#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "caffe2/core/logging.h"
#include "caffe2/core/static_tracepoint.h"
namespace caffe2 {
class TORCH_API StatValue {
std::atomic<int64_t> v_{0};
int64_t increment(int64_t inc) {
return v_ += inc;
int64_t reset(int64_t value = 0) {
return v_.exchange(value);
int64_t get() const {
return v_.load();
struct TORCH_API ExportedStatValue {
std::string key;
int64_t value;
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> ts;
* @brief Holds names and values of counters exported from a StatRegistry.
using ExportedStatList = std::vector<ExportedStatValue>;
using ExportedStatMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, int64_t>;
TORCH_API ExportedStatMap toMap(const ExportedStatList& stats);
* @brief Holds a map of atomic counters keyed by name.
* The StatRegistry singleton, accessed through StatRegistry::get(), holds
* counters registered through the macro CAFFE_EXPORTED_STAT. Example of usage:
* struct MyCaffeClass {
* MyCaffeClass(const std::string& instanceName): stats_(instanceName) {}
* void run(int numRuns) {
* try {
* CAFFE_EVENT(stats_, num_runs, numRuns);
* tryRun(numRuns);
* CAFFE_EVENT(stats_, num_successes);
* } catch (std::exception& e) {
* CAFFE_EVENT(stats_, num_failures, 1, "arg_to_usdt", e.what());
* }
* CAFFE_EVENT(stats_, usdt_only, 1, "arg_to_usdt");
* }
* private:
* struct MyStats {
* CAFFE_EXPORTED_STAT(num_successes);
* CAFFE_EXPORTED_STAT(num_failures);
* CAFFE_STAT(usdt_only);
* } stats_;
* };
* int main() {
* MyCaffeClass a("first");
* MyCaffeClass b("second");
* for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
* a.run(10);
* b.run(5);
* }
* ExportedStatList finalStats;
* StatRegistry::get().publish(finalStats);
* }
* For every new instance of MyCaffeClass, a new counter is created with
* the instance name as prefix. Everytime run() is called, the corresponding
* counter will be incremented by the given value, or 1 if value not provided.
* Counter values can then be exported into an ExportedStatList. In the
* example above, considering "tryRun" never throws, `finalStats` will be
* populated as follows:
* first/num_runs 100
* first/num_successes 10
* first/num_failures 0
* second/num_runs 50
* second/num_successes 10
* second/num_failures 0
* The event usdt_only is not present in ExportedStatList because it is declared
* as CAFFE_STAT, which does not create a counter.
* Additionally, for each call to CAFFE_EVENT, a USDT probe is generated.
* The probe will be set up with the following arguments:
* - Probe name: field name (e.g. "num_runs")
* - Arg #0: instance name (e.g. "first", "second")
* - Arg #1: For CAFFE_EXPORTED_STAT, value of the updated counter
* For CAFFE_STAT, -1 since no counter is available
* - Args ...: Arguments passed to CAFFE_EVENT, including update value
* when provided.
* It is also possible to create additional StatRegistry instances beyond
* the singleton. These instances are not automatically populated with
* CAFFE_EVENT. Instead, they can be populated from an ExportedStatList
* structure by calling StatRegistry::update().
class TORCH_API StatRegistry {
std::mutex mutex_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<StatValue>> stats_;
* Retrieve the singleton StatRegistry, which gets populated
* through the CAFFE_EVENT macro.
static StatRegistry& get();
* Add a new counter with given name. If a counter for this name already
* exists, returns a pointer to it.
StatValue* add(const std::string& name);
* Populate an ExportedStatList with current counter values.
* If `reset` is true, resets all counters to zero. It is guaranteed that no
* count is lost.
void publish(ExportedStatList& exported, bool reset = false);
ExportedStatList publish(bool reset = false) {
ExportedStatList stats;
publish(stats, reset);
return stats;
* Update values of counters contained in the given ExportedStatList to
* the values provided, creating counters that don't exist.
void update(const ExportedStatList& data);
struct TORCH_API Stat {
std::string groupName;
std::string name;
Stat(const std::string& gn, const std::string& n) : groupName(gn), name(n) {}
template <typename... Unused>
int64_t increment(Unused...) {
return -1;
class TORCH_API ExportedStat : public Stat {
StatValue* value_;
ExportedStat(const std::string& gn, const std::string& n)
: Stat(gn, n), value_(StatRegistry::get().add(gn + "/" + n)) {}
int64_t increment(int64_t value = 1) {
return value_->increment(value);
template <typename T, typename Unused1, typename... Unused>
int64_t increment(T value, Unused1, Unused...) {
return increment(value);
class TORCH_API AvgExportedStat : public ExportedStat {
ExportedStat count_;
AvgExportedStat(const std::string& gn, const std::string& n)
: ExportedStat(gn, n + "/sum"), count_(gn, n + "/count") {}
int64_t increment(int64_t value = 1) {
return ExportedStat::increment(value);
template <typename T, typename Unused1, typename... Unused>
int64_t increment(T value, Unused1, Unused...) {
return increment(value);
class TORCH_API StdDevExportedStat : public ExportedStat {
// Uses an offset (first_) to remove issue of cancellation
// Variance is then (sumsqoffset_ - (sumoffset_^2) / count_) / (count_ - 1)
ExportedStat count_;
ExportedStat sumsqoffset_;
ExportedStat sumoffset_;
std::atomic<int64_t> first_{std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()};
int64_t const_min_{std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()};
StdDevExportedStat(const std::string& gn, const std::string& n)
: ExportedStat(gn, n + "/sum"),
count_(gn, n + "/count"),
sumsqoffset_(gn, n + "/sumsqoffset"),
sumoffset_(gn, n + "/sumoffset") {}
int64_t increment(int64_t value = 1) {
first_.compare_exchange_strong(const_min_, value);
int64_t offset_value = first_.load();
int64_t orig_value = value;
value -= offset_value;
sumsqoffset_.increment(value * value);
return ExportedStat::increment(orig_value);
template <typename T, typename Unused1, typename... Unused>
int64_t increment(T value, Unused1, Unused...) {
return increment(value);
class TORCH_API DetailedExportedStat : public ExportedStat {
std::vector<ExportedStat> details_;
DetailedExportedStat(const std::string& gn, const std::string& n)
: ExportedStat(gn, n) {}
void setDetails(const std::vector<std::string>& detailNames) {
for (const auto& detailName : detailNames) {
details_.emplace_back(groupName, name + "/" + detailName);
template <typename T, typename... Unused>
int64_t increment(T value, size_t detailIndex, Unused...) {
if (detailIndex < details_.size()) {
return ExportedStat::increment(value);
class TORCH_API StaticStat : public Stat {
StatValue* value_;
StaticStat(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& name)
: Stat(groupName, name),
value_(StatRegistry::get().add(groupName + "/" + name)) {}
int64_t increment(int64_t value = 1) {
return value_->reset(value);
template <typename T, typename Unused1, typename... Unused>
int64_t increment(T value, Unused1, Unused...) {
return increment(value);
namespace detail {
template <class T>
struct _ScopeGuard {
T f_;
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start_;
explicit _ScopeGuard(T f)
: f_(f), start_(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()) {}
~_ScopeGuard() {
using namespace std::chrono;
auto duration = high_resolution_clock::now() - start_;
int64_t nanos = duration_cast<nanoseconds>(duration).count();
// Using implicit cast to bool so that it can be used in an 'if' condition
// within CAFFE_DURATION macro below.
/* implicit */ operator bool() {
return true;
template <class T>
_ScopeGuard<T> ScopeGuard(T f) {
return _ScopeGuard<T>(f);
} // namespace detail
#define CAFFE_STAT_CTOR(ClassName) \
ClassName(std::string name) : groupName(name) {} \
std::string groupName
#define CAFFE_EXPORTED_STAT(name) \
ExportedStat name { \
groupName, #name \
AvgExportedStat name { \
groupName, #name \
StdDevExportedStat name { \
groupName, #name \
DetailedExportedStat name { \
groupName, #name \
#define CAFFE_STAT(name) \
Stat name { \
groupName, #name \
#define CAFFE_STATIC_STAT(name) \
StaticStat name { \
groupName, #name \
#define CAFFE_EVENT(stats, field, ...) \
{ \
auto __caffe_event_value_ = stats.field.increment(__VA_ARGS__); \
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