namespace JET_ABAF;
// If this file is called directly, abort.
if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {
* Plug-in code into JetEngine
class Engine_Plugin {
private $done = false;
private $deps_added = false;
private $booked_dates = array();
public $default = false;
public function __construct() {
// Register field for booking form
array( $this, 'register_dates_field' )
// Regsiter notification for booking form
array( $this, 'register_booking_notification' )
array( $this, 'notification_fields' )
array( $this, 'macros_advanced_price' ), 10, 2
array( $this, 'edit_fields' )
// Add form field template
array( $this, 'field_template' ), 10, 3
// Register notification handler
array( $this, 'handle_notification' ), 1, 2
array( $this, 'before_form_gateway' ), 1, 2
array( $this, 'on_gateway_success' ), 10, 3
array( $this, 'add_macros_list' ), 10, 0
* Set bookng appointment notification before gateway
* @param [type] $keep [description]
* @param [type] $all [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function before_form_gateway( $keep, $all ) {
foreach ( $all as $index => $notification ) {
if ( 'apartment_booking' === $notification['type'] && ! in_array( $index, $keep ) ) {
$keep[] = $index;
return $keep;
* Finalize booking on internal JetEngine form gateway success
* @return [type] [description]
public function on_gateway_success( $form_id, $settings, $form_data ) {
$booking_id = $form_data['booking_id'];
if ( $booking_id ) {
'status' => 'completed',
* Register new dates fields
* @return [type] [description]
public function register_dates_field( $fields ) {
$fields['check_in_out'] = __( 'Check-in/check-out dates' );
return $fields;
* Register booking notifications
* @param [type] $notifications [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function register_booking_notification( $notifications ) {
$notifications['apartment_booking'] = __( 'Apartment booking' );
return $notifications;
* Macros _advanced_apartment_price processing in the calculator field
public function macros_advanced_price( $macros, $macros_matches ) {
return $macros;
* Render additional edit fields
* @return [type] [description]
public function edit_fields() {
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'check_in_out' === currentItem.settings.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php _e( 'Layout:', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<select type="text" v-model="currentItem.settings.cio_field_layout">
<option value="single"><?php
_e( 'Single field', 'jet-engine' );
<option value="separate"><?php
_e( 'Separate fields for check in and check out dates', 'jet-engine' );
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'check_in_out' === currentItem.settings.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php _e( 'Fields position:', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<select type="text" v-model="currentItem.settings.cio_fields_position">
<option value="inline"><?php
_e( 'Inline', 'jet-engine' );
<option value="list"><?php
_e( 'List', 'jet-engine' );
<div><i>* - For separate fields layout</i></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'check_in_out' === currentItem.settings.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php _e( 'Check In field label:', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<input type="text" v-model="currentItem.settings.first_field_label">
<div><i>* - if you are using separate fields for check in and check out dates,<br> you need to left default "Label" empty and use this option for field label</i></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'check_in_out' === currentItem.settings.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php _e( 'Placeholder:', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<input type="text" v-model="currentItem.settings.first_field_placeholder">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'check_in_out' === currentItem.settings.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php _e( 'Check Out field label:', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<input type="text" placeholder="For separate fields layout" v-model="currentItem.settings.second_field_label">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'check_in_out' === currentItem.settings.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php _e( 'Check Out field placeholder:', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<input type="text" placeholder="For separate fields layout" v-model="currentItem.settings.second_field_placeholder">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'check_in_out' === currentItem.settings.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php _e( 'Date format:', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<select type="text" v-model="currentItem.settings.cio_fields_format">
<option value="YYYY-MM-DD">YYYY-MM-DD</option>
<option value="MM-DD-YYYY">MM-DD-YYYY</option>
<option value="DD-MM-YYYY">DD-MM-YYYY</option>
<div><i>* - applies only for date in the form checkin/checkout fields</i></div>
<div><i>* - for `MM-DD-YYYY` date format use the `/` date separator</i></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'check_in_out' === currentItem.settings.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php _e( 'Date field separator:', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<select type="text" v-model="currentItem.settings.cio_fields_separator">
<option value="-">-</option>
<option value=".">.</option>
<option value="/">/</option>
<option value="space">Space</option>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'check_in_out' === currentItem.settings.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php _e( 'First day of the week:', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<select type="text" v-model="currentItem.settings.start_of_week">
<option value="monday"><?php esc_html_e( 'Monday', 'jet-engine' ); ?></option>
<option value="sunday"><?php esc_html_e( 'Sunday', 'jet-engine' ); ?></option>
* Render additional notification fields
* @return [type] [description]
public function notification_fields() {
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'apartment_booking' === currentItem.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php
_e( 'Apartment ID field:', 'jet-engine' );
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<select v-model="currentItem.booking_apartment_field">
<option value="">--</option>
<option v-for="field in availableFields" :value="field">{{ field }}</option>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'apartment_booking' === currentItem.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label"><?php
_e( 'Check-in/Check-out date field:', 'jet-engine' );
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<select v-model="currentItem.booking_dates_field">
<option value="">--</option>
<option v-for="field in availableFields" :value="field">{{ field }}</option>
$columns = Plugin::instance()->db->get_additional_db_columns();
if ( $columns ) {
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'apartment_booking' === currentItem.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label">
<?php _e( 'DB columns map:', 'jet-engine' ); ?>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-notice"><?php
_e( 'Set <i>inserted_post_id</i> to add inserted post ID for Insert Post notification', 'jet-enegine' );
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-fields">
<?php foreach ( $columns as $column ) {
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-map">
<span><?php echo $column; ?></span>
<input type="text" v-model="currentItem.db_columns_map_<?php echo $column; ?>">
} ?>
if ( Plugin::instance()->settings->get( 'wc_integration' ) ) {
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'apartment_booking' === currentItem.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label">
<?php _e( 'WooCommerce Price field:', 'jet-booking' ); ?>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-notice"><?php
_e( 'Select field to get total price from. If not selected price will be get from post meta value.', 'jet-booking' );
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<select v-model="currentItem.booking_wc_price">
<option value="">--</option>
<option v-for="field in availableFields" :value="field">{{ field }}</option>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'apartment_booking' === currentItem.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label">
<?php _e( 'WooCommerce order details:', 'jet-booking' ); ?>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-notice"><?php
_e( 'Set up booking-related info you want to add to the WooCommerce orders and e-mails', 'jet-booking' );
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-control">
<button type="button" class="button button-secondary" id="jet-booking-wc-details"><?php _e( 'Set up', 'jet-booking' ); ?></button>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row" v-if="'apartment_booking' === currentItem.type">
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-label">
<?php _e( 'WooCommerce checkout fields map:', 'jet-booking' ); ?>
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-notice"><?php
_e( 'Connect WooCommerce checkout fields to appropriate form fields. This allows you to pre-fill WooCommerce checkout fields after redirect to checkout.', 'jet-booking' );
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-fields jet-wc-checkout-fields">
<?php foreach ( Plugin::instance()->wc->get_checkout_fields() as $field ) {
<div class="jet-form-editor__row-map">
<span><?php echo $field; ?></span>
<select v-model="currentItem.wc_fields_map__<?php echo $field; ?>">
<option value="">--</option>
<option v-for="field in availableFields" :value="field">{{ field }}</option>
} ?>
* Check if per nights booking mode
* @return boolean [description]
public function is_per_nights_booking() {
$period = Plugin::instance()->settings->get( 'booking_period' );
if ( ! $period || 'per_nights' === $period ) {
$per_nights = true;
} else {
$per_nights = false;
return $per_nights;
public function enqueue_deps( $post_id ) {
if ( $this->deps_added ) {
include JET_ABAF_PATH . 'assets/js/booking-init.js';
$init_datepicker = ob_get_clean();
JET_ABAF_URL . 'assets/lib/moment/js/moment.js',
$handle = 'jquery-date-range-picker';
JET_ABAF_URL . 'assets/lib/jquery-date-range-picker/js/daterangepicker.min.js',
array( 'jquery', 'moment-js' ),
wp_add_inline_script( $handle, $init_datepicker );
$custom_labels = Plugin::instance()->settings->get( 'use_custom_labels' );
$weekly_bookings = Plugin::instance()->settings->get( 'weekly_bookings' );
$weekly_bookings = filter_var( $weekly_bookings, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$week_offset = false;
if ( ! $weekly_bookings ) {
$one_day_bookings = Plugin::instance()->settings->get( 'one_day_bookings' );
} else {
$one_day_bookings = false;
$week_offset = Plugin::instance()->settings->get( 'week_offset' );
if ( $weekly_bookings || $one_day_bookings ) {
$this->default = false;
$advanced_price_rates = new Advanced_Price_Rates( $post_id );
$css_url = add_query_arg(
array( 'v' => JET_ABAF_VERSION ),
JET_ABAF_URL . 'assets/lib/jquery-date-range-picker/css/daterangepicker.min.css'
wp_localize_script( $handle, 'JetABAFData', array(
'css_url' => $css_url,
'booked_dates' => Plugin::instance()->engine_plugin->get_booked_dates( $post_id ),
'custom_labels' => $custom_labels,
'labels' => Plugin::instance()->settings->get_labels(),
'weekly_bookings' => $weekly_bookings,
'week_offset' => $week_offset,
'one_day_bookings' => $one_day_bookings,
'per_nights' => $this->is_per_nights_booking(),
'advanced_price_rates' => $advanced_price_rates->get_rates(),
'default_price' => absint( $advanced_price_rates->get_default_price() ),
'post_id' => $post_id,
) );
$this->deps_added = true;
* Render check-in check-out dates
* @return void
public function field_template( $template, $args, $builder ) {
$layout = ! empty( $args['cio_field_layout'] ) ? esc_attr( $args['cio_field_layout'] ) : 'single';
if ( 'single' === $layout ) {
$template = JET_ABAF_PATH . 'templates/form-field-single.php';
} else {
$template = JET_ABAF_PATH . 'templates/form-field-separate.php';
$searched = Plugin::instance()->session->get( 'searched_dates' );
$default = false;
$field_format = ! empty( $args['cio_fields_format'] ) ? esc_attr( $args['cio_fields_format'] ) : 'YYYY-MM-DD';
$default_format = $field_format;
$field_separator = ! empty( $args['cio_fields_separator'] ) ? esc_attr( $args['cio_fields_separator'] ) : '';
$start_of_week = ! empty( $args['start_of_week'] ) ? esc_attr( $args['start_of_week'] ) : 'monday' ;
$return_value = ! empty( $args['cio_return_value'] ) ? $args['cio_return_value'] : 'days_num';
$default['start_of_week'] = 'monday';
if( $default_format ){
switch ( $default_format ) {
case 'YYYY-MM-DD':
$default_format = 'Y-m-d';
case 'MM-DD-YYYY':
$default_format = 'm-d-Y';
case 'DD-MM-YYYY':
$default_format = 'd-m-Y';
$default['date_format'] = $default_format ? $default_format : 'Y-m-d' ;
if ( $field_separator ) {
if ( 'space' === $field_separator ) {
$field_separator = ' ';
$field_format = str_replace( '-', $field_separator, $field_format );
$booked_dates = $this->get_booked_dates( $builder->post->ID );
if ( $searched ) {
$searched = explode( ' - ', $searched );
if ( ! empty( $searched[0] ) && ! empty( $searched[1] ) ) {
$default = array();
if ( '' !== $field_separator ) {
$default_format = str_replace( '-', $field_separator, $default_format );
$checkin = date( 'Y-m-d', $searched[0] );
$checkout = date( 'Y-m-d', $searched[1] );
if ( ! ( in_array( $checkin, $booked_dates ) && in_array( $checkout, $booked_dates ) ) ) {
if ( in_array( $checkin, $booked_dates ) ) {
$checkin = end( $booked_dates );
$checkin = strtotime( $checkin . ' + 1 day' );
reset( $booked_dates );
} else {
$checkin = $searched[0];
if ( in_array( $checkout, $booked_dates ) ) {
$checkout = $booked_dates[0];
$checkout = strtotime( $checkout . ' - 1 day' );
reset( $booked_dates );
} else {
$checkout = $searched[1];
$default['checkin'] = date( $default_format, $checkin );
$default['checkout'] = date( $default_format, $checkout );
$this->default = $default;
$this->enqueue_deps( $builder->post->ID );
wp_localize_script( 'jquery-date-range-picker', 'JetABAFInput', array(
'layout' => $layout,
'field_format' => $field_format,
'start_of_week' => $start_of_week,
'return_value' => $return_value,
) );
return $template;
public function ensure_ajax_js() {
if ( wp_doing_ajax() ) {
wp_scripts()->done[] = 'jquery';
wp_scripts()->print_scripts( 'jquery-date-range-picker' );
* Returns booked dates
* @return [type] [description]
public function get_booked_dates( $post_id ) {
if ( isset( $this->booked_dates[ $post_id ] ) ) {
return $this->booked_dates[ $post_id ];
$bookings = Plugin::instance()->db->get_future_bookings( $post_id );
$units = Plugin::instance()->db->get_apartment_units( $post_id );
$units_num = ! empty( $units ) ? count( $units ) : 0;
$dates = array();
if ( empty( $bookings ) ) {
$this->booked_dates[ $post_id ] = array();
return array();
$weekly_bookings = Plugin::instance()->settings->get( 'weekly_bookings' );
$weekly_bookings = filter_var( $weekly_bookings, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$week_offset = Plugin::instance()->settings->get( 'week_offset' );
$skip_statuses = Plugin::instance()->statuses->invalid_statuses();
$skip_statuses[] = Plugin::instance()->statuses->temporary_status();
if ( ! $units_num || 1 === $units_num ) {
foreach ( $bookings as $booking ) {
if ( ! empty( $booking['status'] ) && in_array( $booking['status'], $skip_statuses ) ) {
$from = $booking['check_in_date'];
$to = $booking['check_out_date'];
$from = new \DateTime( date( 'F d, Y', $from ) );
$to = new \DateTime( date( 'F d, Y', $to ) );
$formatted_from = $from->format( 'Y-m-d' );
$formatted_to = $to->format( 'Y-m-d' );
if ( $formatted_from === $formatted_to ) {
$dates[] = $formatted_from;
if ( $weekly_bookings ) {
if ( ! $week_offset ) {
$to = $to->modify( '+1 day' );
} elseif ( ! $this->is_per_nights_booking() ) {
$to = $to->modify( '+1 day' );
if ( $to->format( 'Y-m-d' ) === $from->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ) {
$dates[] = $from->format( 'Y-m-d' );
} else {
$period = new \DatePeriod( $from, new \DateInterval( 'P1D' ), $to );
foreach ( $period as $key => $value ) {
$dates[] = $value->format( 'Y-m-d' );
} else {
$booked_units = array();
foreach ( $bookings as $booking ) {
$from = $booking['check_in_date'];
$to = $booking['check_out_date'];
$from = new \DateTime( date( 'F d, Y', $from ) );
$to = new \DateTime( date( 'F d, Y', $to ) );
if ( ! empty( $booking['status'] ) && in_array( $booking['status'], $skip_statuses ) ) {
if ( $weekly_bookings ) {
$to = $to->modify( '+1 day' );
if ( $to->format( 'Y-m-d' ) === $from->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ) {
if ( empty( $booked_units[ $from->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ] ) ) {
$booked_units[ $from->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ] = 1;
} else {
$booked_units[ $from->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ]++;
} else {
$period = new \DatePeriod( $from, new \DateInterval( 'P1D' ), $to );
foreach ( $period as $key => $value ) {
if ( empty( $booked_units[ $value->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ] ) ) {
$booked_units[ $value->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ] = 1;
} else {
$booked_units[ $value->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ]++;
foreach ( $booked_units as $date => $booked_units_num ) {
if ( $units_num <= $booked_units_num ) {
$dates[] = $date;
$this->booked_dates[ $post_id ] = $dates;
return $dates;
* Handle apartment booking notification
* @return [type] [description]
public function handle_notification( $args, $notifications ) {
if ( empty( $args['booking_dates_field'] ) ) {
if ( empty( $args['booking_apartment_field'] ) ) {
$ap_field = $args['booking_apartment_field'];
$dates_field = $args['booking_dates_field'];
$apartment_id = isset( $notifications->data[ $ap_field ] ) ? $notifications->data[ $ap_field ] : false;
if ( isset( $notifications->data[ $dates_field . '__in' ] ) ) {
$key_in = $dates_field . '__in';
$key_out = $dates_field . '__out';
$dates = array();
$date_in = isset( $notifications->data[ $key_in ] ) ? $notifications->data[ $key_in ] : false;
if ( ! empty( $notifications->data[ $key_out ] ) ) {
$date_out = $notifications->data[ $key_out ];
} else {
$date_out = $date_in;
$dates = array( $date_in, $date_out );
} else {
$dates = isset( $notifications->data[ $dates_field ] ) ? $notifications->data[ $dates_field ] : false;
$dates = explode( ' - ', $dates );
if ( 1 === count( $dates ) ) {
$dates[] = $dates[0];
if ( empty( $dates ) || 2 !== count( $dates ) ) {
$notifications->log[] = false;
$notifications->data['_check_in_date'] = $dates[0];
$notifications->data['_check_out_date'] = $dates[1];
$in = strtotime( $dates[0] );
$out = strtotime( $dates[1] );
if ( ! $in || ! $out ) {
$notifications->log[] = false;
if ( $in === $out ) {
$out = $out + 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
$booking = array(
'apartment_id' => $apartment_id,
'check_in_date' => $in,
'check_out_date' => $out,
$columns = Plugin::instance()->db->get_additional_db_columns();
if ( $columns ) {
foreach ( $columns as $column ) {
$data_key = isset( $args['db_columns_map_' . $column ] ) ? $args['db_columns_map_' . $column ] : false;
if ( $data_key && ! empty( $notifications->data[ $data_key ] ) ) {
$custom_data = $notifications->data[ $data_key ];
if ( is_array( $custom_data ) ) {
$custom_data = implode( ', ', $custom_data );
$booking[ $column ] = $custom_data;
if ( Plugin::instance()->wc->get_status() && Plugin::instance()->wc->get_product_id() ) {
$booking['status'] = Plugin::instance()->statuses->temporary_status();
} else {
$booking['status'] = 'pending';
if ( $notifications->handler->has_gateway() ) {
$booking['status'] = Plugin::instance()->statuses->temporary_status();
$booking_id = Plugin::instance()->db->insert_booking( $booking );
if ( $booking_id ) {
$booking = Plugin::instance()->db->inserted_booking;
$booking['booking_id'] = $booking_id;
} else {
$notifications->log[] = $notifications->set_specific_status( 'Booking dates already taken' );
$notifications->handler->form_data['booking_id'] = $booking_id;
$notifications->data['booking_id'] = $booking_id;
$notifications->log[] = true;
do_action( 'jet-abaf/form/notification/success', $booking, $notifications, $args );
* Adds a macro description to the calculator field
* @return void
function add_macros_list(){
<br><div><b><?php esc_html_e( 'Booking macros:', 'jet-engine' ); ?></b></div>
<div><i>%ADVANCED_PRICE::_check_in_out%</i> - <?php esc_html_e( 'The macro will return the advanced rate times the number of days booked.', 'jet-engine' ); ?> <b>_check_in_out</b> <?php esc_html_e( ' - is the name of the field that returns the number of days booked.', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div><br>
<div><i>%META::_apartment_price%</i> - <?php esc_html_e( 'Macro returns price per 1 day / night', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>