* ical.php create iCalendar data structure
* @package ZapCalLib
* @author Dan Cogliano <http://zcontent.net>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006 - 2017 by Dan Cogliano
* @license GNU GPLv3 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
* @link http://icalendar.org/php-library.html
// No direct access
defined('_ZAPCAL') or die( 'Restricted access' );
* Object for storing an unfolded iCalendar line
* The ZCiCalDataNode class contains data from an unfolded iCalendar line
class ZCiCalDataNode {
* The name of the node
* @var string
var $name = "";
* Node parameters (before the colon ":")
* @var array
var $parameter=array();
* Node values (after the colon ":")
* @var array
var $value=array();
* Create an object from an unfolded iCalendar line
* @param string $line An unfolded iCalendar line
* @return void
function __construct( $line ) {
//echo "ZCiCalDataNode($line)<br/>\n";
//separate line into parameters and value
// look for colon separating name or parameter and value
// first change any escaped colons temporarily to make it easier
$tline = str_replace("\\:", "`~", $line);
// see if first colon is inside a quoted string
$i = 0;
$datafind = false;
$inquotes = false;
while(!$datafind && ($i < strlen($tline))) {
//echo "$i: " . $tline{$i} . ", ord() = " . ord($tline{$i}) . "<br>\n";
if(!$inquotes && $tline{$i} == ':')
$i += 1;
if(substr($tline,$i,1) == '"')
$inquotes = !$inquotes;
$value = str_replace("`~","\\:",substr($line,$i+1));
// fix escaped characters (don't see double quotes in spec but Apple apparently uses it in iCal)
$value = str_replace(array('\\N' , '\\n', '\\"' ), array("\n", "\n" , '"'), $value);
$tvalue = str_replace("\\,", "`~", $value);
//echo "value: " . $tvalue . "<br>\n";
$tvalue = explode(",",$tvalue);
$value = str_replace("`~","\\,",$tvalue);
$this->value = $value;
$parameter = trim(substr($line,0,$i));
$parameter = str_replace("\\;", "`~", $parameter);
$parameters = explode(";", $parameter);
$parameters = str_replace("`~", "\\;", $parameters);
$this->name = array_shift($parameters);
foreach($parameters as $parameter){
$pos = strpos($parameter,"=");
if($pos > 0){
$param = substr($parameter,0,$pos);
$paramvalue = substr($parameter,$pos+1);
$tvalue = str_replace("\\,", "`~", $paramvalue);
//$tvalue = explode(",",$tvalue);
$paramvalue = str_replace("`~","\\,",$tvalue);
$this->parameter[strtolower($param)] = $paramvalue;
//$this->paramvalue[] = $paramvalue;
* getName()
* Return the name of the object
* @return string
function getName(){
return $this->name;
* Get $ith parameter from array
* @param int $i
* @return var
function getParameter($i){
return $this->parameter[$i];
* Get parameter array
* @return array
function getParameters(){
return $this->parameter;
* Get comma separated values
* @return string
function getValues(){
return implode(",",$this->value);
* Object for storing a list of unfolded iCalendar lines (ZCiCalDataNode objects)
* @property object $parentnode Parent of this node
* @property array $child Array of children for this node
* @property data $data Array of data for this node
* @property object $next Next sibling of this node
* @property object $prev Previous sibling of this node
class ZCiCalNode {
* The name of the node
* @var string
var $name="";
* The parent of this node
* @var object
var $parentnode=null;
* Array of children for this node
* @var array
var $child= array();
* Array of $data for this node
* @var array
var $data= array();
* Next sibling of this node
* @var object
var $next=null;
* Previous sibling of this node
* @var object
var $prev=null;
* Create ZCiCalNode
* @param string $_name Name of node
* @param object $_parent Parent node for this node
* @param bool $first Is this the first child for this parent?
function __construct( $_name, & $_parent, $first = false) {
$this->name = $_name;
$this->parentnode = $_parent;
if($_parent != null){
if(count($this->parentnode->child) > 0) {
$first = & $this->parentnode->child[0];
$first->prev = & $this;
$this->next = & $first;
$prev =& $this->parentnode->child[count($this->parentnode->child)-1];
$prev->next =& $this;
$this->prev =& $prev;
array_unshift($this->parentnode->child, $this);
$this->parentnode->child[] =& $this;
echo "creating " . $this->getName();
if($_parent != null)
echo " child of " . $_parent->getName() . "/" . count($this->parentnode->child);
echo "<br/>";
* Return the name of the object
* @return string
function getName() {
return $this->name;
* Add node to list
* @param object $node
function addNode($node) {
if(array_key_exists($node->getName(), $this->data))
$this->data[$node->getName()] = array();
$this->data[$node->getName()][] = $node;
$this->data[$node->getName()][] = $node;
$this->data[$node->getName()] = $node;
* Get Attribute
* @param int $i array id of attribute to get
* @return string
function getAttrib($i) {
return $this->attrib[$i];
* Set Attribute
* @param string $value value of attribute to set
function setAttrib($value) {
$this->attrib[] = $value;
* Get the parent object of this object
* @return object parent of this object
function &getParent() {
return $this->parentnode;
* Get the first child of this object
* @return object The first child
function &getFirstChild(){
static $nullguard = null;
if(count($this->child) > 0) {
//echo "moving from " . $this->getName() . " to " . $this->child[0]->getName() . "<br/>";
return $this->child[0];
return $nullguard;
* Print object tree in HTML for debugging purposes
* @param object $node select part of tree to print, or leave blank for full tree
* @param int $level Level of recursion (usually leave this blank)
* @return string - HTML formatted display of object tree
function printTree(& $node=null, $level=1){
$level += 1;
$html = "";
if($node == null)
$node = $this->parentnode;
if($level > 5)
die("levels nested too deep<br/>\n");
for($i = 0 ; $i < $level; $i ++)
$html .= "+";
$html .= $node->getName() . "<br/>\n";
foreach ($node->child as $c){
$html .= $node->printTree($c,$level);
$level -= 1;
return $html;
* export tree to icalendar format
* @param object $node Top level node to export
* @param int $level Level of recursion (usually leave this blank)
* @return string iCalendar formatted output
function export(& $node=null, $level=0){
$txtstr = "";
if($node == null)
$node = $this;
if($level > 5)
//die("levels nested too deep<br/>\n");
throw new Exception("levels nested too deep");
$txtstr .= "BEGIN:" . $node->getName() . "\r\n";
foreach ($node->data as $d){
foreach ($d as $c)
//$txtstr .= $node->export($c,$level + 1);
$p = "";
$params = @$c->getParameters();
if(count($params) > 0)
foreach($params as $key => $value){
$p .= ";" . strtoupper($key) . "=" . $value;
$txtstr .= $this->printDataLine($c, $p);
$p = "";
$params = @$d->getParameters();
if(count($params) > 0)
foreach($params as $key => $value){
$p .= ";" . strtoupper($key) . "=" . $value;
$txtstr .= $this->printDataLine($d, $p);
$values = $d->getValues();
// don't think we need this, Sunbird does not like it in the EXDATE field
//$values = str_replace(",", "\\,", $values);
$line = $d->getName() . $p . ":" . $values;
$line = str_replace(array("<br>","<BR>","<br/>","<BR/"),"\\n",$line);
$line = str_replace(array("\r\n","\n\r","\n","\r"),'\n',$line);
//$line = str_replace(array(',',';','\\'), array('\\,','\\;','\\\\'),$line);
//$line =strip_tags($line);
$linecount = 0;
while (strlen($line) > 0) {
$linewidth = ($linecount == 0? 75 : 74);
$linesize = (strlen($line) > $linewidth? $linewidth: strlen($line));
if($linecount > 0)
$txtstr .= " ";
$txtstr .= substr($line,0,$linesize) . "\r\n";
$linecount += 1;
$line = substr($line,$linewidth);
//echo $line . "\n";
foreach ($node->child as $c){
$txtstr .= $node->export($c,$level + 1);
$txtstr .= "END:" . $node->getName() . "\r\n";
return $txtstr;
* print an attribute line
* @param object $d attributes
* @param object $p properties
function printDataLine($d, $p)
$txtstr = "";
$values = $d->getValues();
// don't think we need this, Sunbird does not like it in the EXDATE field
//$values = str_replace(",", "\\,", $values);
$line = $d->getName() . $p . ":" . $values;
$line = str_replace(array("<br>","<BR>","<br/>","<BR/"),"\\n",$line);
$line = str_replace(array("\r\n","\n\r","\n","\r"),'\n',$line);
//$line = str_replace(array(',',';','\\'), array('\\,','\\;','\\\\'),$line);
//$line =strip_tags($line);
$linecount = 0;
while (strlen($line) > 0) {
$linewidth = ($linecount == 0? 75 : 74);
$linesize = (strlen($line) > $linewidth? $linewidth: strlen($line));
if($linecount > 0)
$txtstr .= " ";
$txtstr .= substr($line,0,$linesize) . "\r\n";
$linecount += 1;
$line = substr($line,$linewidth);
return $txtstr;
* The main iCalendar object containing ZCiCalDataNodes and ZCiCalNodes.
class ZCiCal {
* The root node of the object tree
* @var object
var $tree=null;
* The most recently created node in the tree
* @var object
var $curnode=null;
* The main iCalendar object containing ZCiCalDataNodes and ZCiCalNodes.
* use maxevents and startevent to read events in multiple passes (to save memory)
* @param string $data icalendar feed string (empty if creating new feed)
* @param int $maxevents maximum # of events to read
* @param int $startevent starting event to read
* @return void
function __construct($data = "", $maxevents = 1000000, $startevent = 0) {
if($data != ""){
// unfold lines
// first change all eol chars to "\n"
$data = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "\r"), "\n", $data);
// now unfold lines
//$data = str_replace(array("\n ", "\n "),"!?", $data);
$data = str_replace(array("\n ", "\n "),"", $data);
// replace special iCal chars
$data = str_replace(array("\\\\","\,"),array("\\",","), $data);
// parse each line
$lines = explode("\n", $data);
$linecount = 0;
$eventcount = 0;
$eventpos = 0;
foreach($lines as $line) {
//$line = str_replace("!?", "\n", $line); // add nl back into descriptions
// echo ($linecount + 1) . ": " . $line . "<br/>";
if(substr($line,0,6) == "BEGIN:") {
// start new object
$name = substr($line,6);
if($name == "VEVENT")
if($eventcount < $maxevents && $eventpos >= $startevent)
$this->curnode = new ZCiCalNode($name, $this->curnode);
if($this->tree == null)
$this->tree = $this->curnode;
$this->curnode = new ZCiCalNode($name, $this->curnode);
if($this->tree == null)
$this->tree = $this->curnode;
//echo "new node: " . $this->curnode->name . "<br/>\n";
if($this->curnode->getParent() != null)
echo "parent of " . $this->curnode->getName() . " is " . $this->curnode->getParent()->getName() . "<br/>";
echo "parent of " . $this->curnode->getName() . " is null<br/>";
else if(substr($line,0,4) == "END:") {
$name = substr($line,4);
if($name == "VEVENT")
if($eventcount < $maxevents && $eventpos >= $startevent)
if($this->curnode->getName() != $name) {
//panic, mismatch in iCal structure
//die("Can't read iCal file structure, expecting " . $this->curnode->getName() . " but reading $name instead");
throw new Exception("Can't read iCal file structure, expecting " . $this->curnode->getName() . " but reading $name instead");
if($this->curnode->getParent() != null) {
//echo "moving up from " . $this->curnode->getName() ;
$this->curnode = & $this->curnode->getParent();
//echo " to " . $this->curnode->getName() . "<br/>";
//echo $this->curnode->getName() . " has " . count($this->curnode->child) . " children<br/>";
if($this->curnode->getName() != $name) {
//panic, mismatch in iCal structure
//die("Can't read iCal file structure, expecting " . $this->curnode->getName() . " but reading $name instead");
throw new Exception("Can't read iCal file structure, expecting " . $this->curnode->getName() . " but reading $name instead");
if($this->curnode->getParent() != null) {
//echo "moving up from " . $this->curnode->getName() ;
$this->curnode = & $this->curnode->getParent();
//echo " to " . $this->curnode->getName() . "<br/>";
//echo $this->curnode->getName() . " has " . count($this->curnode->child) . " children<br/>";
else {
$datanode = new ZCiCalDataNode($line);
if($this->curnode->getName() == "VEVENT")
if($eventcount < $maxevents && $eventpos >= $startevent)
if($datanode->getName() == "EXDATE")
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()] = $datanode;
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()]->value[] = $datanode->value[0];
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()] = $datanode;
$tnode = $this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()];
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()] = array();
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()][] = $tnode;
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()][] = $datanode;
if($datanode->getName() == "EXDATE")
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()] = $datanode;
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()]->value[] = $datanode->value[0];
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()] = $datanode;
$tnode = $this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()];
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()] = array();
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()][] = $tnode;
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()][] = $datanode;
else {
$name = "VCALENDAR";
$this->curnode = new ZCiCalNode($name, $this->curnode);
$this->tree = $this->curnode;
$datanode = new ZCiCalDataNode("VERSION:2.0");
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()] = $datanode;
$datanode = new ZCiCalDataNode("PRODID:-//ZContent.net//ZapCalLib 1.0//EN");
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()] = $datanode;
$datanode = new ZCiCalDataNode("CALSCALE:GREGORIAN");
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()] = $datanode;
$datanode = new ZCiCalDataNode("METHOD:PUBLISH");
$this->curnode->data[$datanode->getName()] = $datanode;
* CountEvents()
* Return the # of VEVENTs in the object
* @return int
function countEvents() {
$count = 0;
foreach($this->tree->child as $child){
if($child->getName() == "VEVENT")
return $count;
* CountVenues()
* Return the # of VVENUEs in the object
* @return int
function countVenues() {
$count = 0;
foreach($this->tree->child as $child){
if($child->getName() == "VVENUE")
return $count;
* Export object to string
* This function exports all objects to an iCalendar string
* @return string an iCalendar formatted string
function export() {
return $this->tree->export($this->tree);
* Get first event in object list
* Use getNextEvent() to navigate through list
* @return object The first event, or null
function &getFirstEvent() {
static $nullguard = null;
if ($this->countEvents() > 0){
$child = $this->tree->child[0];
while(!$event && $child != null){
if($child->getName() == "VEVENT")
$event = true;
$child = $child->next;
return $child;
return $nullguard;
* Get next event in object list
* @param object $event The current event object
* @return object Returns the next event or null if past last event
function &getNextEvent($event){
$event = $event->next;
} while($event != null && $event->getName() != "VEVENT");
return $event;
* Get first venue in object list
* Use getNextVenue() to navigate through list
* @return object The first venue, or null
function &getFirstVenue() {
static $nullguard = null;
if ($this->countVenues() > 0){
$child = $this->tree->child[0];
while(!$event && $child != null){
if($child->getName() == "VVENUE")
$event = true;
$child = $child->next;
return $child;
return $nullguard;
* Get next venue in object list
* @param object $venue The current venue object
* @return object Returns the next venue or null if past last venue
function &getNextVenue($venue){
$venue = $venue->next;
} while($venue != null && $venue->getName() != "VVENUE");
return $venue;
* Get first child in object list
* Use getNextSibling() and getPreviousSibling() to navigate through list
* @param object $thisnode The parent object
* @return object The child object
function &getFirstChild(& $thisnode){
$nullvalue = null;
if(count($thisnode->child) > 0) {
//echo "moving from " . $thisnode->getName() . " to " . $thisnode->child[0]->getName() . "<br/>";
return $thisnode->child[0];
return $nullvalue;
* Get next sibling in object list
* @param object $thisnode The current object
* @return object Returns the next sibling
function &getNextSibling(& $thisnode){
return $thisnode->next;
* Get previous sibling in object list
* @param object $thisnode The current object
* @return object Returns the previous sibling
function &getPrevSibling(& $thisnode){
return $thisnode->prev;
* Read date/time in iCal formatted string
* @param string iCal formated date/time string
* @return int Unix timestamp
* @deprecated Use ZDateHelper::toUnixDateTime() instead
function toUnixDateTime($datetime){
$year = substr($datetime,0,4);
$month = substr($datetime,4,2);
$day = substr($datetime,6,2);
$hour = 0;
$minute = 0;
$second = 0;
if(strlen($datetime) > 8 && $datetime{8} == "T") {
$hour = substr($datetime,9,2);
$minute = substr($datetime,11,2);
$second = substr($datetime,13,2);
$d1 = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
* fromUnixDateTime()
* Take Unix timestamp and format to iCal date/time string
* @param int $datetime Unix timestamp, leave blank for current date/time
* @return string formatted iCal date/time string
* @deprecated Use ZDateHelper::fromUnixDateTimetoiCal() instead
static function fromUnixDateTime($datetime = null){
if($datetime == null)
$datetime = time();
return date("Ymd\THis",$datetime);
* fromUnixDate()
* Take Unix timestamp and format to iCal date string
* @param int $datetime Unix timestamp, leave blank for current date/time
* @return string formatted iCal date string
* @deprecated Use ZDateHelper::fromUnixDateTimetoiCal() instead
static function fromUnixDate($datetime = null){
if($datetime == null)
$datetime = time();
return date("Ymd",$datetime);
* Format into iCal time format from SQL date or SQL date-time format
* @param string $datetime SQL date or SQL date-time string
* @return string iCal formatted string
* @deprecated Use ZDateHelper::fromSqlDateTime() instead
static function fromSqlDateTime($datetime = ""){
if($datetime == "")
$datetime = ZDateHelper::toSqlDateTime();
if(strlen($datetime) > 10)
return sprintf('%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d',substr($datetime,0,4),substr($datetime,5,2),substr($datetime,8,2),
return sprintf('%04d%02d%02d',substr($datetime,0,4),substr($datetime,5,2),substr($datetime,8,2));
* Format iCal time format to either SQL date or SQL date-time format
* @param string $datetime icalendar formatted date or date-time
* @return string SQL date or SQL date-time string
* @deprecated Use ZDateHelper::toSqlDateTime() instead
static function toSqlDateTime($datetime = ""){
if($datetime == "")
return ZDateHelper::toSqlDateTime();
if(strlen($datetime) > 10)
return sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d',substr($datetime,0,4),substr($datetime,5,2),substr($datetime,8,2),
return sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d',substr($datetime,0,4),substr($datetime,5,2),substr($datetime,8,2));
* Pull timezone data from node and put in array
* Returning array contains the following array keys: tzoffsetfrom, tzoffsetto, tzname, dtstart, rrule
* @param array $node timezone object
* @return array
static function getTZValues($node){
$tzvalues = array();
$tnode = @$node->data['TZOFFSETFROM'];
if($tnode != null){
$tzvalues["tzoffsetfrom"] = $tnode->getValues();
$tnode = @$node->data['TZOFFSETTO'];
if($tnode != null){
$tzvalues["tzoffsetto"] = $tnode->getValues();
$tnode = @$node->data['TZNAME'];
if($tnode != null){
$tzvalues["tzname"] = $tnode->getValues();
$tzvalues["tzname"] = "";
$tnode = @$node->data['DTSTART'];
if($tnode != null){
$tzvalues["dtstart"] = ZDateHelper::fromiCaltoUnixDateTime($tnode->getValues());
$tnode = @$node->data['RRULE'];
if($tnode != null){
$tzvalues["rrule"] = $tnode->getValues();
//echo "rule: " . $tzvalues["rrule"] . "<br/>\n";
// no rule specified, let's create one from based on the date
$date = getdate($tzvalues["dtstart"]);
$month = $date["mon"];
$day = $date["mday"];
$tzvalues["rrule"] = "FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=$month;BYMONTHDAY=$day";
return $tzvalues;
* Escape slashes, commas and semicolons in strings
* @param string $content
* @return string
static function formatContent($content)
$content = str_replace(array('\\' , ',' , ';' ), array('\\\\' , '\\,' , '\\;' ),$content);
return $content;