Here is the list of the dummy-data files that can be applied to menu items to make them look as on JetMenu live demo:
- content-blog.json;
- content-contacts.json;
- content-lists.json;
- content-multimedia.json;
- content-portfolio.json;
- content-shop.json.
Some of the dummy-data files require additional plugins and content to work properly.
Please, check the list of requirements below to see what You need.
LISTS (content-lists.json)
- additional custom menus (create them in Appearance > Menus and select them in Edit Custom Menu > Content block to add them to the necessary areas).
MULTIMEDIA (content-multimedia.json)
- additional custom menus.
BLOG (content-blog.json)
- JetElements plugin.
SHOP (content-shop.json)
- WooCommerce plugin;
- JetElements plugin;
- create products with WooCommerce.
Keep in mind, that the style of the modules containing WooCommerce products is dependent on the theme’s style settings.
CONTACT FORM (content-contacts.json)
- Contact Form 7 plugin;
- JetElements plugin;
- create a contact form using Contact Form 7 plugin and select it in Contact Form 7 > Content module block.
In the case there is no map in the Advanced Map module block, please, navigate to Elementor > JetElements Settings tab on the left of the Dashboard and insert the API key in the corresponding field.