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Version: 1.8.0 

/ include / c10 / core / DispatchKeySet.h

#pragma once

#include <c10/core/DispatchKey.h>
#include <c10/util/llvmMathExtras.h>
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>
#include <ostream>

namespace c10 {

// A representation of a set of DispatchKeys.  A tensor may have multiple
// tensor type ids, e.g., a Variable tensor can also be a CPU tensor; the
// DispatchKeySet specifies what type ids apply.  The internal representation is
// as a 64-bit bit set (this means only 64 tensor type ids are supported).
// Note that DispatchKeys are ordered; thus, we can ask questions like "what is
// the highest priority DispatchKey in the set"?  (The set itself is not
// ordered; two sets with the same ids will always have the ids ordered in the
// same way.)
// At the moment, there are no nontrivial uses of this set; tensors are always
// singletons.  In the near future, this set will represent variable? + tensor
// type id.  In the far future, it will be requires grad? + profiling? +
// tracing? + lazy? + tensor type id.
// (The difference between variable and requires grad, is that
// there are currently three states a tensor can be:
//  1. Not a variable
//  2. Variable with requires_grad=False
//  3. Variable with requires_grad=True
// Eventually, we want to kill state (1), and only dispatch to autograd
// handling code if one of the inputs requires grad.)
// An undefined tensor is one with an empty tensor type set.
class DispatchKeySet final {
  enum Full { FULL };
  enum FullAfter { FULL_AFTER };
  enum Raw { RAW };

  // NB: default constructor representation as zero is MANDATORY as
  // use of DispatchKeySet in TLS requires this.
  constexpr DispatchKeySet()
    : repr_(0) {}
  constexpr DispatchKeySet(Full)
    : repr_(std::numeric_limits<decltype(repr_)>::max()) {}
  constexpr DispatchKeySet(FullAfter, DispatchKey t)
    // LSB after t are OK, but not t itself.
    : repr_((1ULL << (static_cast<uint8_t>(t) - 1)) - 1) {}
  // Public version of DispatchKeySet(uint64_t) API; external users
  // must be explicit when they do this!
  constexpr DispatchKeySet(Raw, uint64_t x)
    : repr_(x) {}
  explicit constexpr DispatchKeySet(DispatchKey t)
    : repr_(t == DispatchKey::Undefined
              ? 0
              : 1ULL << (static_cast<uint8_t>(t) - 1)) {}
  explicit constexpr DispatchKeySet(std::initializer_list<DispatchKey> ks)
  : repr_(0) {
    for (auto k : ks) {
      repr_ |= DispatchKeySet(k).repr_;
  // Test if a DispatchKey is in the set
  bool inline has(DispatchKey t) const {
    TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT_DEBUG_ONLY(t != DispatchKey::Undefined);
    return static_cast<bool>(repr_ & DispatchKeySet(t).repr_);
  // Test if DispatchKeySet is a superset of ks.
  bool isSupersetOf(DispatchKeySet ks) const {
    return (repr_ & ks.repr_) == ks.repr_;
  // Perform set union
  constexpr DispatchKeySet operator|(DispatchKeySet other) const {
    return DispatchKeySet(repr_ | other.repr_);
  // Perform set intersection
  DispatchKeySet operator&(DispatchKeySet other) const {
    return DispatchKeySet(repr_ & other.repr_);
  // Compute the set difference self - other
  DispatchKeySet operator-(DispatchKeySet other) const {
    return DispatchKeySet(repr_ & ~other.repr_);
  // Perform set equality
  bool operator==(DispatchKeySet other) const {
    return repr_ == other.repr_;
  // Add a DispatchKey to the DispatchKey set.  Does NOT mutate,
  // returns the extended DispatchKeySet!
  C10_NODISCARD DispatchKeySet add(DispatchKey t) const {
    return *this | DispatchKeySet(t);
  // Remove a DispatchKey from the DispatchKey set.  This is
  // generally not an operation you should be doing (it's
  // used to implement operator<<)
  C10_NODISCARD DispatchKeySet remove(DispatchKey t) const {
    return DispatchKeySet(repr_ & ~DispatchKeySet(t).repr_);
  // Is the set empty?  (AKA undefined tensor)
  bool empty() const {
    return repr_ == 0;
  uint64_t raw_repr() { return repr_; }
  // Return the type id in this set with the highest priority (i.e.,
  // is the largest in the DispatchKey enum).  Intuitively, this
  // type id is the one that should handle dispatch (assuming there
  // aren't any further exclusions or inclusions).
  DispatchKey highestPriorityTypeId() const {
    // TODO: If I put Undefined as entry 64 and then adjust the
    // singleton constructor to shift from the right, we can get rid of the
    // subtraction here.  It's modestly more complicated to get right so I
    // didn't do it for now.
    return static_cast<DispatchKey>(64 - llvm::countLeadingZeros(repr_));

  DispatchKey highestPriorityBackendTypeId() const {
    return (*this & ((1ULL << static_cast<uint8_t>(DispatchKey::EndOfBackendKeys)) - 1))
  constexpr DispatchKeySet(uint64_t repr) : repr_(repr) {}
  uint64_t repr_ = 0;

  // STL iterator for DispatchKeySet. Iterates through all DispatchKeys in the
  // set. The iterator is only invalidated by the destruction of the underlying
  // DispatchKeySet as the iterator stores a pointer to the raw representation of
  // the DispatchKeySet.
  class iterator {
    using self_type = iterator;
    using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
    using value_type = DispatchKey;
    using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;

    explicit iterator(const uint64_t *data_ptr, uint8_t i=0) : data_ptr_(data_ptr), i_(i) {
      // Go to the first key in the set

    self_type& operator++() {
      TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(i_ <= static_cast<uint8_t>(DispatchKey::NumDispatchKeys));

      // Create a masked version of the set representation to ignore previous
      // keys that we've iterated through.
      uint64_t masked_data = llvm::maskTrailingZeros<uint64_t>(i_) & *data_ptr_;
      uint64_t firstKeyIndex = llvm::findFirstSet(masked_data);

      // If there are no keys, set to end iterator value
      if (firstKeyIndex == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() ||
         i_ == static_cast<uint8_t>(DispatchKey::NumDispatchKeys)) {
        i_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(DispatchKey::NumDispatchKeys);
        return *this;

      i_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(firstKeyIndex) + 1;
      return *this;

    self_type operator++(int) {
      self_type previous_iterator =  *this;
      return previous_iterator;

    bool operator==(const self_type& rhs) const { return i_ == rhs.i_; }
    bool operator!=(const self_type& rhs) const { return i_ != rhs.i_; }
    DispatchKey operator*() const { return static_cast<DispatchKey> (i_); }

    const uint64_t *data_ptr_;
    uint8_t i_;

  // Returns iterator to the first key in the set. If no keys are in the
  // set, then will return the end iterator.
  iterator begin() const { return iterator(&repr_); }

  // We do not need to iterate beyond NumDispatchKeys so we will treat this as
  // the end iterator. NumDispatchKeys will always be strictly less than 64.
  iterator end() const { return iterator(&repr_, static_cast<uint8_t>(DispatchKey::NumDispatchKeys)); }


C10_API std::string toString(DispatchKeySet);
C10_API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, DispatchKeySet);

// autograd_dispatch_keyset should include all runtime autograd keys.
// Alias key DispatchKey::Autograd maps to autograd_dispatch_keyset.
// NB: keys in this set also get associated with Math
constexpr DispatchKeySet autograd_dispatch_keyset = DispatchKeySet({

// backend dispatch keys that map to DispatchKey::AutogradOther
// NB: keys in this set also get associated with Math
constexpr DispatchKeySet autogradother_backends = DispatchKeySet({

// true if t is a backend dispatch key
C10_API bool isBackendDispatchKey(DispatchKey t);

// Resolve alias dispatch key to DispatchKeySet if applicable
C10_API DispatchKeySet getRuntimeDispatchKeySet(DispatchKey t);

// Returns a DispatchKeySet of all backend keys mapped to Autograd dispatch key t,
// DispatchKeySet is empty if t is not alias of DispatchKey::Autograd.
C10_API DispatchKeySet getBackendKeySetFromAutograd(DispatchKey t);

// This API exists because we have a use case for checking
// getRuntimeDispatchKeySet(alias).has(DispatchKey::Undefined)
// in OperatorEntry.cpp but we disallow it in has() API.
C10_API bool isIncludedInAlias(DispatchKey k, DispatchKey alias);

// Historically, every tensor only had a single DispatchKey, and it was always
// something like CPU, and there wasn't any of this business where TLS
// could cause the DispatchKey of a tensor to change.  But we still have some
// legacy code that is still using DispatchKey for things like instanceof
// checks; if at all possible, refactor the code to stop using DispatchKey in
// those cases.
static inline DispatchKey legacyExtractDispatchKey(DispatchKeySet s) {
  // NB: If you add any extra keys that can be stored in TensorImpl on
  // top of existing "normal" keys like CPU/CUDA, you need to add it
  // here.  At the moment, RequiresGrad (replacement for Variable)
  // is the most likely key that will need this treatment;
  // After Autograd keys are moved from globally enabled set to TensorImpl,
  // we should remove all Autograd keys before taking highestPriority.
  return (s - autograd_dispatch_keyset).highestPriorityTypeId();