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/ include / ATen / WrapDimUtils.h

#pragma once

#include <c10/core/WrapDimMinimal.h>
#include <c10/core/TensorImpl.h>
#include <ATen/core/Tensor.h>

namespace at {

static inline int64_t maybe_wrap_dim(int64_t dim, int64_t dim_post_expr, bool wrap_scalar=true) {
  return c10::maybe_wrap_dim(dim, dim_post_expr, wrap_scalar);

static inline int64_t maybe_wrap_dim(int64_t dim, TensorImpl *tensor) {
  return maybe_wrap_dim(dim, tensor->dim());

static inline int64_t maybe_wrap_dim(int64_t dim, TensorList tensors) {
  if (tensors.size() == 0) {
    // can't wrap empty TensorList; rely on underlying implementation to throw error if necessary.
    return dim;
  return maybe_wrap_dim(dim, tensors[0].dim());

static inline int64_t maybe_wrap_dim(int64_t dim, const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> & tensor_sizes) {
  if (tensor_sizes.size() == 0) {
    // can't wrap empty list; rely on underlying implementation to throw error if necessary
    return dim;
  return maybe_wrap_dim(dim, tensor_sizes[0].size());

// wrap each dim in the dims array, taking dim_post_expr as the true number of dimensions
static inline void maybe_wrap_dims_n(int64_t* dims, int64_t ndims, int64_t dim_post_expr) {
  if (dim_post_expr <= 0) {
    dim_post_expr = 1; // this will make range [-1, 0]
  int64_t min = -dim_post_expr;
  int64_t max = dim_post_expr - 1;
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < ndims; ++i) {
    auto &dim = dims[i];
    if (dim < min || dim > max) {
        "Dimension out of range (expected to be in range of [",
        min, ", ", max, "], but got ", dim, ")");
    if (dim < 0) dim += dim_post_expr;

// Wrap each dim in a contiguous container, taking dim_post_expr as the true number of dimensions
// E.g. could also be std::array or c10::SmallVector
template <typename Container>
inline void maybe_wrap_dims(Container& dims, int64_t dim_post_expr) {
  return maybe_wrap_dims_n(dims.data(), dims.size(), dim_post_expr);

// previously, size [0] tensors were the only possible empty tensors; thus, it wasn't possible
// to cat empty tensors unless all the other tensors were 1-dimensional, so we allowed these tensors
// to be "skipped" (both for wrap dimension behavior and dimension size checking).
// We maintain this behavior for backwards compatibility, but only for this specific size
// (i.e. other empty sizes are not skipped).
static inline int64_t legacy_cat_wrap_dim(int64_t dim, const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>& tensor_sizes) {
  for (auto& sizes : tensor_sizes) {
    if (sizes == std::vector<int64_t>({0})) {
    return maybe_wrap_dim(dim, sizes.size());
  return dim;

static inline int64_t legacy_cat_wrap_dim(int64_t dim, TensorList tensors) {
  for (auto& tensor : tensors) {
    if (tensor.dim() == 1 && tensor.sizes()[0] == 0) {
    return maybe_wrap_dim(dim, tensor.dim());
  return dim;

// wrap negative dims in a vector
static inline void wrap_all_dims(std::vector<int64_t>& dims_to_wrap, int64_t tensor_total_dims) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < dims_to_wrap.size(); i++) {
    dims_to_wrap[i] = maybe_wrap_dim(dims_to_wrap[i], tensor_total_dims);
