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Version: 1.8.0 

/ fx / graph.py

from .node import Node, Argument, Target, map_arg

from typing import Callable, Any, List, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Set
import builtins
import torch
import types
import keyword
import re

def _shadows_builtin_name(name: str) -> bool:
    return name in builtins.__dict__ or name in keyword.kwlist or name in {'inf', 'nan', 'NoneType'}

def _is_magic(x: str) -> bool:
    return x.startswith('__') and x.endswith('__')

def _snake_case(s: str) -> str:
    Transforms the given string ``s`` to a Python-style variable name

        ``mod.snake_case`` -> ``mod.snake_case``
        ``mod.pascalCase``-> ``mod.pascal_case``
        ``mod.ALL_CAPS`` -> ``mod.all_caps``
    chars = []
    prev_lower = False
    for c in s:
        if prev_lower and c.isupper():
        prev_lower = c.islower()
    return ''.join(chars)

def get_qualified_name(func: Callable[..., Any]) -> str:
    # things like getattr just appear in builtins
    if getattr(builtins, func.__name__, None) is func:
        return func.__name__
    name = func.__name__
    module = _find_module_of_method(func)
    module = module.replace('torch._ops', 'torch.ops')  # WAR for bug in how torch.ops assigns module
    return f'{module}.{name}'

# this is fixed on master, WAR for 1.5
def _find_module_of_method(orig_method: Callable[..., Any]) -> str:
    name = orig_method.__name__
    module = orig_method.__module__
    if module is not None:
        return module
    for guess in [torch, torch.nn.functional]:
        if getattr(guess, name, None) is orig_method:
            return guess.__name__
    raise RuntimeError(f'cannot find module for {orig_method}')

def _format_args(args: Tuple[Argument, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, Argument]) -> str:
    args_s = ', '.join(repr(a) for a in args)
    kwargs_s = ', '.join(f'{k} = {repr(v)}' for k, v in kwargs.items())
    if args_s and kwargs_s:
        return f'{args_s}, {kwargs_s}'
    return args_s or kwargs_s

def _format_target(base: str, target: str) -> str:
    elems = target.split('.')
    r = base
    for e in elems:
        if not e.isidentifier():
            r = f'getattr({r}, "{e}")'
            r = f'{r}.{e}'
    return r

# Borrowed from CPython typing module
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/f90dc36c15d7fee0efaf6d39e97be0bdf2683e93/Lib/typing.py#L156
def _type_repr(obj):
    """Return the repr() of an object, special-casing types (internal helper).
    If obj is a type, we return a shorter version than the default
    type.__repr__, based on the module and qualified name, which is
    typically enough to uniquely identify a type.  For everything
    else, we fall back on repr(obj).
    # HACK: In Python 3.6, type aliases from ``typing`` are instances of ``type``, but in
    # later Python versions, type aliases are not instances of ``type``!! We want
    # all type aliases to fall through to ``repr``, so if we have a type that is
    # in the module typing, don't go down this path.
    if isinstance(obj, type) and obj.__module__ != 'typing':
        if obj.__module__ == 'builtins':
            return obj.__qualname__
        return f'{obj.__module__}.{obj.__qualname__}'
    if obj is ...:
    if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType):
        return obj.__name__
    return repr(obj)

class _InsertPoint:
    def __init__(self, graph, new_insert):
        self.graph = graph
        self.orig_insert, graph._insert = graph._insert, new_insert

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
        self.graph._insert = self.orig_insert

class _node_list:
    def __init__(self, graph: 'Graph', direction: str = '_next'):
        assert direction in ['_next', '_prev']
        self.graph = graph
        self.direction = direction

    def __len__(self):
        return self.graph._len

    def __iter__(self):
        root, direction = self.graph._root, self.direction
        cur = getattr(root, direction)
        while cur is not root:
            if not cur._erased:
                yield cur
            cur = getattr(cur, direction)

    def __reversed__(self):
        return _node_list(self.graph, '_next' if self.direction == '_prev' else '_prev')

class Graph:
    ``Graph`` is the main data structure used in the FX Intermediate Representation.
    It consists of a series of ``Node`` s, each representing callsites (or other
    syntactic constructs). The list of ``Node`` s, taken together, constitute a
    valid Python function.

    For example, the following code

    .. code-block:: python

        import torch
        import torch.fx

        class MyModule(torch.nn.Module):
            def __init__(self):
                self.param = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.rand(3, 4))
                self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(4, 5)

            def forward(self, x):
                return torch.topk(torch.sum(self.linear(x + self.linear.weight).relu(), dim=-1), 3)

        m = MyModule()
        gm = torch.fx.symbolic_trace(m)

    Will produce the following Graph::


    .. code-block:: text

            %linear_weight : [#users=1] = self.linear.weight
            %add_1 : [#users=1] = call_function[target=operator.add](args = (%x, %linear_weight), kwargs = {})
            %linear_1 : [#users=1] = call_module[target=linear](args = (%add_1,), kwargs = {})
            %relu_1 : [#users=1] = call_method[target=relu](args = (%linear_1,), kwargs = {})
            %sum_1 : [#users=1] = call_function[target=torch.sum](args = (%relu_1,), kwargs = {dim: -1})
            %topk_1 : [#users=1] = call_function[target=torch.topk](args = (%sum_1, 3), kwargs = {})
            return topk_1

    For the semantics of operations represented in the ``Graph``, please see :class:`Node`.
    def __init__(self):
        Construct an empty Graph.
        self._root : Node = Node(self, '', 'root', '', (), {})
        self._used_names : Dict[str, int] = {}  # base name -> number
        self._insert = self._root.prepend
        self._len = 0

    def nodes(self) -> _node_list:
        Get the list of Nodes that constitute this Graph.

        Note that this ``Node`` list representation is a doubly-linked list. Mutations
        during iteration (e.g. delete a Node, add a Node) are safe.


            A doubly-linked list of Nodes. Note that ``reversed`` can be called on
            this list to switch iteration order.
        return _node_list(self)

    def graph_copy(self, g : 'Graph', val_map : Dict[Node, Node]) -> 'Optional[Argument]':
        Copy all nodes from a given graph into ``self``.


            g (Graph): The source graph from which to copy Nodes.

            val_map (Dict[Node, Node]): a dictionary that will be populated with a mapping
                from nodes in ``g`` to nodes in ``self``. Note that ``val_map`` can be passed
                in with values in it already to override copying of certain values.


            The value in ``self`` that is now equivalent to the output value in ``g``,
            if ``g`` had an ``output`` node. ``None`` otherwise.
        for node in g.nodes:
            if node in val_map:
            if node.op == 'output':
                rv = map_arg(node.args[0], lambda n: val_map[n])
                return rv
            val_map[node] = self.node_copy(node, lambda n : val_map[n])
        return None

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None) -> 'Graph':
        Explicitly implement __deepcopy__ to prevent excessive recursion depth
        from the default implementation. This uses graph_copy to copy the nodes
        in an iterative way, rather than recursive. It also populates the
        memoization table to prevent unnecessary copies (e.g. references to
        nodes or other parts of the Graph from a custom GraphModule implementation
        memo = memo if memo else {}
        g = Graph()
        output_val = g.graph_copy(self, val_map=memo)
        return g

    def create_node(self, op: str, target: 'Target',
                    args: Optional[Tuple['Argument', ...]] = None,
                    kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, 'Argument']] = None,
                    name: Optional[str] = None,
                    type_expr: Optional[Any] = None) -> Node:
        Create a ``Node`` and add it to the ``Graph`` at the current insert-point.
        Note that the current insert-point can be set via :meth:`Graph.inserting_before`
        and :meth:`Graph.inserting_after`.

            op (str): the opcode for this Node. One of 'call_function', 'call_method', 'get_attr',
                'call_module', 'placeholder', or 'output'. The semantics of these opcodes are
                described in the ``Graph`` docstring.

            args (Optional[Tuple[Argument, ...]]): is a tuple of arguments to this node.

            kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Argument]]): the kwargs of this Node

            name (Optional[str]): an optional string name for the ``Node``.
                This will influence the name of the value assigned to in the
                Python generated code.

            type_expr (Optional[Any]): an optional type annotation representing the
                Python type the output of this node will have.


            The newly-created and inserted node.
        assert op in ('call_function', 'call_method', 'get_attr', 'call_module', 'placeholder', 'output')
        args = () if args is None else args
        kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs
        assert isinstance(args, tuple), "args must be a tuple"
        assert isinstance(kwargs, dict), "kwargs must be a dict"
        unique_name = self._create_unique_name(name if name is not None else self._target_to_str(target))
        n = Node(self, unique_name, op, target, args, kwargs, type_expr)
        self._len += 1
        return n

    def erase_node(self, to_erase : Node) -> None:
        Erases a ``Node`` from the ``Graph``. Throws an exception if
        there are still users of that node in the ``Graph``.


            to_erase (Node): The ``Node`` to erase from the ``Graph``.
        if len(to_erase.users) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError(f'Tried to erase Node {to_erase} but it still had {len(to_erase.users)} '
                               f'users in the graph: {to_erase.users}!')

        to_erase._erased = True  # iterators may retain handles to erased nodes
        self._len -= 1

        # Null out this Node's argument nodes so that the Nodes referred to
        # can update their ``users`` accordingly
        new_args = map_arg(to_erase.args, lambda n: None)
        assert isinstance(new_args, tuple)
        to_erase.args = new_args
        new_kwargs = map_arg(to_erase.kwargs, lambda n: None)
        assert isinstance(new_kwargs, dict)
        to_erase.kwargs = new_kwargs

    def inserting_before(self, n: Optional[Node] = None):
        """Set the point at which create_node and companion methods will insert into the graph.
        When used within a 'with' statement, this will temporary set the insert point and
        then restore it when the with statement exits::

            with g.inserting_before(n):
                ... # inserting before node n
            ... # insert point restored to what it was previously
            g.inserting_before(n) #  set the insert point permanently

            n (Optional[Node]): The node before which to insert. If None this will insert before
              the beginning of the entire graph.

            A resource manager that will restore the insert point on ``__exit__``.
        if n is None:
            return self.inserting_after(self._root)
        assert n.graph == self, "Node to insert before is not in graph."
        return _InsertPoint(self, n.prepend)

    def inserting_after(self, n: Optional[Node] = None):
        """Set the point at which create_node and companion methods will insert into the graph.
        When used within a 'with' statement, this will temporary set the insert point and
        then restore it when the with statement exits::

            with g.inserting_after(n):
                ... # inserting after node n
            ... # insert point restored to what it was previously
            g.inserting_after(n) #  set the insert point permanently

            n (Optional[Node]): The node before which to insert. If None this will insert after
              the beginning of the entire graph.

            A resource manager that will restore the insert point on ``__exit__``.
        if n is None:
            return self.inserting_before(self._root)
        assert n.graph == self, "Node to insert after is not in graph."
        return _InsertPoint(self, n.append)

    # sugar for create_node when you know the op
    def placeholder(self, name: str, type_expr: Optional[Any] = None) -> Node:
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