label="<?php _e( 'Hide DB columns manager', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Check this to hide columns manager option. This allow to prevent accidental DB changes.', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
@input="updateSetting( $event, 'hide_columns_manager' )"
label="<?php _e( 'Enable iCal synchronization', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Check this to allow export your bookings into iCal format and synchronize all your data with external calendars in iCal format.', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
@input="updateSetting( $event, 'ical_synch' )"
label="<?php _e( 'Calendar synch interval', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Select interval between calendars synchronizing.', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
@input="updateSetting( $event, 'synch_interval' )"
label="<?php _e( 'Calendar synch start', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Start calendar synchronizing from this time.', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth', 'schedule-time' ]"
:options-list="getInterval( 23 )"
@input="updateSetting( $event, 'synch_interval_hours' )"
<span class="jet-schedule-delimiter">:</span>
:options-list="getInterval( 59 )"
@input="updateSetting( $event, 'synch_interval_mins' )"
<span class="jet-schedule-delimiter">HH:MM</span>
label="<?php _e( 'Hide Set Up Wizard', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Check this to hide Set Up page to avoid unnecessary plugin resets', 'jet-appointments-booking' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
@input="updateSetting( $event, 'hide_setup' )"