* Cherry addons tools class
// If this file is called directly, abort.
if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'Jet_Blocks_Tools' ) ) {
* Define Jet_Blocks_Tools class
class Jet_Blocks_Tools {
* A reference to an instance of this class.
* @since 1.0.0
* @var object
private static $instance = null;
* Returns columns classes string
* @param [type] $columns [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function col_classes( $columns = array() ) {
$columns = wp_parse_args( $columns, array(
'desk' => 1,
'tab' => 1,
'mob' => 1,
) );
$classes = array();
foreach ( $columns as $device => $cols ) {
if ( ! empty( $cols ) ) {
$classes[] = sprintf( 'col-%1$s-%2$s', $device, $cols );
return implode( ' ' , $classes );
* Returns disable columns gap nad rows gap classes string
* @param string $use_cols_gap [description]
* @param string $use_rows_gap [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function gap_classes( $use_cols_gap = 'yes', $use_rows_gap = 'yes' ) {
$result = array();
foreach ( array( 'cols' => $use_cols_gap, 'rows' => $use_rows_gap ) as $element => $value ) {
if ( 'yes' !== $value ) {
$result[] = sprintf( 'disable-%s-gap', $element );
return implode( ' ', $result );
* Returns image size array in slug => name format
* @return array
public function get_image_sizes() {
global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
$sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
$result = array();
foreach ( $sizes as $size ) {
if ( in_array( $size, array( 'thumbnail', 'medium', 'medium_large', 'large' ) ) ) {
$result[ $size ] = ucwords( trim( str_replace( array( '-', '_' ), array( ' ', ' ' ), $size ) ) );
} else {
$result[ $size ] = sprintf(
'%1$s (%2$sx%3$s)',
ucwords( trim( str_replace( array( '-', '_' ), array( ' ', ' ' ), $size ) ) ),
$_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $size ]['width'],
$_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $size ]['height']
return array_merge( array( 'full' => esc_html__( 'Full', 'jet-blocks' ), ), $result );
* Get categories list.
* @return array
public function get_categories() {
$categories = get_categories();
if ( empty( $categories ) || ! is_array( $categories ) ) {
return array();
return wp_list_pluck( $categories, 'name', 'term_id' );
* Returns icons data list.
* @return array
public function get_theme_icons_data() {
$default = array(
'icons' => false,
'format' => 'fa %s',
'file' => false,
* Filter default icon data before useing
* @var array
$icon_data = apply_filters( 'jet-blocks/controls/icon/data', $default );
$icon_data = array_merge( $default, $icon_data );
return $icon_data;
* Returns allowed order by fields for options
* @return array
public function orderby_arr() {
return array(
'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'jet-blocks' ),
'ID' => esc_html__( 'ID', 'jet-blocks' ),
'author' => esc_html__( 'Author', 'jet-blocks' ),
'title' => esc_html__( 'Title', 'jet-blocks' ),
'name' => esc_html__( 'Name (slug)', 'jet-blocks' ),
'date' => esc_html__( 'Date', 'jet-blocks' ),
'modified' => esc_html__( 'Modified', 'jet-blocks' ),
'rand' => esc_html__( 'Rand', 'jet-blocks' ),
'comment_count' => esc_html__( 'Comment Count', 'jet-blocks' ),
'menu_order' => esc_html__( 'Menu Order', 'jet-blocks' ),
* Returns allowed order fields for options
* @return array
public function order_arr() {
return array(
'desc' => esc_html__( 'Descending', 'jet-blocks' ),
'asc' => esc_html__( 'Ascending', 'jet-blocks' ),
* Returns allowed order by fields for options
* @return array
public function verrtical_align_attr() {
return array(
'baseline' => esc_html__( 'Baseline', 'jet-blocks' ),
'top' => esc_html__( 'Top', 'jet-blocks' ),
'middle' => esc_html__( 'Middle', 'jet-blocks' ),
'bottom' => esc_html__( 'Bottom', 'jet-blocks' ),
'sub' => esc_html__( 'Sub', 'jet-blocks' ),
'super' => esc_html__( 'Super', 'jet-blocks' ),
'text-top' => esc_html__( 'Text Top', 'jet-blocks' ),
'text-bottom' => esc_html__( 'Text Bottom', 'jet-blocks' ),
* Returns array with numbers in $index => $name format for numeric selects
* @param integer $to Max numbers
* @return array
public function get_select_range( $to = 10 ) {
$range = range( 1, $to );
return array_combine( $range, $range );
* Returns badge placeholder URL
* @return void
public function get_badge_placeholder() {
return jet_blocks()->plugin_url( 'assets/images/placeholder-badge.svg' );
* Rturns image tag or raw SVG
* @param string $url image URL.
* @param array $attr [description]
* @return string
public function get_image_by_url( $url = null, $attr = array() ) {
$url = esc_url( $url );
if ( empty( $url ) ) {
$ext = pathinfo( $url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
$attr = array_merge( array( 'alt' => '' ), $attr );
if ( 'svg' !== $ext ) {
return sprintf( '<img src="%1$s"%2$s>', $url, $this->get_attr_string( $attr ) );
$base_url = network_site_url( '/' );
$svg_path = str_replace( $base_url, ABSPATH, $url );
$key = md5( $svg_path );
$svg = get_transient( $key );
if ( ! $svg ) {
$svg = file_get_contents( $svg_path );
if ( ! $svg ) {
return sprintf( '<img src="%1$s"%2$s>', $url, $this->get_attr_string( $attr ) );
set_transient( $key, $svg, DAY_IN_SECONDS );
unset( $attr['alt'] );
return sprintf( '<div%2$s>%1$s</div>', $svg, $this->get_attr_string( $attr ) ); ;
* Return attributes string from attributes array.
* @param array $attr Attributes string.
* @return string
public function get_attr_string( $attr = array() ) {
if ( empty( $attr ) || ! is_array( $attr ) ) {
$result = '';
foreach ( $attr as $key => $value ) {
$result .= sprintf( ' %s="%s"', esc_attr( $key ), esc_attr( $value ) );
return $result;
* Returns carousel arrow
* @param array $classes Arrow additional classes list.
* @return string
public function get_carousel_arrow( $classes ) {
$format = apply_filters( 'jet_blocks/carousel/arrows_format', '<i class="%s jet-arrow"></i>', $classes );
return sprintf( $format, implode( ' ', $classes ) );
* Get post types options list
* @return array
public function get_post_types() {
$post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' );
$deprecated = apply_filters(
array( 'attachment', 'elementor_library' )
$result = array();
if ( empty( $post_types ) ) {
return $result;
foreach ( $post_types as $slug => $post_type ) {
if ( in_array( $slug, $deprecated ) ) {
$result[ $slug ] = $post_type->label;
return $result;
* Return availbale arrows list
* @return [type] [description]
public function get_available_prev_arrows_list() {
return apply_filters(
'fa fa-angle-left' => __( 'Angle', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-chevron-left' => __( 'Chevron', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-angle-double-left' => __( 'Angle Double', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-arrow-left' => __( 'Arrow', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-caret-left' => __( 'Caret', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-long-arrow-left' => __( 'Long Arrow', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-arrow-circle-left' => __( 'Arrow Circle', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-chevron-circle-left' => __( 'Chevron Circle', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-caret-square-o-left' => __( 'Caret Square', 'jet-blocks' ),
* Return availbale arrows list
* @return [type] [description]
public function get_available_next_arrows_list() {
return apply_filters(
'fa fa-angle-right' => __( 'Angle', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-chevron-right' => __( 'Chevron', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-angle-double-right' => __( 'Angle Double', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-arrow-right' => __( 'Arrow', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-caret-right' => __( 'Caret', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-long-arrow-right' => __( 'Long Arrow', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-arrow-circle-right' => __( 'Arrow Circle', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-chevron-circle-right' => __( 'Chevron Circle', 'jet-blocks' ),
'fa fa-caret-square-o-right' => __( 'Caret Square', 'jet-blocks' ),
* Get breadcrumbs post taxonomy settings.
* @return array
public function get_breadcrumbs_post_taxonomy_settings() {
static $results = array();
if ( empty( $results ) ) {
$post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' );
if ( is_array( $post_types ) && ! empty( $post_types ) ) {
foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) {
$value = jet_blocks_settings()->get( 'breadcrumbs_taxonomy_' . $post_type->name, ( 'post' === $post_type->name ) ? 'category' : '' );
if ( ! empty( $value ) ) {
$results[ $post_type->name ] = $value;
return $results;
* Is script debug.
* @return bool
public function is_script_debug() {
return defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG;
* Returns the instance.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return object
public static function get_instance( $shortcodes = array() ) {
// If the single instance hasn't been set, set it now.
if ( null == self::$instance ) {
self::$instance = new self( $shortcodes );
return self::$instance;
* Returns instance of Jet_Blocks_Tools
* @return object
function jet_blocks_tools() {
return Jet_Blocks_Tools::get_instance();