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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/jet-search   php

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Version: 2.1.9 

/ modules / jet-dashboard / views / upsale / main.php

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					<span><?php _e( 'Dynamic', 'jet-dashboard' ); ?></span>
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					<span><?php _e( 'E-commerce', 'jet-dashboard' ); ?></span>
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					<span><?php _e( 'Design', 'jet-dashboard' ); ?></span>
			<div class="jet-dashboard-upsale-page__title"><?php _e( '18 Advanced JetPlugins', 'jet-dashboard' ); ?></div>
			<div class="jet-dashboard-upsale-page__desc"><?php _e( 'Unlock the ultimate website building toolkit for Elementor 150+ widgets and 50+ templates', 'jet-dashboard' ); ?></div>
				<span slot="label">
					<span><?php _e( 'Get Crocoblock', 'jet-dashboard' ); ?></span>
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