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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/generatepress   php

Repository URL to install this package:

Version: 3.2.4 

/ class-theme-update.php

 * Migrates old options on update.
 * @package GeneratePress

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	exit; // Exit if accessed directly.

 * Process option updates if necessary.
class GeneratePress_Theme_Update {
	 * Class instance.
	 * @access private
	 * @var $instance Class instance.
	private static $instance;

	 * Initiator
	public static function get_instance() {
		if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) ) {
			self::$instance = new self();
		return self::$instance;

	 *  Constructor
	public function __construct() {
		if ( is_admin() ) {
			add_action( 'admin_init', __CLASS__ . '::init', 5 );
		} else {
			add_action( 'wp', __CLASS__ . '::init', 5 );

		add_action( 'admin_init', __CLASS__ . '::admin_updates', 1 );

	 * Implement theme update logic. Only run updates on existing sites.
	 * @since 3.0.0
	public static function init() {
		if ( is_customize_preview() ) {

		$saved_version = get_option( 'generate_db_version', false );

		if ( false === $saved_version ) {
			// Typically this would mean this is a new install, but we haven't always had the version saved, so we need to check for existing settings.

			$existing_settings = get_option( 'generate_settings', array() );

			// Can't count this as a user-set option since a previous migration script set it.
			if ( isset( $existing_settings['combine_css'] ) ) {
				unset( $existing_settings['combine_css'] );

			if ( ! empty( $existing_settings ) ) {
				// We have settings, which means this is an old install with no version number.
				$saved_version = '2.0';
			} else {
				// No settings and no saved version, must be a new install.

				if ( 'admin_init' === current_action() ) {
					// If we're in the admin, add our version to the database.
					update_option( 'generate_db_version', GENERATE_VERSION );


		if ( version_compare( $saved_version, GENERATE_VERSION, '=' ) ) {

		if ( version_compare( $saved_version, '2.3.0', '<' ) ) {

		if ( version_compare( $saved_version, '3.0.0-alpha.1', '<' ) ) {

		if ( version_compare( $saved_version, '3.1.0-alpha.1', '<' ) ) {

		// Delete our CSS cache.
		delete_option( 'generate_dynamic_css_output' );
		delete_option( 'generate_dynamic_css_cached_version' );

		// Reset our dynamic CSS file updated time so it regenerates.
		$dynamic_css_data = get_option( 'generatepress_dynamic_css_data', array() );

		if ( ! empty( $dynamic_css_data ) ) {
			if ( isset( $dynamic_css_data['updated_time'] ) ) {
				unset( $dynamic_css_data['updated_time'] );

			update_option( 'generatepress_dynamic_css_data', $dynamic_css_data );

		// Last thing to do is update our version.
		update_option( 'generate_db_version', GENERATE_VERSION );

	 * Less important updates that should only happen in the Dashboard.
	 * These use a database flag instead of our version number for legacy reasons.
	 * @since 3.0.0
	public static function admin_updates() {

	 * Remove variants from font family values.
	 * @since 1.3.0
	public static function v_1_3_0() {
		// Don't run this if Typography add-on is activated.
		if ( function_exists( 'generate_fonts_customize_register' ) ) {

		$settings = get_option( 'generate_settings', array() );

		if ( ! isset( $settings['font_body'] ) ) {

		$value = $settings['font_body'];
		$needs_update = false;

		// If our value has : in it.
		if ( ! empty( $value ) && strpos( $value, ':' ) !== false ) {
			// Remove the : and anything past it.
			$value = current( explode( ':', $value ) );

			$settings['font_body'] = $value;
			$needs_update = true;

		if ( $needs_update ) {
			update_option( 'generate_settings', $settings );

	 * Move logo to custom_logo option as required by WP.org.
	 * @since 1.3.29
	public static function v_1_3_29() {
		if ( ! function_exists( 'the_custom_logo' ) ) {

		if ( get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo' ) ) {

		$settings = get_option( 'generate_settings', array() );

		if ( ! isset( $settings['logo'] ) ) {

		$old_value = $settings['logo'];

		if ( empty( $old_value ) ) {

		$logo = attachment_url_to_postid( $old_value );

		if ( is_int( $logo ) ) {
			set_theme_mod( 'custom_logo', $logo );

		if ( get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo' ) ) {
			$settings['logo'] = '';
			update_option( 'generate_settings', $settings );

	 * Turn off the combine CSS option for existing sites.
	 * @since 2.3.0
	public static function v_2_3_0() {
		$settings = get_option( 'generate_settings', array() );
		$update_options = false;

		if ( ! isset( $settings['combine_css'] ) ) {
			$settings['combine_css'] = false;
			$update_options = true;

		if ( $update_options ) {
			update_option( 'generate_settings', $settings );

	 * Update sites using old defaults.
	 * @since 3.0.0
	public static function v_3_0_0() {
		$settings = get_option( 'generate_settings', array() );
		$update_options = false;

		$old_defaults = array(
			'icons' => 'font',
			'structure' => 'floats',
			'hide_tagline' => '',
			'container_width' => '1100',
			'nav_position_setting' => 'nav-below-header',
			'container_alignment' => 'boxes',
			'background_color' => '#efefef',
			'text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
			'header_text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
			'header_link_color' => '#3a3a3a',
			'navigation_background_color' => '#222222',
			'navigation_text_color' => '#ffffff',
			'navigation_background_hover_color' => '#3f3f3f',
			'navigation_text_hover_color' => '#ffffff',
			'navigation_background_current_color' => '#3f3f3f',
			'navigation_text_current_color' => '#ffffff',
			'subnavigation_background_color' => '#3f3f3f',
			'subnavigation_text_color' => '#ffffff',
			'subnavigation_background_hover_color' => '#4f4f4f',
			'subnavigation_text_hover_color' => '#ffffff',
			'subnavigation_background_current_color' => '#4f4f4f',
			'subnavigation_text_current_color' => '#ffffff',
			'sidebar_widget_title_color' => '#000000',
			'site_title_font_size' => '45',
			'mobile_site_title_font_size' => '30',
			'form_button_background_color' => '#666666',
			'form_button_background_color_hover' => '#3f3f3f',
			'footer_background_color' => '#222222',
			'footer_link_hover_color' => '#606060',
			'entry_meta_link_color' => '#595959',
			'entry_meta_link_color_hover' => '#1e73be',
			'blog_post_title_color' => '',
			'blog_post_title_hover_color' => '',
			'heading_1_font_size' => '40',
			'mobile_heading_1_font_size' => '30',
			'heading_1_weight' => '300',
			'heading_2_font_size' => '30',
			'mobile_heading_2_font_size' => '25',
			'heading_2_weight' => '300',
			'heading_3_font_size' => '20',
			'mobile_heading_3_font_size' => '',
			'heading_4_font_size' => '',
			'mobile_heading_4_font_size' => '',
			'heading_5_font_size' => '',
			'mobile_heading_5_font_size' => '',

		foreach ( $old_defaults as $key => $value ) {
			if ( ! isset( $settings[ $key ] ) ) {
				$settings[ $key ] = $value;
				$update_options = true;

		if ( $update_options ) {
			update_option( 'generate_settings', $settings );

		$spacing_settings = get_option( 'generate_spacing_settings', array() );
		$update_spacing_options = false;

		$old_spacing_defaults = array(
			'left_sidebar_width' => '25',
			'right_sidebar_width' => '25',
			'top_bar_right' => '10',
			'top_bar_left' => '10',
			'mobile_top_bar_right' => '',
			'mobile_top_bar_left' => '',
			'header_top' => '40',
			'header_bottom' => '40',
			'mobile_header_right' => '',
			'mobile_header_left' => '',
			'mobile_widget_top' => '',
			'mobile_widget_right' => '',
			'mobile_widget_bottom' => '',
			'mobile_widget_left' => '',
			'mobile_footer_widget_container_top' => '',
			'mobile_footer_widget_container_right' => '',
			'mobile_footer_widget_container_bottom' => '',
			'mobile_footer_widget_container_left' => '',
			'footer_right' => '20',
			'footer_left' => '20',
			'mobile_footer_right' => '10',
			'mobile_footer_left' => '10',

		foreach ( $old_spacing_defaults as $key => $value ) {
			if ( ! isset( $spacing_settings[ $key ] ) ) {
				$spacing_settings[ $key ] = $value;
				$update_spacing_options = true;

		if ( $update_spacing_options ) {
			update_option( 'generate_spacing_settings', $spacing_settings );

		if ( $update_options || $update_spacing_options ) {
			delete_option( 'generate_dynamic_css_output' );
			delete_option( 'generate_dynamic_css_cached_version' );

			// Reset our dynamic CSS file updated time so it regenerates.
			$dynamic_css_data = get_option( 'generatepress_dynamic_css_data', array() );

			if ( ! empty( $dynamic_css_data ) ) {
				if ( isset( $dynamic_css_data['updated_time'] ) ) {
					unset( $dynamic_css_data['updated_time'] );

				update_option( 'generatepress_dynamic_css_data', $dynamic_css_data );

	 * Update sites using old defaults.
	 * @since 3.1.0
	public static function v_3_1_0() {
		$settings = get_option( 'generate_settings', array() );
		$update_options = false;

		$old_defaults = array(
			'underline_links' => 'never',
			'use_dynamic_typography' => false,
			'background_color' => '#f7f8f9',
			'text_color' => '#222222',
			'link_color' => '#1e73be',
			'link_color_hover' => '#000000',
			'header_background_color' => '#ffffff',
			'site_title_color' => '#222222',
			'site_tagline_color' => '#757575',
			'navigation_background_color' => '#ffffff',
			'navigation_background_hover_color' => '#ffffff',
			'navigation_background_current_color' => '#ffffff',
			'navigation_text_color' => '#515151',
			'navigation_text_hover_color' => '#7a8896',
			'navigation_text_current_color' => '#7a8896',
			'subnavigation_background_color' => '#eaeaea',
			'subnavigation_background_hover_color' => '#eaeaea',
			'subnavigation_background_current_color' => '#eaeaea',
			'subnavigation_text_color' => '#515151',
			'subnavigation_text_hover_color' => '#7a8896',
			'subnavigation_text_current_color' => '#7a8896',
			'content_background_color' => '#ffffff',
			'blog_post_title_color' => '#222222',
			'blog_post_title_hover_color' => '#55555e',
			'entry_meta_text_color' => '#595959',
			'sidebar_widget_background_color' => '#ffffff',
			'footer_widget_background_color' => '#ffffff',
			'footer_widget_title_color' => '#000000',
			'footer_background_color' => '#55555e',
			'footer_text_color' => '#ffffff',
			'footer_link_color' => '#ffffff',
			'footer_link_hover_color' => '#d3d3d3',
			'form_background_color' => '#fafafa',
			'form_text_color' => '#666666',
			'form_background_color_focus' => '#ffffff',
			'form_text_color_focus' => '#666666',
			'form_border_color' => '#cccccc',
			'form_border_color_focus' => '#bfbfbf',

		foreach ( $old_defaults as $key => $value ) {
			if ( ! isset( $settings[ $key ] ) ) {
				$settings[ $key ] = $value;
				$update_options = true;

		if ( $update_options ) {
			update_option( 'generate_settings', $settings );
