#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <array>
#include <c10/macros/Macros.h>
namespace c10 {
namespace detail {
struct IncrementRAII final {
explicit IncrementRAII(std::atomic<int32_t> *counter): _counter(counter) {
~IncrementRAII() {
std::atomic<int32_t> *_counter;
// LeftRight wait-free readers synchronization primitive
// https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01207881/document
template <class T>
class LeftRight final {
template<class... Args>
explicit LeftRight(const Args& ...args)
: _counters{{{0}, {0}}}
, _foregroundCounterIndex(0)
, _foregroundDataIndex(0)
, _data{{T{args...}, T{args...}}}
, _writeMutex()
// Copying and moving would not be threadsafe.
// Needs more thought and careful design to make that work.
LeftRight(const LeftRight&) = delete;
LeftRight(LeftRight&&) noexcept = delete;
LeftRight& operator=(const LeftRight&) = delete;
LeftRight& operator=(LeftRight&&) noexcept= delete;
~LeftRight() {
// wait until any potentially running writers are finished
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_writeMutex);
// wait until any potentially running readers are finished
while (_counters[0].load() != 0 || _counters[1].load() != 0) {
template <typename F>
auto read(F&& readFunc) const -> typename std::result_of<F(const T&)>::type {
detail::IncrementRAII _increment_counter(&_counters[_foregroundCounterIndex.load()]);
return readFunc(_data[_foregroundDataIndex.load()]);
// Throwing an exception in writeFunc is ok but causes the state to be either the old or the new state,
// depending on if the first or the second call to writeFunc threw.
template <typename F>
auto write(F&& writeFunc) -> typename std::result_of<F(T&)>::type {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_writeMutex);
return _write(writeFunc);
template <class F>
auto _write(const F& writeFunc) -> typename std::result_of<F(T&)>::type {
* Assume, A is in background and B in foreground. In simplified terms, we want to do the following:
* 1. Write to A (old background)
* 2. Switch A/B
* 3. Write to B (new background)
* More detailed algorithm (explanations on why this is important are below in code):
* 1. Write to A
* 2. Switch A/B data pointers
* 3. Wait until A counter is zero
* 4. Switch A/B counters
* 5. Wait until B counter is zero
* 6. Write to B
auto localDataIndex = _foregroundDataIndex.load();
// 1. Write to A
_callWriteFuncOnBackgroundInstance(writeFunc, localDataIndex);
// 2. Switch A/B data pointers
localDataIndex = localDataIndex ^ 1;
_foregroundDataIndex = localDataIndex;
* 3. Wait until A counter is zero
* In the previous write run, A was foreground and B was background.
* There was a time after switching _foregroundDataIndex (B to foreground) and before switching _foregroundCounterIndex,
* in which new readers could have read B but incremented A's counter.
* In this current run, we just switched _foregroundDataIndex (A back to foreground), but before writing to
* the new background B, we have to make sure A's counter was zero briefly, so all these old readers are gone.
auto localCounterIndex = _foregroundCounterIndex.load();
* 4. Switch A/B counters
* Now that we know all readers on B are really gone, we can switch the counters and have new readers
* increment A's counter again, which is the correct counter since they're reading A.
localCounterIndex = localCounterIndex ^ 1;
_foregroundCounterIndex = localCounterIndex;
* 5. Wait until B counter is zero
* This waits for all the readers on B that came in while both data and counter for B was in foreground,
* i.e. normal readers that happened outside of that brief gap between switching data and counter.
// 6. Write to B
return _callWriteFuncOnBackgroundInstance(writeFunc, localDataIndex);
template<class F>
auto _callWriteFuncOnBackgroundInstance(const F& writeFunc, uint8_t localDataIndex) -> typename std::result_of<F(T&)>::type {
try {
return writeFunc(_data[localDataIndex ^ 1]);
} catch (...) {
// recover invariant by copying from the foreground instance
_data[localDataIndex ^ 1] = _data[localDataIndex];
// rethrow
void _waitForBackgroundCounterToBeZero(uint8_t counterIndex) {
while (_counters[counterIndex ^ 1].load() != 0) {
mutable std::array<std::atomic<int32_t>, 2> _counters;
std::atomic<uint8_t> _foregroundCounterIndex;
std::atomic<uint8_t> _foregroundDataIndex;
std::array<T, 2> _data;
std::mutex _writeMutex;