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/ start.php

	 * @package     Freemius
	 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2015, Freemius, Inc.
	 * @license     https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License Version 3
	 * @since       1.0.3

	if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

	 * Freemius SDK Version.
	 * @var string
	$this_sdk_version = '';

	#region SDK Selection Logic --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Special logic added on 1.1.6 to make sure that every Freemius powered plugin
	 * will ALWAYS be loaded with the newest SDK from the active Freemius powered plugins.
	 * Since Freemius SDK is backward compatible, this will make sure that all Freemius powered
	 * plugins will run correctly.
	 * @since 1.1.6

	global $fs_active_plugins;

	if ( ! function_exists( 'fs_find_caller_plugin_file' ) ) {
		// Require SDK essentials.
		require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/fs-essential-functions.php';

	 * This complex logic fixes symlink issues (e.g. with Vargant). The logic assumes
	 * that if it's a file from an SDK running in a theme, the location of the SDK
	 * is in the main theme's folder.
	 * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf)
	 * @since
	$file_path    = fs_normalize_path( __FILE__ );
	$fs_root_path = dirname( $file_path );
     * Get the themes directory where the active theme is located (not passing the stylesheet will make WordPress
     * assume that the themes directory is inside `wp-content`.
     * @author Leo Fajardo (@leorw)
     * @since 2.2.3
	$themes_directory         = get_theme_root( get_stylesheet() );
	$themes_directory_name    = basename( $themes_directory );
	$theme_candidate_basename = basename( dirname( $fs_root_path ) ) . '/' . basename( $fs_root_path );

	if ( $file_path == fs_normalize_path( realpath( trailingslashit( $themes_directory ) . $theme_candidate_basename . '/' . basename( $file_path ) ) )
	) {
		$this_sdk_relative_path = '../' . $themes_directory_name . '/' . $theme_candidate_basename;
		$is_theme               = true;
	} else {
		$this_sdk_relative_path = plugin_basename( $fs_root_path );
		$is_theme               = false;

	if ( ! isset( $fs_active_plugins ) ) {
		// Load all Freemius powered active plugins.
		$fs_active_plugins = get_option( 'fs_active_plugins', new stdClass() );

		if ( ! isset( $fs_active_plugins->plugins ) ) {
			$fs_active_plugins->plugins = array();

	if ( empty( $fs_active_plugins->abspath ) ) {
		 * Store the WP install absolute path reference to identify environment change
		 * while replicating the storage.
		 * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf)
		 * @since
		$fs_active_plugins->abspath = ABSPATH;
	} else {
		if ( ABSPATH !== $fs_active_plugins->abspath ) {
			 * WordPress path has changed, cleanup the SDK references cache.
			 * This resolves issues triggered when spinning a staging environments
			 * while replicating the database.
			 * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf)
			 * @since
			$fs_active_plugins->abspath = ABSPATH;
			$fs_active_plugins->plugins = array();
			unset( $fs_active_plugins->newest );
		} else {
			 * Make sure SDK references are still valid. This resolves
			 * issues when users hard delete modules via FTP.
			 * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf)
			 * @since
			$has_changes = false;
			foreach ( $fs_active_plugins->plugins as $sdk_path => $data ) {
                if ( ! file_exists( ( isset( $data->type ) && 'theme' === $data->type ? $themes_directory : WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) . '/' . $sdk_path ) ) {
					unset( $fs_active_plugins->plugins[ $sdk_path ] );

                    if (
                        ! empty( $fs_active_plugins->newest ) &&
                        $sdk_path === $fs_active_plugins->newest->sdk_path
                    ) {
                        unset( $fs_active_plugins->newest );

					$has_changes = true;

			if ( $has_changes ) {
				if ( empty( $fs_active_plugins->plugins ) ) {
					unset( $fs_active_plugins->newest );

				update_option( 'fs_active_plugins', $fs_active_plugins );

	if ( ! function_exists( 'fs_find_direct_caller_plugin_file' ) ) {
		require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/supplements/fs-essential-functions-';

	if ( ! function_exists( 'fs_get_plugins' ) ) {
		require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/supplements/fs-essential-functions-2.2.1.php';

	// Update current SDK info based on the SDK path.
	if ( ! isset( $fs_active_plugins->plugins[ $this_sdk_relative_path ] ) ||
	     $this_sdk_version != $fs_active_plugins->plugins[ $this_sdk_relative_path ]->version
	) {
		if ( $is_theme ) {
			$plugin_path = basename( dirname( $this_sdk_relative_path ) );
		} else {
			$plugin_path = plugin_basename( fs_find_direct_caller_plugin_file( $file_path ) );

		$fs_active_plugins->plugins[ $this_sdk_relative_path ] = (object) array(
			'version'     => $this_sdk_version,
			'type'        => ( $is_theme ? 'theme' : 'plugin' ),
			'timestamp'   => time(),
			'plugin_path' => $plugin_path,

	$is_current_sdk_newest = isset( $fs_active_plugins->newest ) && ( $this_sdk_relative_path == $fs_active_plugins->newest->sdk_path );

	if ( ! isset( $fs_active_plugins->newest ) ) {
		 * This will be executed only once, for the first time a Freemius powered plugin is activated.
		fs_update_sdk_newest_version( $this_sdk_relative_path, $fs_active_plugins->plugins[ $this_sdk_relative_path ]->plugin_path );

		$is_current_sdk_newest = true;
	} else if ( version_compare( $fs_active_plugins->newest->version, $this_sdk_version, '<' ) ) {
		 * Current SDK is newer than the newest stored SDK.
		fs_update_sdk_newest_version( $this_sdk_relative_path, $fs_active_plugins->plugins[ $this_sdk_relative_path ]->plugin_path );

		if ( class_exists( 'Freemius' ) ) {
			// Older SDK version was already loaded.

			if ( ! $fs_active_plugins->newest->in_activation ) {
				// Re-order plugins to load this plugin first.

			// Refresh page.
			fs_redirect( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
	} else {
		if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
			require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';

		$fs_newest_sdk = $fs_active_plugins->newest;
		$fs_newest_sdk = $fs_active_plugins->plugins[ $fs_newest_sdk->sdk_path ];

		$is_newest_sdk_type_theme = ( isset( $fs_newest_sdk->type ) && 'theme' === $fs_newest_sdk->type );

		if ( ! $is_newest_sdk_type_theme ) {
			$is_newest_sdk_plugin_active = is_plugin_active( $fs_newest_sdk->plugin_path );
		} else {
			$current_theme               = wp_get_theme();
			$is_newest_sdk_plugin_active = ( $current_theme->stylesheet === $fs_newest_sdk->plugin_path );

            $current_theme_parent = $current_theme->parent();

             * If the current theme is a child of the theme that has the newest SDK, this prevents a redirects loop
             * from happening by keeping the SDK info stored in the `fs_active_plugins` option.
            if ( ! $is_newest_sdk_plugin_active && $current_theme_parent instanceof WP_Theme ) {
                $is_newest_sdk_plugin_active = ( $fs_newest_sdk->plugin_path === $current_theme_parent->stylesheet );

		if ( $is_current_sdk_newest &&
		     ! $is_newest_sdk_plugin_active &&
		     ! $fs_active_plugins->newest->in_activation
		) {
			// If current SDK is the newest and the plugin is NOT active, it means
			// that the current plugin in activation mode.
			$fs_active_plugins->newest->in_activation = true;
			update_option( 'fs_active_plugins', $fs_active_plugins );

		if ( ! $is_theme ) {
			$sdk_starter_path = fs_normalize_path( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $this_sdk_relative_path . '/start.php' );
		} else {
			$sdk_starter_path = fs_normalize_path(
				. '/'
				. str_replace( "../{$themes_directory_name}/", '', $this_sdk_relative_path )
				. '/start.php' );

		$is_newest_sdk_path_valid = ( $is_newest_sdk_plugin_active || $fs_active_plugins->newest->in_activation ) && file_exists( $sdk_starter_path );

		if ( ! $is_newest_sdk_path_valid && ! $is_current_sdk_newest ) {
			// Plugin with newest SDK is no longer active, or SDK was moved to a different location.
			unset( $fs_active_plugins->plugins[ $fs_active_plugins->newest->sdk_path ] );

		if ( ! ( $is_newest_sdk_plugin_active || $fs_active_plugins->newest->in_activation ) ||
		     ! $is_newest_sdk_path_valid ||
		     // Is newest SDK downgraded.
		     ( $this_sdk_relative_path == $fs_active_plugins->newest->sdk_path &&
		       version_compare( $fs_active_plugins->newest->version, $this_sdk_version, '>' ) )
		) {
			 * Plugin with newest SDK is no longer active.
			 *    OR
			 * The newest SDK was in the current plugin. BUT, seems like the version of
			 * the SDK was downgraded to a lower SDK.
			// Find the active plugin with the newest SDK version and update the newest reference.
		} else {
			if ( $is_newest_sdk_plugin_active &&
			     $this_sdk_relative_path == $fs_active_plugins->newest->sdk_path &&
			     ( $fs_active_plugins->newest->in_activation ||
			       ( class_exists( 'Freemius' ) && ( ! defined( 'WP_FS__SDK_VERSION' ) || version_compare( WP_FS__SDK_VERSION, $this_sdk_version, '<' ) ) )

			) {
				if ( $fs_active_plugins->newest->in_activation && ! $is_newest_sdk_type_theme ) {
					// Plugin no more in activation.
					$fs_active_plugins->newest->in_activation = false;
					update_option( 'fs_active_plugins', $fs_active_plugins );

				// Reorder plugins to load plugin with newest SDK first.
				if ( fs_newest_sdk_plugin_first() ) {
					// Refresh page after re-order to make sure activated plugin loads newest SDK.
					if ( class_exists( 'Freemius' ) ) {
						fs_redirect( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );

	if ( class_exists( 'Freemius' ) ) {
		// SDK was already loaded.

	if ( version_compare( $this_sdk_version, $fs_active_plugins->newest->version, '<' ) ) {
		$newest_sdk = $fs_active_plugins->plugins[ $fs_active_plugins->newest->sdk_path ];

		$plugins_or_theme_dir_path = ( ! isset( $newest_sdk->type ) || 'theme' !== $newest_sdk->type ) ?

		$newest_sdk_starter = fs_normalize_path(
			. '/'
			. str_replace( "../{$themes_directory_name}/", '', $fs_active_plugins->newest->sdk_path )
			. '/start.php' );

		if ( file_exists( $newest_sdk_starter ) ) {
			// Reorder plugins to load plugin with newest SDK first.

			// There's a newer SDK version, load it instead of the current one!
			require_once $newest_sdk_starter;


	#endregion SDK Selection Logic --------------------------------------------------------------------

	#region Hooks & Filters Collection --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Freemius hooks (actions & filters) tags structure:
	 *      fs_{filter/action_name}_{plugin_slug}
	 * --------------------------------------------------------
	 * Usage with WordPress' add_action() / add_filter():
	 *      add_action('fs_{filter/action_name}_{plugin_slug}', $callable);
	 * --------------------------------------------------------
	 * Usage with Freemius' instance add_action() / add_filter():
	 *      // No need to add 'fs_' prefix nor '_{plugin_slug}' suffix.
	 *      my_freemius()->add_action('{action_name}', $callable);
	 * --------------------------------------------------------
	 * Freemius filters collection:
	 *      fs_connect_url_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_trial_promotion_message_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_is_long_term_user_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_uninstall_reasons_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_is_plugin_update_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_api_domains_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_email_template_sections_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_support_forum_submenu_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_support_forum_url_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_connect_message_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_connect_message_on_update_{plugin_slug}
	 *      fs_uninstall_confirmation_message_{plugin_slug}
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