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/ include / caffe2 / utils / simple_queue.h


#include <condition_variable>  // NOLINT
#include <mutex>  // NOLINT
#include <queue>

#include "caffe2/core/logging.h"

namespace caffe2 {

// This is a very simple queue that Yangqing wrote when bottlefeeding the baby,
// so don't take it seriously. What it does is a minimal thread-safe queue that
// allows me to run network as a DAG.
// A usual work pattern looks like this: one or multiple producers push jobs
// into this queue, and one or multiple workers pops jobs from this queue. If
// nothing is in the queue but NoMoreJobs() is not called yet, the pop calls
// will wait. If NoMoreJobs() has been called, pop calls will return false,
// which serves as a message to the workers that they should exit.
template <typename T>
class SimpleQueue {
  SimpleQueue() : no_more_jobs_(false) {}

  // Pops a value and writes it to the value pointer. If there is nothing in the
  // queue, this will wait till a value is inserted to the queue. If there are
  // no more jobs to pop, the function returns false. Otherwise, it returns
  // true.
  bool Pop(T* value) {
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> mutex_lock(mutex_);
    while (queue_.size() == 0 && !no_more_jobs_) cv_.wait(mutex_lock);
    if (queue_.size() == 0 && no_more_jobs_) return false;
    *value = queue_.front();
    return true;

  int size() {
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> mutex_lock(mutex_);
    return queue_.size();

  // Push pushes a value to the queue.
  void Push(const T& value) {
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mutex_lock(mutex_);
      CAFFE_ENFORCE(!no_more_jobs_, "Cannot push to a closed queue.");

  // NoMoreJobs() marks the close of this queue. It also notifies all waiting
  // Pop() calls so that they either check out remaining jobs, or return false.
  // After NoMoreJobs() is called, this queue is considered closed - no more
  // Push() functions are allowed, and once existing items are all checked out
  // by the Pop() functions, any more Pop() function will immediately return
  // false with nothing set to the value.
  void NoMoreJobs() {
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mutex_lock(mutex_);
      no_more_jobs_ = true;

  std::mutex mutex_;
  std::condition_variable cv_;
  std::queue<T> queue_;
  bool no_more_jobs_{};
  // We do not allow copy constructors.
  SimpleQueue(const SimpleQueue& /*src*/) {}

}  // namespace caffe2