#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <forward_list>
#include <tuple>
#include <ATen/ATen.h>
#include <torch/csrc/WindowsTorchApiMacro.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/profiler_utils.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <ctime>
#if defined(C10_IOS) && defined(C10_MOBILE)
#include <sys/time.h> // for gettimeofday()
#include <ATen/record_function.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/frontend/source_range.h>
struct CUevent_st;
typedef std::shared_ptr<CUevent_st> CUDAEventStub;
namespace torch { namespace autograd {
struct Node;
namespace profiler {
struct TORCH_API CUDAStubs {
virtual void record(int* device, CUDAEventStub* event, int64_t* cpu_ns) const {
virtual float elapsed(const CUDAEventStub* event, const CUDAEventStub* event2) const {
return 0.f;
virtual void nvtxMarkA(const char* name) const {
virtual void nvtxRangePushA(const char* name) const {
virtual void nvtxRangePop() const {
virtual bool enabled() const {
return false;
virtual void onEachDevice(std::function<void(int)> op) const {
virtual void synchronize() const {
virtual ~CUDAStubs();
void fail() const {
AT_ERROR("CUDA used in profiler but not enabled.");
TORCH_API void registerCUDAMethods(CUDAStubs* stubs);
constexpr inline size_t ceilToMultiple(size_t a, size_t b) {
return ((a + b - 1) / b) * b;
inline int64_t getTime() {
#if defined(C10_IOS) && defined(C10_MOBILE)
// clock_gettime is only available on iOS 10.0 or newer. Unlike OS X, iOS can't rely on
// CLOCK_REALTIME, as it is defined no matter if clock_gettime is implemented or not
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
return static_cast<int64_t>(now.tv_sec) * 1000000000 + static_cast<int64_t>(now.tv_usec) * 1000;
#elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(__MACH__)
using namespace std::chrono;
using clock = std::conditional<high_resolution_clock::is_steady, high_resolution_clock, steady_clock>::type;
return duration_cast<nanoseconds>(clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
// clock_gettime is *much* faster than std::chrono implementation on Linux
struct timespec t{};
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);
return static_cast<int64_t>(t.tv_sec) * 1000000000 + static_cast<int64_t>(t.tv_nsec);
enum class C10_API_ENUM EventKind : uint16_t {
// To be deprecated, once we switch to Kineto profiling
struct TORCH_API LegacyEvent {
EventKind kind,
at::StringView name,
uint16_t thread_id,
bool record_cuda,
at::RecordFunctionHandle handle = 0,
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>&& shapes = {},
int node_id = -1)
: name_(std::move(name)),
node_id_(node_id) {
// Constructor to be used in conjunction with LegacyEvent::fromIValue.
EventKind kind,
at::StringView name,
uint16_t thread_id,
at::RecordFunctionHandle handle,
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>&& shapes,
int node_id,
bool is_remote,
int64_t cpu_memory_usage,
int64_t cpu_ns,
bool cuda_recorded,
int64_t cuda_memory_usage = 0,
int device = -1,
double cuda_us = -1)
: cpu_ns_(cpu_ns),
cuda_us_(cuda_us) {
// Sanity check values that were deserialized
if (cuda_recorded) {
// Returns IValues corresponding to event structure, to be used for
// serialization.
at::IValue toIValue() const;
// Reconstructs an event from IValues given by toIValue.
static LegacyEvent fromIValue(const at::IValue& eventIValue);
void record(bool record_cuda);
std::string kindStr() const {
switch (kind_) {
case EventKind::Mark: return "mark";
case EventKind::PushRange: return "push";
case EventKind::PopRange: return "pop";
case EventKind::MemoryAlloc: return "memory_alloc";
throw std::runtime_error("unknown event kind");
const char* name() const {
return name_.str();
uint64_t threadId() const {
return thread_id_;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> shapes() const {
return shapes_;
double cpuElapsedUs(const LegacyEvent& e) const {
return (e.cpu_ns_ - cpu_ns_)/(1000.0);
void setCpuUs(int64_t cpu_us) {
cpu_ns_ = cpu_us * 1000.0;
double cpuUs() const {
return cpu_ns_ / (1000.0);
double cudaElapsedUs(const LegacyEvent& e) const;
bool hasCuda() const {
return cuda_event != nullptr || (isRemote() && device_ != -1);
int device() const {
return device_;
void updateMemoryStats(int64_t alloc_size, c10::Device device) {
if (device.type() == c10::DeviceType::CUDA ||
device.type() == c10::DeviceType::HIP) {
cuda_memory_usage_ = alloc_size;
} else if (device.type() == c10::DeviceType::CPU ||
device.type() == c10::DeviceType::MKLDNN ||
device.type() == c10::DeviceType::IDEEP) {
cpu_memory_usage_ = alloc_size;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unsupported memory profiling device: " << device;
int64_t cpuMemoryUsage() const {
return cpu_memory_usage_;
int64_t cudaMemoryUsage() const {
return cuda_memory_usage_;
at::RecordFunctionHandle handle() const {
return handle_;
// Node ID corresponding to this event.
int nodeId( ) const {
return node_id_;
// Set Node ID on this event.
void setNodeId(int node_id) {
node_id_ = node_id;
void setName(at::StringView newName_) {
name_ = std::move(newName_);
bool isRemote() const {
return is_remote_;
void setCudaUs(int64_t cuda_us) {
cuda_us_ = cuda_us;
void setSequenceNr(int64_t sequence_nr) {
sequence_nr_ = sequence_nr;
int64_t sequenceNr() const {
return sequence_nr_;
void setCorrelationId(uint64_t correlation_id) {
correlation_id_ = correlation_id;
uint64_t correlationId() const {
return correlation_id_;
const std::vector<std::string>& stack() const {
return stack_;
void setStack(const std::vector<std::string>& stack) {
stack_ = stack;
uint64_t fwdThreadId() const {
return fwd_thread_id_;
void setFwdThreadId(uint64_t fwd_thread_id) {
fwd_thread_id_ = fwd_thread_id;
uint8_t scope() const {
return scope_;
void setScope(uint8_t scope) {
scope_ = scope;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue>& extraArgs() const {
return extra_args_;
void setExtraArgs(std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue>&& save_args) {
extra_args_ = std::move(save_args);
uint64_t flops() {
return flops_;
void setFlops(uint64_t flops) {
flops_ = flops;
// signed to allow for negative intervals, initialized for safety.
int64_t cpu_ns_ = 0;
at::StringView name_;
EventKind kind_;
uint64_t thread_id_;
uint64_t fwd_thread_id_;
at::RecordFunctionHandle handle_ {0};
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> shapes_;
int64_t cpu_memory_usage_ = 0;
int64_t cuda_memory_usage_ = 0;
int device_ = -1;
CUDAEventStub cuda_event = nullptr;
int node_id_ = 0;
bool is_remote_ = false;
int64_t cuda_us_ = -1;
int64_t sequence_nr_ = -1;
std::vector<std::string> stack_;
uint8_t scope_;
uint64_t correlation_id_;
// Extra arguments for computing op flops
std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue> extra_args_;
uint64_t flops_ = 0;
// a linked-list of fixed sized vectors, to avoid
// a std::vector resize from taking a large amount of time inside
// a profiling event
struct RangeEventList {
RangeEventList() {
template<typename... Args>
void record(Args&&... args) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex_);
std::vector<LegacyEvent> consolidate() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
std::vector<LegacyEvent> result;
events_.erase(events_.begin(), events_.end());
return result;
size_t size() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
return events_.size();
// This mutex is used to serialize access when different threads are writing
// to the same instance of RangeEventList.
std::mutex mutex_;
std::vector<LegacyEvent> events_;
static const size_t kReservedCapacity = 1024;
enum class C10_API_ENUM ProfilerState {
Disabled = 0,
CPU, // CPU-only profiling
CUDA, // CPU + CUDA events
NVTX, // only emit NVTX markers
KINETO, // use libkineto
NUM_PROFILER_STATES, // must be the last one
struct TORCH_API ProfilerConfig {
ProfilerState state,
bool report_input_shapes = false,
bool profile_memory = false,
bool with_stack = false,
bool with_flops = false)
: state(state),
with_flops(with_flops) {}
~ProfilerConfig() = default;
ProfilerState state;
bool report_input_shapes;
bool profile_memory;
bool with_stack;
bool with_flops;
// Returns IValues corresponding to ProfilerConfig struct, to be used for
// serialization.
at::IValue toIValue() const;
// Reconstructs a ProfilerConfig from IValues given by toIValue.
static ProfilerConfig fromIValue(const at::IValue& profilerConfigIValue);
// A struct to control settings of disableProfiler options.
struct TORCH_API ProfilerDisableOptions {
ProfilerDisableOptions() = default;
ProfilerDisableOptions(bool shouldCleanupTLSState, bool shouldConsolidate)
: cleanupTLSState(shouldCleanupTLSState),
consolidate(shouldConsolidate) {}
// Whether we should clean up profiler states that are thread local, such as
// ThreadLocalDebugInfo and thread local RecordFunction callbacks.
bool cleanupTLSState = true;
// Whether we should consolidate all currently recorded profiled events. If
// false, will not consolidate and other threads can continue to write to the
// event lists.
bool consolidate = true;
// NOTE: profiler mode is thread local, with automatic propagation
// across thread boundary (e.g. at::launch tasks)
TORCH_API void enableProfilerLegacy(const ProfilerConfig&);
using thread_event_lists = std::vector<std::vector<LegacyEvent>>;
TORCH_API thread_event_lists disableProfilerLegacy(c10::optional<ProfilerDisableOptions> profilerDisableOptions = c10::nullopt);
// adds profiledEvents to the current thread local recorded events. Each event
// will be marked with node ID given by fromNodeId.
TORCH_API void addEventList(std::vector<LegacyEvent>&& profiledEvents);
// Returns if the profiler is currently enabled in the current thread.
TORCH_API bool profilerEnabled();
// Retrieve the thread_local ProfilerConfig.
TORCH_API ProfilerConfig getProfilerConfig();
// Writes profiled events to a stream.
TORCH_API void writeProfilerEventsToStream(std::ostream& out, const std::vector<LegacyEvent*>& events);
// Usage:
// {
// RecordProfile guard("filename.trace");
// // code you want to profile
// }
// Then open filename.trace in chrome://tracing
struct TORCH_API RecordProfile {
RecordProfile(std::ostream& out);
RecordProfile(const std::string& filename);
void init();
std::unique_ptr<std::ofstream> file_;
std::ostream& out_;
void processEvents(const std::vector<LegacyEvent*>& events);
// A guard that enables the profiler, taking in an optional callback to process
// the results
// Usage:
// {
// TLSProfilerGuard g([](thread_event_lists profilerResults) {
// // process profilerResults
// });
// Code to profile
// }
struct TORCH_API TLSProfilerGuard {
explicit TLSProfilerGuard(
const ProfilerConfig& cfg,
c10::optional<std::function<void(const thread_event_lists&)>>
resultCallback = c10::nullopt,
c10::optional<ProfilerDisableOptions> profilerDisableOptions =
: cb_(std::move(resultCallback)),
profilerDisableOptions_(std::move(profilerDisableOptions)) {
~TLSProfilerGuard() {
thread_event_lists event_lists = disableProfilerLegacy(profilerDisableOptions_);
if (cb_) {
try {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Got error processing profiler events: " << e.what();
c10::optional<std::function<void(const thread_event_lists&)>> cb_;
const c10::optional<ProfilerDisableOptions> profilerDisableOptions_;
struct TORCH_API FileLineFunc {
std::string filename;
size_t line;
std::string funcname;
TORCH_API std::vector<FileLineFunc> prepareCallstack(const std::vector<jit::StackEntry>& cs);
TORCH_API std::vector<std::string> callstackStr(const std::vector<FileLineFunc>& cs);
TORCH_API std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> inputSizes(const at::RecordFunction& fn);
struct TORCH_API ProfilerThreadLocalState : public c10::MemoryReportingInfoBase {
explicit ProfilerThreadLocalState(const ProfilerConfig& config)
: config_(config), remoteProfiledEvents_{c10::nullopt} {}
~ProfilerThreadLocalState() override = default;
const ProfilerConfig& config() const;
thread_event_lists consolidate();
void mark(std::string name, bool include_cuda = true);
void setOrAddRemoteProfiledEvents(
std::vector<LegacyEvent>&& remoteProfiledEvents);
void pushRange(
const at::RecordFunction& fn,
const bool record_cuda,
const char* msg = "",
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>&& shapes = {});
void popRange(const at::RecordFunction& fn, const bool record_cuda);
void setCallbackHandle(at::CallbackHandle handle) {
handle_ = handle;
at::CallbackHandle callbackHandle() const {
return handle_;
bool hasCallbackHandle() {
return handle_ > 0;
void reportMemoryUsage(
void* /* unused */,
int64_t alloc_size,
c10::Device device) override;
bool memoryProfilingEnabled() const override;
std::string getNvtxStr(
const at::StringView& name,
const char* msg,
int64_t sequence_nr,
const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>& shapes) const;
RangeEventList& getEventList(int64_t thread_id = -1);
std::mutex state_mutex_;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::shared_ptr<RangeEventList>>
ProfilerConfig config_ = ProfilerConfig(ProfilerState::Disabled);
at::CallbackHandle handle_ = 0;
c10::optional<std::vector<std::vector<LegacyEvent>>> remoteProfiledEvents_;
} // namespace profiler
}} // namespace torch::autograd