#pragma once
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/profiler_legacy.h>
namespace libkineto {
class TraceActivity;
class ActivityTraceInterface;
namespace torch {
namespace autograd {
namespace profiler {
enum class C10_API_ENUM ActivityType {
CPU = 0,
CUDA, // CUDA kernels, runtime
NUM_KINETO_ACTIVITIES, // must be the last one
struct KinetoObserverContext : public at::ObserverContext {
int64_t startUs;
uint64_t correlationId;
uint64_t startThreadId;
uint64_t endThreadId;
c10::optional<std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>> shapes;
int64_t sequenceNr;
uint64_t fwdThreadId;
uint8_t recFunScope;
c10::optional<std::vector<std::string>> stack;
// Extra arguments for computing op flops
c10::optional<std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue>> extraArgs;
struct TORCH_API KinetoEvent {
uint64_t startThreadId() const {
return start_thread_id_;
uint64_t endThreadId() const {
return end_thread_id_;
uint8_t activityType() const {
return activity_type_;
uint64_t fwdThreadId() const {
return fwd_thread_id_;
bool hasShapes() const {
return shapes_ != c10::nullopt;
const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>& shapes() const {
return *shapes_;
uint64_t flops() const {
return flops_;
int64_t sequenceNr() const {
return sequence_nr_;
bool hasStack() const {
return stack_ != c10::nullopt;
const std::vector<std::string>& stack() const {
return *stack_;
uint8_t scope() const {
return scope_;
KinetoEvent& startThreadId(uint64_t start_thread_id) {
start_thread_id_ = start_thread_id;
return *this;
KinetoEvent& endThreadId(uint64_t end_thread_id) {
end_thread_id_ = end_thread_id;
return *this;
KinetoEvent& fwdThreadId(uint64_t fwd_thread_id) {
fwd_thread_id_ = fwd_thread_id;
return *this;
KinetoEvent& shapes(const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>& shapes) {
shapes_ = shapes;
return *this;
KinetoEvent& flops(uint64_t flops) {
flops_ = flops;
return *this;
KinetoEvent& sequenceNr(int64_t sequence_nr) {
sequence_nr_ = sequence_nr;
return *this;
KinetoEvent& stack(const std::vector<std::string>& st) {
stack_ = st;
return *this;
KinetoEvent& scope(uint8_t scope) {
scope_ = scope;
return *this;
// Kineto fields
KinetoEvent& activity(const libkineto::TraceActivity& activity);
std::string name() const {
return name_;
uint64_t deviceIndex() const {
return device_index_;
uint64_t startUs() const {
return start_us_;
uint64_t durationUs() const {
return duration_us_;
uint64_t correlationId() const {
return correlation_id_;
KinetoEvent& correlationId(uint64_t correlation_id) {
correlation_id_ = correlation_id;
return *this;
uint64_t linkedCorrelationId() const {
return linked_correlation_id_;
int64_t deviceResourceId() const {
return device_resource_id_;
c10::DeviceType deviceType() const;
uint64_t start_thread_id_ = 0;
uint64_t end_thread_id_ = 0;
uint64_t fwd_thread_id_ = 0;
int64_t sequence_nr_ = -1;
uint8_t scope_ = 0;
uint8_t activity_type_;
c10::optional<std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>> shapes_;
c10::optional<std::vector<std::string>> stack_;
uint64_t flops_ = 0;
std::string name_;
uint64_t device_index_ = 0;
uint64_t start_us_ = 0;
uint64_t duration_us_ = 0;
uint64_t correlation_id_ = 0;
uint64_t linked_correlation_id_ = 0;
int64_t device_resource_id_ = 0;
// Consolidating events returned directly from Kineto
// with events manually created by us (e.g. start/stop marks,
// memory allocation events)
struct TORCH_API ProfilerResult {
std::vector<KinetoEvent> events,
thread_event_lists legacy_events,
std::unique_ptr<libkineto::ActivityTraceInterface> trace);
const std::vector<KinetoEvent>& events() const {
return events_;
const thread_event_lists& legacy_events() const {
return legacy_events_;
void save(const std::string& path);
bool saved_ = false;
std::vector<KinetoEvent> events_;
thread_event_lists legacy_events_;
std::unique_ptr<libkineto::ActivityTraceInterface> trace_;
TORCH_API void enableProfiler(
const ProfilerConfig& config,
const std::set<ActivityType>& activities);
TORCH_API std::unique_ptr<ProfilerResult> disableProfiler();
TORCH_API void prepareProfiler(
const ProfilerConfig& config,
const std::set<ActivityType>& activities);
#endif // USE_KINETO
TORCH_API constexpr bool kinetoAvailable() {
return true;
return false;
#endif // USE_KINETO
} // namespace profiler
}} // namespace torch::autograd