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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/jet-reviews   php

Repository URL to install this package:

Version: 2.1.0 

/ admin / pages / dashboard / main.php

 * Main dashboard template
?><div id="jet-reviews-main-page" class="jet-reviews-admin-page jet-reviews-admin-page--main-page">
	<div class="jet-reviews-admin-page__header">
		<h1 class="wp-heading-inline"><?php _e( 'JetReviews', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h1>
	<hr class="wp-header-end">
	<div class="jet-reviews-admin-page__content">
		<h2 class="wp-heading-inline"><?php _e( 'General Review Stats', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h2>
		<div class="quick-info">
			<div class="quick-info__item cx-vui-panel">
				<h3><?php _e( 'Reviews', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>
				<span>{{ reviewCount }}</span>
			<div class="quick-info__item cx-vui-panel">
				<h3><?php _e( 'Approved Reviews', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>
				<span>{{ approvedReviewCount }}</span>
			<div class="quick-info__item cx-vui-panel">
				<h3><?php _e( 'Not Approved Reviews', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>
				<span>{{ notApprovedReviewCount }}</span>

			<div class="quick-info__item cx-vui-panel">
				<h3><?php _e( 'Comments', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>
				<span>{{ commentCount }}</span>
			<div class="quick-info__item cx-vui-panel">
				<h3><?php _e( 'Approved Comments', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>
				<span>{{ approvedCommentCount }}</span>
			<div class="quick-info__item cx-vui-panel">
				<h3><?php _e( 'Not Approved Comments', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>
				<span>{{ notApprovedCommentCount }}</span>

		<div class="stats-charts cx-vui-panel">
			<div class="row">
				<div class="stats-chart col col-3-4">
					<h3><?php _e( 'Reviews', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>
				<div class="stats-chart col col-1-4">
					<h3><?php _e( 'Rating', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>

		<h2 class="wp-heading-inline"><?php _e( 'Post Types Review Stats', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h2>
		<div class="cx-vui-panel">
					v-for="( postType, index ) in postTypesData"
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col col-2-3">
							<h3><?php _e( 'Reviews', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>
						<div class="col col-1-3">
							<h3><?php _e( 'Rating', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>
						<div class="col col-4-4">
							<h3><?php _e( 'Details', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></h3>
							<div class="post-types__details">
								<div class="post-types__detail">
									<label><?php _e( 'Reviews:', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></label><span>{{ postType.reviewCount.all }}</span>
								<div class="post-types__detail">
									<label><?php _e( 'Approved reviews:', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></label><span>{{ postType.approvedReviews }}</span>
								<div class="post-types__detail">
									<label><?php _e( 'Not approved reviews:', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></label><span>{{ postType.reviewCount.all - postType.approvedReviews }}</span>
								<div class="post-types__detail">
									<label><?php _e( 'Review type:', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></label><span>{{ postType.reviewType }}</span>
								<div class="post-types__detail">
									<label><?php _e( 'Allowed:', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></label><span :style="{ color: postType.allowed ? '#46B450' : '#C92C2C' }">{{ postType.allowed ? 'yes' : 'no' }}</span>
								<div class="post-types__detail">
									<label><?php _e( 'Reviews need approval:', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></label><span :style="{ color: postType.needApprove ? '#46B450' : '#C92C2C' }">{{ postType.needApprove ? 'yes' : 'no' }}</span>
								<div class="post-types__detail">
									<label><?php _e( 'Comments allowed:', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></label><span :style="{ color: postType.commentsAllowed ? '#46B450' : '#C92C2C' }">{{ postType.commentsAllowed ? 'yes' : 'no' }}</span>
								<div class="post-types__detail">
									<label><?php _e( 'Comments need approval:', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></label><span :style="{ color: postType.commentsNeedApprove ? '#46B450' : '#C92C2C' }">{{ postType.commentsNeedApprove ? 'yes' : 'no' }}</span>
								<div class="post-types__detail">
									<label><?php _e( 'Likes/dislikes allowed:', 'jet-reviews' ); ?></label><span :style="{ color: postType.approvalAllowed ? '#46B450' : '#C92C2C' }">{{ postType.approvalAllowed ? 'yes' : 'no' }}</span>
