// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.
#include "caffe2/core/common_cudnn.h"
#include "caffe2/core/context_gpu.h"
// Note [What is CuDNNWrapper good for?]
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Suppose you are writing a kernel that calls into CuDNN, and
// you need a cudnnHandle_t to pass to the kernel call. How should
// you go about getting one of those handles? You'd prefer not
// to make a new cudnnHandle_t every call; this can be somewhat
// expensive (1-2%, according to some measurements in TensorFlow.)
// But cudnnHandle_t is not thread-safe, so we can't just have
// a single global cudnnHandle_t that everyone uses.
// Thus, the most common method in Caffe2 for getting a CuDNN handle
// is to get a per-thread, per-stream CuDNN handle from CUDAContext
// (which knows what the current thread and stream are). The idiomatic
// way to do this in Caffe2 today is to make a CuDNNWrapper and then call
// inline_cudnn_handle(), although you didn't really need the
// CuDNNWrapper at all (you could have gotten it directly from
// CUDAContext.)
// So, what's all this business about CuDNNWrapper? In theory, it was
// designed with a more specialized use-case in mind, where you need to
// make multiple calls to CuDNN in parallel; e.g., when manually
// computing group convolution. By using with_cudnn_state(), you can
// get separate cudnnHandle_t and CUDA stream per parallel thread of
// execution, and run all of the cuDNN calls in parallel. CuDNNWrapper
// handles the business of synchronizing with the stream prior to this
// call.
// (By the way, this is why no such CUBLASWrapper exists; there isn't
// ever any reason you need to call cublas in parallel, since most
// cublas operations have batched variants.)
// Now, that's the theory... in practice, this is only ever used when
// multiple operators are run in parallel, and not to actually
// parallelize multiple CuDNN calls (for example, group convolution is
// now supported natively in CuDNN.) So... while the kit provided here
// might be useful for someone else in the future, it's not really used
// now. So we might consider deleting it, or unifying this mechanism
// with PyTorch's own CuDNN handle pool. (which is it's own thing.)
namespace caffe2 {
class CuDNNWrapper;
* CuDNNWorkspace is a wrapper around a raw cuda pointer that holds the cudnn
* scratch space. This struct is meant to be only used in CuDNNWrapper to
* provide a program-wide scratch space for CuDNN. The reason behind it is that
* cudnn function calls are usually very efficient, hence one probably does not
* want to run multiple cudnn calls at the same time. As a result, one should
* not need more than one cudnn workspace per device.
struct CuDNNWorkspace {
~CuDNNWorkspace() noexcept {}
void* get(size_t nbytes) {
if (nbytes_ < nbytes) {
data_ = CUDAContext::New(nbytes);
nbytes_ = nbytes;
CAFFE_ENFORCE_GE(nbytes_, nbytes);
return data_.get();
void reset() {
nbytes_ = 0;
at::DataPtr data_{nullptr, nullptr, &NoDelete, at::Device(CUDA)};
size_t nbytes_{0};
// CuDNNState is the owner of the CuDNNWorkspace, and serializes all
// executions of operations that use the state onto it's own stream
// (so multiple Net workers can reuse the same workspace from
// different threads and CUDA streams).
class CuDNNState {
explicit CuDNNState(size_t gpu_id) : gpu_id_(gpu_id) {
CUDAGuard g(gpu_id_);
CUDNN_ENFORCE(cudnnSetStream(cudnn_handle_, stream_));
~CuDNNState() noexcept {
CUDAGuard g(gpu_id_);
cudnnHandle_t& cudnn_handle() {
return cudnn_handle_;
CuDNNWorkspace& workspace() {
return workspace_;
template <typename F>
void execute(cudaStream_t stream, F&& f) {
CUDA_ENFORCE(cudaEventRecord(before_, stream));
CUDA_ENFORCE(cudaStreamWaitEvent(stream_, before_, 0));
CUDA_ENFORCE(cudaEventRecord(after_, stream_));
CUDA_ENFORCE(cudaStreamWaitEvent(stream, after_, 0));
cudnnHandle_t cudnn_handle_{nullptr};
cudaEvent_t before_{nullptr};
cudaEvent_t after_{nullptr};
cudaStream_t stream_{nullptr};
CuDNNWorkspace workspace_;
size_t gpu_id_{0};
* CuDNNWrapper is a class that wraps the cudnn handles and cudnn workspaces.
* The wrapper ensures that for each thread and each gpu, there is one
* identical cudnn handle, which is also associated with the thread-local
* per-device cuda stream. The wrapper also hosts the device-specific cudnn
* workspace (scratch space for some cudnn functions).
class CuDNNWrapper {
* Creates a cudnn wrapper associated with a CUDAContext object. Note that
* the CUDAContext object should outlive the CuDNNWrapper.
explicit CuDNNWrapper(CUDAContext* context) : context_(context) {}
* Returns the inline cudnn handle that executes on the current
* thread's cuda_stream.
cudnnHandle_t inline_cudnn_handle() {
return context_->cudnn_handle();
// Executes the closure F on the CuDNNState associated with state_idx
template <typename F>
void with_cudnn_state(size_t state_idx, F&& f) {
state_idx < CAFFE2_COMPILE_TIME_MAX_CUDNN_STATES, "Invalid state_idx");
auto& sync_state = cudnn_states()[context_->device_id()][state_idx];
CUDAGuard dg(context_->device_id());
// We need to serialize execution on the CuDNNState as we can't
// allow multiple threads to race through the cudaEventRecord
// calls (so a worker thread might wait on another worker thread's
// execution)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> g(sync_state.mutex);
if (!sync_state.state.get()) {
sync_state.state.reset(new CuDNNState(context_->device_id()));
CHECK_NOTNULL(sync_state.state.get())->execute(context_->cuda_stream(), f);
// Pointer to an external cuda context that the cudnn wrapper will use.
CUDAContext* context_;
static constexpr size_t CAFFE2_COMPILE_TIME_MAX_CUDNN_STATES = 4;
struct SyncedCuDNNState {
std::mutex mutex;
std::unique_ptr<CuDNNState> state;
using PerGPUCuDNNStates = std::array<
static PerGPUCuDNNStates& cudnn_states();
}; // namespace caffe2