factory private settings

            // Default factory settings
            factorySettings = {

                slidingElementsSelector: '.offside-sliding-element',    // String: Default sliding elements selectors ('#foo, #bar')
                disableCss3dTransforms: false,                          // Disable CSS 3d Transforms support (for testing purposes)
                debug: false,                                           // Boolean: If true, print errors in console

            // User defined factory settings
            for ( i in options ) {
                if ( factorySettings.hasOwnProperty( i ) ) {
                    factorySettings[i] = options[i];

            // Private factory properties
            var globalClass = 'offside-js',                         // Global Offside classes namespace
                initClass = globalClass + '--init',                 // Class appended to body when Offside is intialized
                slidingElementsClass = 'offside-sliding-element',   // Class appended to sliding elements
                transitionsClass = globalClass + '--interact',      // Class appended to body when ready to turn on Offside CSS transitions (Added when first menu interaction happens)
                instantiatedOffsides = [],                          // Array containing all instantiated offside elements
                firstInteraction = true,                            // Keep track of first Offside interaction
                has3d = factorySettings.disableCss3dTransforms ? false : _has3d(),       // Browser supports CSS 3d Transforms
                openOffsidesId = [],                                // Tracks opened Offside instances id's
                body = document.body,
                slidingElements = getDomElements( factorySettings.slidingElementsSelector ),     // Sliding elements
                debug = factorySettings.debug;

            // Offside singleton-factory Dom initialization
            // It's called just once on Offside singleton-factory init.
            function _factoryDomInit() {

                // Add class to sliding elements
                slidingElements.forEach( function( item ) {
                    addClass( item, slidingElementsClass );

                // DOM Fallbacks when CSS transform 3d not available
                if ( !has3d ) {
                    // No CSS 3d Transform fallback
                    addClass( document.documentElement, 'no-csstransforms3d' ); //Adds Modernizr-like class to HTML element when CSS 3D Transforms not available

                // Add init class to body
                addClass( body, initClass );

            // Private Offside factory methods

            // Testing for CSS 3D Transform Support
            // https://gist.github.com/lorenzopolidori/3794226
            function _has3d() {

                if ( !window.getComputedStyle ) {
                    return false;

                var el = document.createElement('p'),
                transforms = {

                // Add it to the body to get the computed style
                document.body.insertBefore(el, null);

                for( var t in transforms ){
                    if( el.style[t] !== undefined ){
                        el.style[t] = 'translate3d(1px,1px,1px)';
                        has3d = window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(transforms[t]);


                return ( has3d !== undefined && has3d.length > 0 && has3d !== 'none' );

            // Offside constructor wrapper
            // It supplies a wrapper around OffsideInstance constructor
            // to prevent instance initialization when casted on a non-existing DOM element
            // See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/8618792
            function createOffsideInstance( el, options, offsideId ) {

                // Check if provided element exists before using it to instantiate an Offside instance
                var domEl = el !== undefined ?
                    getDomElements( el ) :
                    getDomElements( '.offside' );

                // If provided el exists initialize an Offside instance, else return null
                return domEl !== false ?
                    new OffsideInstance( domEl[0], options, offsideId ) :

            // Offside constructor
            // Set up and initialize a new Offside instance
            // Called by Offside factory "getOffsideInstance()" method
            function OffsideInstance( domEl, options, offsideId ) {

                var i,

                // Default Offside instance settings
                offsideSettings = {

                    buttonsSelector: '',                // String: Offside toggle buttons selectors ('#foo, #bar')
                    slidingSide: 'left',                // String: Offside element pushed on left or right
                    init: function(){},                 // Function: After init callback
                    beforeOpen: function(){},           // Function: Before open callback
                    afterOpen: function(){},            // Function: After open callback
                    beforeClose: function(){},          // Function: Before close callback
                    afterClose: function(){},           // Function: After close callback
                    beforeDestroy: function(){},        // Function: After destroy callback
                    afterDestroy: function(){},         // Function: After destroy callback

                // User defined Offside instance settings
                for ( i in options ) {
                    if ( offsideSettings.hasOwnProperty( i ) ) {
                        offsideSettings[i] = options[i];

                // Offside instance private properties
                var offside = domEl,                                                        // Hello, I'm the Offside instance
                    offsideButtons = getDomElements( offsideSettings.buttonsSelector ),     // Offside toggle buttons
                    slidingSide = offsideSettings.slidingSide,
                    offsideClass = 'offside',                                               // Class added to Offside instance when initialized
                    offsideSideClass = offsideClass + '--' + slidingSide,                   // Class added to Offside instance when initialized (eg. offside offside--left)
                    offsideOpenClass = 'is-open',                                           // Class appended to Offside instance when open
                    offsideBodyOpenClass = globalClass + '--' + 'is-open',                  // Class appended to body when an Offside instance is open (offside-js--is-open)
                    offsideBodyOpenSideClass = globalClass + '--is-' + slidingSide,         // Class appended to body when Offside instance is open (eg. offside-js--is-left / offside-js--is-open)
                    id = offsideId || 0;                                                           // Offside instance id

                // Offside instance private methods

                var _toggleOffside = function() {

                    // Premise: Just 1 Offside instance at time can be open.

                    // Check currently toggling Offside status
                    isInArray( openOffsidesId, id ) === false ? _openOffside() : _closeOffside();

                _openOffside = function() {

                    // beforeOpen callback

                    // Turn on CSS transitions on first interaction with an Offside instance
                    if ( firstInteraction ) {
                        firstInteraction = false;

                    // If another Offside instance is already open,
                    // close it before going on

                    // Set global body active class for current Offside instance
                    addClass( body, offsideBodyOpenClass );
                    addClass( body, offsideBodyOpenSideClass );

                    // Add Offside instance open class
                    addClass( offside, offsideOpenClass );

                    // Update open Offside instances tracker
                    openOffsidesId.push( id );

                    // afterOpen callback

                _closeOffside = function() {

                    // Proceed with closing stuff only if
                    // current Offside instance is listed among openOffsidesId array
                    var index = isInArray( openOffsidesId, id );

                    if ( index !== false ) {

                        // beforeClose callback

                        // Remove global body active class for current Offside instance
                        removeClass( body, offsideBodyOpenClass );
                        removeClass( body, offsideBodyOpenSideClass );

                        // Remove Offside instance open class
                        removeClass( offside, offsideOpenClass );

                        // Update open Offside instances tracker
                        openOffsidesId.splice( index, 1 );

                        // afterClose callback

                _closeAll = function() {


                // Offside buttons click handler
                _onButtonClick = function( e ) {


                // Get Offside instance unique ID
                _getId = function() {
                    return id;

                // Set up and initialize a new Offside instance
                _initOffside = function() {

                    if ( debug ) {

                    // Append classes to Offside instance (.offside and .offside{slidingSide})
                    addClass( offside, offsideClass );
                    addClass( offside, offsideSideClass );

                    // Toggle Offside on click event
                    offsideButtons.forEach( function( item ) {
                        addEvent( item, 'click', _onButtonClick );

                    // Init callback

                _destroyOffside = function() {

                    // beforeDestroy callback

                    // Close Offside intance before destroy

                    // Remove click event from Offside buttons
                    offsideButtons.forEach( function( item ) {
                        removeEvent( item, 'click', _onButtonClick );

                    // Remove classes appended on init phase
                    removeClass( offside, offsideClass );
                    removeClass( offside, offsideSideClass );

                    // Destroy Offside instance
                    delete instantiatedOffsides[id];

                    // afterDestroy callback

                // Fire console errors if DOM elements are missing
                _checkElements = function() {

                    if ( !offside ) {
                        console.error( 'Offside alert: "offside" selector could not match any element' );

                    if ( !offsideButtons.length ) {
                        console.error( 'Offside alert: "buttonsSelector" selector could not match any element' );

                // Offside instances public methods
                this.toggle = function() {

                this.open = function() {

                this.close = function() {

                this.closeAll = function() {

                this.destroy = function() {

                // Ok, init Offside instance

            } // OffsideInstance constructor end

            // DOM initialization

            // This is the actual returned Offside factory
            return {

                //Offside factory public methods
                closeOpenOffside: function() {

                // This is the method responsible for creating a new Offside instance
                // and register it into "instantiatedOffsides" array
                getOffsideInstance: function( el, options ) {

                        // Get length of instantiated Offsides array
                    var offsideId = instantiatedOffsides.length || 0,

                        // Instantiate new Offside instance
                        offsideInstance = createOffsideInstance( el, options, offsideId );

                    // If Offside instance is sccessfully created
                    if ( offsideInstance !== null ) {

                        // Push new instance into "instantiatedOffsides" array and return it

                        /*jshint -W093 */
                        return instantiatedOffsides[ offsideId ] = offsideInstance;
                        /*jshint +W093 */



        } // initOffsideFactory() end

        return {

            // Get the Singleton instance if one exists
            // or create one if it doesn't
            getInstance: function ( el, options ) {

                if ( !window.offside.factory ) {
                    window.offside.factory = initOffsideFactory( options );

                return window.offside.factory.getOffsideInstance( el, options );


    // Store in window a reference to the Offside singleton factory
    if ( typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports ) {
        module.exports = offside.getInstance;
    } else {
        window.offside = offside.getInstance;

})( window, document );

 * Start GP.
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() {
	document.querySelector( '.slideout-navigation' ).style.display = '';
} );

var generateOffside = offside( '.slideout-navigation', {
    buttonsSelector: '.slideout-mobile .main-navigation .menu-toggle, .slideout-both .main-navigation .menu-toggle, .slideout-both .slideout-toggle, .slideout-desktop .slideout-toggle',
	slidingSide: offSide.side,
	beforeOpen: function() {
		// Turn on visibility so we can transition nicely.
		document.querySelector( '.slideout-navigation' ).style.visibility = 'visible';
	afterOpen: function() {
		document.documentElement.classList.add( 'slide-opened' );
		document.body.classList.add( 'slide-opened' );

		if ( document.body.classList.contains( 'dropdown-hover' ) ) {
			var dropdownItems = document.querySelector( '.slideout-navigation' ).querySelectorAll( 'li.menu-item-has-children' );
			for ( var i = 0; i < dropdownItems.length; i++ ) {
				var spanToggle = dropdownItems[i].querySelector( 'span.dropdown-menu-toggle' );

				if ( spanToggle ) {
					spanToggle.setAttribute( 'tabindex', 0 );
					spanToggle.setAttribute( 'role', 'button' );
					spanToggle.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', true );

		document.querySelector( '.slideout-navigation' ).removeAttribute( 'aria-hidden' );

		// Focus the first focusable element.
		var focusable = document.querySelector( '.slideout-navigation' ).querySelectorAll( 'button, [href], input, select, textarea, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])' );

		if ( focusable ) {
			setTimeout( function() {
			}, 200 );
	afterClose: function() {
		var body = document.body,
			nav = document.querySelectorAll( '.main-navigation' );

		for ( var i = 0; i < nav.length; i++ ) {
			if ( nav[i].classList.contains( 'toggled' ) ) {
				nav[i].classList.remove( 'toggled' );

		document.documentElement.classList.remove( 'slide-opened' );
		body.classList.remove( 'slide-opened' );

		if ( 'true' === document.querySelector( '.main-navigation .menu-toggle' ).getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ) ) {
			document.querySelector( '.main-navigation .menu-toggle' ).setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', false );

		if ( body.classList.contains( 'dropdown-hover' ) ) {
			var dropdownItems = document.querySelector( '.main-navigation:not(.slideout-navigation):not(.mobile-menu-control-wrapper)' ).querySelectorAll( 'li.menu-item-has-children' );
			for ( var i = 0; i < dropdownItems.length; i++ ) {
				var spanToggle = dropdownItems[i].querySelector( 'span.dropdown-menu-toggle' );

				if ( spanToggle ) {
					spanToggle.removeAttribute( 'tabindex' );
					spanToggle.setAttribute( 'role', 'presentation' );
					spanToggle.removeAttribute( 'aria-expanded' );

		// Turn off visibility.
		setTimeout( function() {
			document.querySelector( '.slideout-navigation:not(.is-open)' ).style.visibility = '';
			document.querySelector( '.slideout-navigation:not(.is-open)' ).setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' );
		}, 500 );
} );

var closeElements = document.querySelectorAll( '.slideout-overlay, .slideout-exit, .slider-exit a' );
for ( var i = 0; i < closeElements.length; i++ ) {
	closeElements[i].addEventListener( 'click', function( e ) {
	} );

 * Closes the slideout navigation if the link does something.
 * eg. Goes to an anchor link
 * @since 1.7
var slideoutLinks = document.querySelectorAll( '.slideout-navigation ul a' );

var closeOffsideOnAction = function() {
	var url = this.getAttribute( 'href' );

	if ( '#' !== url && '' !== url && ! navigator.userAgent.match( /iemobile/i ) ) {
		setTimeout( function() {
		}, 200 );

for ( var i = 0; i < slideoutLinks.length; i++ ) {
	slideoutLinks[i].addEventListener( 'click', closeOffsideOnAction, false );

document.addEventListener( 'keyup', function( e ) {
	if ( document.body.classList.contains( 'slide-opened' ) ) {
		e = e || window.event;

		if ( e.keyCode == 27 ) {

			var body = document.body;

			// Focus our slideout toggle.
			if ( window.document.documentElement.clientWidth <= 768 ) {
				if ( body.classList.contains( 'slideout-mobile' ) || body.classList.contains( 'slideout-both' ) ) {
					document.querySelectorAll( '.main-navigation:not(.slideout-navigation)' ).forEach( function( navigation ) {
						if ( navigation && navigation.style.display !== 'none' ) {
							navigation.querySelector( '.menu-toggle' ).focus();
					} );
			} else {
				if ( body.classList.contains( 'slideout-desktop' ) || body.classList.contains( 'slideout-both' ) ) {
					document.querySelectorAll( '.main-navigation:not(.slideout-navigation)' ).forEach( function( navigation ) {
						if ( navigation && navigation.style.display !== 'none' ) {
							navigation.querySelector( '.slideout-toggle a' ).focus();
					} );
} );