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Version: 1.8.0 

/ include / caffe2 / operators / operator_fallback_gpu.h


#include "caffe2/core/common.h"
#include "caffe2/core/context.h"
#include "caffe2/core/context_gpu.h"
#include "caffe2/core/operator.h"
#include "caffe2/proto/caffe2_pb.h"

namespace caffe2 {

 * @brief A templated class to allow one to wrap a CPU operator as a CUDA
 * operator.
 * This class can be used when one does not have the CUDA implementation ready
 * yet for an operator. Essentially, what this op does is to automatically
 * deal with data copy for you. Plausibly, this causes a lot of overhead and
 * is not optimal, so you should use this operator mostly for quick prototyping
 * purpose.
 * All the input and output of the original operator should be TensorCPU.
 * Example usage: if you have a class MyMagicOp that is CPU based, and you use
 * the registration code
 *     REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR(MyMagic, MyMagicOp);
 * to register the CPU side, you can create its corresponding GPU operator
 * (with performance hits of course) via
 *                            GPUFallbackOp);
 * Note that you will need to make sure that the operators actually share the
 * same name.
 * Advanced usage: if you want to have some specific outputs never copied, you
 * can use the SkipOutputCopy template argument to do that. For example, if
 * MyMagic produces two outputs and the first output is always going to live on
 * the CPU, you can do
 *                            GPUFallbackOpEx<SkipIndices<0>>);
template <typename SkipOutputCopy>
class GPUFallbackOpEx final : public Operator<CUDAContext> {
  explicit GPUFallbackOpEx(const OperatorDef& def, Workspace* ws)
      : Operator<CUDAContext>(def, ws) {
    CAFFE_ENFORCE_EQ(def.device_option().device_type(), PROTO_CUDA);
    OperatorDef base_def_(def);
    // base_def_ runs on CPU, so we will set its device option to CPU.
    // Set up the symbols for the local workspace.
    for (const string& name : def.input()) {
    base_op_ = CreateOperator(base_def_, &local_ws_);
    for (const string& name : def.output()) {

  bool RunOnDevice() override {
    for (int i = 0; i < InputSize(); ++i) {
      if (this->InputIsTensorType(i, CUDA)) {
        // use sync copy
        BlobGetMutableTensor(local_input_blobs_[i], CPU)->CopyFrom(Input(i));
      } else {
        VLOG(1) << "Input " << i << " is not TensorCUDA. Skipping copy.";
        // Note(jiayq): This removes a const but conceptually
        // local_input_blobs will only be used as const blob input for the
        // base op so we are still fine.

    if (!base_op_->Run()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Base op run failed in GPUFallbackOp. Def: "
                 << ProtoDebugString(this->debug_def());
      return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < OutputSize(); ++i) {
      if (SkipOutputCopy::Contains(i)) {
        VLOG(1) << "Copy output: index " << i << " skipped.";
          BlobIsTensorType(*local_output_blobs_[i], CPU),
          "GPU fallback op currently does not support non-TensorCPU "
          "output type who needs copying.");
      Output(i)->CopyFrom(local_output_blobs_[i]->template Get<TensorCPU>());
    return true;

  Workspace local_ws_;
  vector<Blob*> local_input_blobs_;
  vector<Blob*> local_output_blobs_;
  unique_ptr<OperatorBase> base_op_;

using GPUFallbackOp = GPUFallbackOpEx<SkipIndices<>>;

} // namespace caffe2