Repository URL to install this package:
<div class="wrap jet-apb-setup">
<div v-if="!isSet || isReset">
<div v-if="1 === currentStep">
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle"><?php
_e( 'Step 1 of 4. Connect post types', 'jet-appointments-booking' )
<div class="cx-vui-panel">
<div class="cx-vui-component"><p class="jet-apb-setup-descr"><?php
printf( __( 'To start you need to create a post type for appointment services (and providers if you need it). If you have already created the required post types, please select it from the list below. If no - please go to <a href="%1$s">Post Types</a> page and create it.', 'jet-appointments-booking' ), add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'jet-engine-cpt' ), admin_url( 'admin.php' ) ) );
label="<?php _e( 'Services post type', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Select post type to fill services from', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
label="<?php _e( 'Add providers', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Check this if you want to manage services providers', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
label="<?php _e( 'Provider post type', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Select post type to fill providers from', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
input: this.setupData.add_providers,
compare: 'equal',
value: true,
<div v-if="2 === currentStep">
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle"><?php
_e( 'Step 2 of 4. Setup DB tables', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<div class="cx-vui-panel">
<div class="cx-vui-component">
<div class="cx-vui-component__meta">
<label class="cx-vui-component__label"><?php
_e( 'Required columns', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<div class="cx-vui-component__desc"><?php
_e( 'Minimum set of required DB columns', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<div class="cx-vui-component__control">
<ul class="jet-apb-setup__db-columns">
<li v-for="field in dbFields">{{ field }}</li>
:wrapper-css="[ 'fullwidth-control' ]"
<div class="cx-vui-inner-panel">
:button-label="'<?php _e( 'New DB Column', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>'"
v-for="( column, columnIndex ) in additionalDBColumns"
:title="additionalDBColumns[ columnIndex ].column"
:collapsed="isCollapsed( column )"
@clone-item="cloneColumn( $event, columnIndex )"
@delete-item="deleteColumn( $event, columnIndex )"
:key="'column' + columnIndex"
label="<?php _e( 'Column name', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Name for additional DB column', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:value="additionalDBColumns[ columnIndex ].column"
@on-input-change="setColumnProp( columnIndex, 'column', $ )"
<div v-if="3 === currentStep">
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle"><?php
_e( 'Step 3 of 4. Setup working hours and days off', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<div class="cx-vui-panel jet-apb-panel">
<div v-if="4 === currentStep">
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle"><?php
_e( 'Step 4 of 4. Setup additional options', 'jet-appointments-booking' )
<div class="cx-vui-panel">
label="<?php _e( 'WooCommerce Integration', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Check this to connect appointments with WooCommerce checkout', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
label="<?php _e( 'Create a Single Service Booking Form', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Create a booking form for a single service page (without services select field). JetEngine forms module should be enabled', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
label="<?php _e( 'Create Sample Page Booking Form', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Create booking form for any static page (with services select field). JetEngine forms module should be enabled', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
<div v-if="4 < currentStep">
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle"><?php
_e( 'Congratulations! You\'re all set!', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<div class="cx-vui-panel jet-apb-panel">
<div class="jet-apb-panel-block">
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle"><?php
_e( 'Post Types', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<p><span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-post"></span><a :href="log.services_page" target="_blank"><?php
_e( 'Manage Services', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<p v-if="log.providers_page"><span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-post"></span><a :href="log.providers_page" target="_blank"><?php
_e( 'Manage Providers', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<div class="jet-apb-panel-block">
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle"><?php
_e( 'WooCommerce Integration', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<p v-if="log.wc.enabled" class="jet-apb-wc-active" style="color: #46B450;"><span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span><b><?php
_e( 'Enabled', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<p v-else class="jet-apb-wc-inactive" style="color: #C92C2C;"><span class="dashicons dashicons-no"></span><b><?php
_e( 'Disabled', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<p v-if="log.wc.enabled &&"><span class="dashicons dashicons-cart"></span><a :href="" target="_blank"><?php
_e( 'Related product', 'jet-appointments-booking' )
<div v-if="log.forms.length" class="jet-apb-panel-block">
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle"><?php
_e( 'Created Forms', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<p v-for="form in log.forms" :key="">
<span class="dashicons dashicons-clipboard"></span>
<a :href="" target="_blank">{{ form.title }}</a>
<b>*</b> <?php _e( '<b>Note:</b> If you added additional DB columns, you need to add appropriate fields to the forms and notification settings.', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>
<div class="jet-apb-panel-block">
_e( 'To make all settings safe, you can disable Set Up Wizard in plugin settings (<b>Advanced</b> tab)', 'jet-appointments-booking' );
<span slot="label">
<?php _e( 'Go to plugin settings', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>
<div v-else class="jet-apb-setup__actions">
v-if="1 < currentStep"
<span slot="label">
<span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-left-alt2"></span>
<?php _e( 'Prev', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>
<span slot="label" v-if="currentStep === lastStep">
<?php _e( 'Finish', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>
<span slot="label" v-else>
<?php _e( 'Next', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>
<div class="cx-vui-panel" v-else>
<div class="jet-apb-reset">
<b><?php _e( 'Plugin is already set up.', 'jet-appointments-booking' ) ?></b>
<?php _e( 'If you want to reset current plugin data and set it again press the button below', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>
<span slot="label"><?php _e( 'Reset', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?></span>