Repository URL to install this package:
defined( 'WPINC' ) or die;
if ( ! function_exists( 'generate_page_header_post_image' ) ) {
add_action( 'generate_after_entry_header', 'generate_page_header_post_image' );
* Prints the Post Image to post excerpts
function generate_page_header_post_image() {
// Get our options
$options = generate_page_header_get_options( get_the_ID() );
// Check if we have a featured image
$featured_image = ( has_post_thumbnail() ) ? apply_filters( 'generate_post_image_force_featured_image', true ) : apply_filters( 'generate_post_image_force_featured_image', false );
// If using the featured image, stop
if ( $featured_image ) {
// If our add to excerpt checkbox isn't set, stop
if ( '' == get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_meta-generate-page-header-add-to-excerpt', true ) ) {
if ( 'post' == get_post_type() && ! is_single() ) {
// If an image is set and no content is set
if ( '' == $options[ 'content' ] && generate_page_header_get_image( 'ALL' ) ) {
'<div class="%1$s">
'post-image page-header-post-image',
( ! empty( $options[ 'image_link' ] ) ) ? '<a href="' . esc_url( $options[ 'image_link' ] ) . '"' . apply_filters( 'generate_page_header_link_target','' ) . '>' : null,
( ! empty( $options[ 'image_link' ] ) ) ? '</a>' : null,
// If content is set, show it
if ( '' !== $options[ 'content' ] && false !== $options[ 'content' ] ) {
'<div class="%1$s">
<div class="%2$s">
'post-image generate-page-header generate-post-content-header page-header-post-image',
'inside-page-header-container inside-post-content-header grid-container grid-parent',
( ! empty( $options[ 'add_padding' ] ) ) ? '<div class="inside-page-header">' : null,
( ! empty( $options[ 'add_padding' ] ) ) ? '</div>' : null,
( ! empty( $options[ 'autop' ] ) ) ? do_shortcode( wpautop( $options[ 'content' ] ) ) : do_shortcode( $options[ 'content' ] )