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/ include / ATen / TensorIterator.h

#pragma once

#include <c10/util/FunctionRef.h>
#include <c10/util/SmallVector.h>
#include <c10/util/TypeCast.h>
#include <ATen/core/Range.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <ATen/NamedTensorUtils.h>
#include <ATen/TensorMeta.h>

// TensorIterator is a helper class for element-wise operations, such as
// arithmetic, comparisons, and trigonometric functions. It handles
// broadcasting and type conversions of operands.
// This is inspired by NumPy's Array Iterator API (NpyIter).
// The files Loops.h and Loops.cuh provide functions to build kernels that
// use TensorIterator.
// Example:
//   auto iter = TensorIteratorConfig()
//     .add_output(output)
//     .add_input(input)
//     .build()
// [MyKernel.cpp / MyKernel.cu]
//   cpu_kernel(iter, [](float a, float b) {
//     return a + b;
//   });
//   gpu_kernel(iter, []GPU_LAMBDA(float a, float b) -> float {
//     return a + b;
//   });
// Note [Common Dtype Computation]
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Some operations have a natural notion of a "common dtype" or
//   "computation dtype" where all inputs are cast to one dtype, the
//   operation is performed, and then the results are cast to all outputs.
// TensorIterator infers a common dtype if all inputs have the same dtype,
//   and it computes one using type promotion rules on its inputs if
//   promote_inputs_to_common_dtype_ is true. Attempting to query
//   a common dtype otherwise will throw an exception.
// Note that the outputs are not considered when computing a common dtype.

namespace at {

namespace internal {
// This parameter is heuristically chosen to determine the minimum number of
// work that warrants parallelism. For example, when summing an array, it is
// deemed inefficient to parallelise over arrays shorter than 32768. Further,
// no parallel algorithm (such as parallel_reduce) should split work into
// smaller than GRAIN_SIZE chunks.
constexpr int64_t GRAIN_SIZE = 32768;
} // namespace internal

struct DimCounter {
  DimCounter(IntArrayRef shape, Range range);

  void increment(const std::array<int64_t, 2>& step);
  bool is_done() const;
  std::array<int64_t, 2> max_2d_step() const;

  IntArrayRef shape;
  Range range;
  DimVector values;
  int64_t offset;

struct TORCH_API OperandInfo {
  using StrideVector = SmallVector<int64_t, 6>;
  OperandInfo() {}
  explicit OperandInfo(Tensor t) : tensor(std::move(t)) {
    if (tensor.defined()) {
      device = tensor.device();
      target_dtype = tensor.scalar_type();
      current_dtype = target_dtype;

  /// Stride after broadcasting. The stride is in bytes, not number of elements.
  StrideVector stride_bytes;

  /// The tensor operand. Note that the strides, data pointer, and
  /// other attributes may differ due to dimension reordering and
  /// coalescing.
  Tensor tensor;

  // Save the original tensor operand in cases when an output is modified
  // (e.g. if dtype is changed)
  Tensor original_tensor;

  /// The desired device and type for the operand. For inputs, this specifies that
  /// the input should be converted to this type if necessary. For outputs, this
  /// specifies which type to allocate. target_dtype and device are initialized with the dtype and device of the tensor
  /// but during type promotion target_dtype value can become different from tensor's dtype
  /// also, during type promotion target_dtype and device can be set for an undefined tensor so that tensor can be properly
  /// constructed later.
  Device device = kCPU;
  ScalarType target_dtype = ScalarType::Undefined;
  // Caches dtype of the tensor, because scalar_type is an expensive operation
  // If dtype of the tensor is changed (e.g. as a result of type promotion or in allocate_outputs), this
  //value should be changed too.
  ScalarType current_dtype = ScalarType::Undefined;

  bool is_type_defined() const { return target_dtype != ScalarType::Undefined; }
  TensorOptions options() const {
    return TensorOptions(target_dtype).device(device);

  /// The data pointer. This may be different from tensor.data_ptr() if the
  /// iterator is split.
  void* data = nullptr;

  bool is_output = false;

  bool will_resize = false;

  bool is_read_write = false;

  void validate() {
        !tensor.defined() || tensor.layout() == kStrided,
        "unsupported tensor layout: ", tensor.layout());

struct SplitUntil32Bit;

enum class FastSetupType : uint8_t {

class TensorIteratorConfig;
struct TensorIterator;

struct TORCH_API TensorIteratorBase : public impl::MetaBase {
  using DimMask = std::bitset<64>;
  using PtrVector = SmallVector<char*, 4>;
  using StrideVector = SmallVector<int64_t, 6>;

  void build(TensorIteratorConfig&);

  // The inner-loop function operates on the fastest moving dimension. It
  // implements element-wise operations in terms of 1-d strided tensors.
  // Arguments:
  //  data: data pointers for each operand (length `ntensors`)
  //  strides: stride for each operand (length `ntensors`)
  //  size: size of inner loop
  // The `size` often matches shape[0], but may be smaller due to
  // parallelization of the inner loop.
  using loop_t = c10::function_ref<void(char** data, const int64_t* strides, int64_t size)>;
  using loop2d_t = c10::function_ref<void(char** data, const int64_t* strides, int64_t size0, int64_t size1)>;

  using loop_subiter_t = c10::function_ref<void(TensorIteratorBase& subiter)>;

  void foreach_reduced_elt(loop_subiter_t loop, bool parallelize=true);

  int ndim() const { return shape_.size(); }
  IntArrayRef shape() const { return shape_; }
  int64_t numel() const;
  int ntensors() const { return operands_.size(); }
  int noutputs() const { return num_outputs_; }
  int ninputs() const { return ntensors() - noutputs(); }
  IntArrayRef view_offsets() const { return view_offsets_; }

  /// number of elements in the output operand. this is the same as numel() for
  /// operations that are not reductions.
  int64_t num_output_elements() const;

  /// number of reduced dimensions in a reduction operation
  int num_reduce_dims() const;

  /// 1-dimensional iteration and no buffering or type conversion
  bool is_trivial_1d() const;
  /// Reducible to 1-dimensional and all operands are contiguous
  bool is_contiguous() const;
  bool is_dim_reduced(int dim) const;

  /// Accessors for each operand
  IntArrayRef strides(int arg) const { return operands_[arg].stride_bytes; }
  void* data_ptr(int arg) const;
  ScalarType dtype(int arg=0) const { return operands_[arg].current_dtype; }
  ScalarType common_dtype() const {
    TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(common_dtype_ != ScalarType::Undefined, "Queried for invalid common dtype!");
    return common_dtype_;
  ScalarType input_dtype(int arg=0) const { return operands_[num_outputs_ + arg].current_dtype; }
  Device device(int arg=0) const { return operands_[arg].device; }
  DeviceType device_type(int arg=0) const { return device(arg).type(); }
  int64_t element_size(int arg) const { return elementSize(dtype(arg)); }
  bool is_scalar(int arg) const;
  bool is_cpu_scalar(int arg) const;

  const Tensor& tensor(int arg) const { return operands_[arg].tensor; }
  Tensor& tensor(int arg) { return operands_[arg].tensor; }

  Tensor output(int arg=0) const {
    AT_ASSERT(arg < num_outputs_);
    return operands_[arg].tensor;

  // Copies from temporary outputs back to the original outputs
  // NOTE: only used on CPU
  void cast_outputs();

  Tensor input(int arg=0) const {
    AT_ASSERT(arg >= 0 && arg < ntensors() - num_outputs_);
    return operands_[num_outputs_ + arg].tensor;

  /// Removes an operand from this iterator
  void remove_operand(int arg);
  /// Shrinks an iterated dimension
  void narrow(int dim, int64_t start, int64_t size);
  /// Narrows every dim after and including `start_dim` to size one.
  void select_all_keeping_dim(int start_dim, IntArrayRef starts);
  /// Replaces the data pointer for the operand at index `arg`.
  /// The new pointer should have the same sizes, strides and dtype as the
  /// original
  void unsafe_replace_operand(int arg, void* data);

  /// Splits this TensorIterator into two iterators. Together they iterate over
  /// the entire operation. Used by `with_32bit_indexing()`.
  std::unique_ptr<TensorIterator> split(int dim);

  /// Returns the dimension with the largest extent: (size[dim]-1) * stride[dim]
  int get_dim_to_split() const;

  template <typename T>
  T scalar_value(int arg) {
    auto& op = operands_[arg];
    return c10::fetch_and_cast<T>(op.tensor.scalar_type(), op.data);

  void for_each(loop_t loop, int64_t grain_size = at::internal::GRAIN_SIZE);
  void for_each(loop2d_t loop, int64_t grain_size = at::internal::GRAIN_SIZE);

  void parallel_reduce(loop2d_t loop);

  void serial_for_each(loop_t loop, Range range) const;
  void serial_for_each(loop2d_t loop, Range range) const;

  /// Create a strides array for a Tensor with shape of this iterator. The
  /// parameter `element_size` specifies the size of Tensor's data type in
  /// bytes (e.g. `4` for `float`)
  StrideVector compatible_stride(int element_size) const;

  /// Inverts the re-ordering done by reorder_dimensions. This can only be
  /// called *before* coalesce_dimensions() is called.
  DimVector invert_perm(IntArrayRef input) const;

  /// Reapply same re-ordering as it is done by reorder_dimensions. This can
  /// only be called *before* coalesce_dimensions() is called.
  DimVector apply_perm_and_mul(IntArrayRef input, int mul) const;

  /// Helper functions for CPU iteration
  StrideVector get_dim_strides(int dim) const;
  StrideVector get_strides() const;
  StrideVector get_inner_strides() const { return get_dim_strides(0); }
  PtrVector get_data_ptrs(ArrayRef<char*> base, IntArrayRef counter) const;
  PtrVector get_base_ptrs() const;

  /// true if the stride computation can use 32-bit arithmetic. Used by GPU kernels
  bool can_use_32bit_indexing() const;

  /// An "iteratable" object that recursively splits this iterator into sub-iterators
  /// that can use 32-bit indexing.
  SplitUntil32Bit with_32bit_indexing() const;

  /// If the kernel should accumulate into the output. Only relevant for CUDA
  /// reductions.
  bool should_accumulate() const { return accumulate_; }

  /// Whether this iterator produces the actual output,
  /// as opposed to something that will be accumulated further. Only relevant for
  /// CUDA reductions.
  bool is_final_output() const { return final_output_; }

  bool has_contiguous_first_dim() const {
    int num_tensors = ntensors();
    for (int i = 0; i < num_tensors; i++) {
      if (strides(i)[0] != element_size(i)) {
        return false;
    return true;

  void set_output(int64_t output_idx, IntArrayRef sizes, IntArrayRef strides, TensorOptions options, DimnameList names) override;

  void build_binary_op(const Tensor& out, const Tensor& a, const Tensor& b);

  // Mutable reference as it moves tensors out of TensorIteratorConfig
  void populate_operands(TensorIteratorConfig&);
  void mark_outputs();
  void mark_resize_outputs(const TensorIteratorConfig&);
  void compute_mem_overlaps(const TensorIteratorConfig&);
  void compute_shape(const TensorIteratorConfig&);
  void compute_strides(const TensorIteratorConfig&);
  void reorder_dimensions();
  void permute_dimensions(IntArrayRef perm);
  void compute_types(const TensorIteratorConfig&);
  ScalarType compute_common_dtype();
  void allocate_or_resize_outputs();
  bool fast_set_up(const TensorIteratorConfig&);
  FastSetupType compute_fast_setup_type(const TensorIteratorConfig&);
  void compute_names(const TensorIteratorConfig&);
  void propagate_names_to_outputs();
  void coalesce_dimensions();


  /// Records the "computation" shape of the output tensor.  The computation
  /// shape is different from the regular shape in a few ways:
  ///   - The shape may be permuted (via permute_dimensions) so that we
  ///     process the dimensions in the most computationally efficient order
  ///     (rather than the logical order given to us by the users.)
  ///   - The shape may have adjacent dimensions collapsed (via
  ///     coalesce_dimensions) so that we minimize the number of
  ///     dimensions we have to explicitly iterate over.  For example,
  ///     a pointwise operation on a contiguous tensor "computationally"
  ///     consists of only a single dimension.
  /// In other words, the computation shape is the output shape as it
  /// actually matters for implementing the kernel, but not necessarily the
  /// output shape that the user will see in the end.
  /// The lifecycle of mutations to shape_ in TensorIterator:
  ///   - declare_static_shape() sets an initial shape explicitly
  ///     provided by user, otherwise
  ///   - compute_shape() computes the true (non-computational) shape
  ///     specified by the user.
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