#pragma once
#include <ATen/ATen.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ATen/core/interned_strings.h>
#include <torch/csrc/WindowsTorchApiMacro.h>
namespace c10 {
struct Type;
using TypePtr = std::shared_ptr<Type>;
} // namespace c10
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
using ::c10::Symbol;
constexpr int max_tensor_display_size = 10;
enum class AttributeKind { f, fs, i, is, s, ss, t, ts, g, gs, ty, tys, ival };
static inline const char* toString(AttributeKind kind) {
static const char* names[] = {
AT_ASSERT(size_t(kind) < sizeof(names) / sizeof(*names));
return names[int(kind)];
struct AttributeValue {
AttributeValue(Symbol name) : name(name) {}
using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<AttributeValue>;
Symbol name;
virtual AttributeKind kind() const = 0;
virtual Ptr clone() const = 0;
virtual ~AttributeValue() = default;
template <typename T, AttributeKind Kind>
struct ScalarAttributeValue : public AttributeValue {
using ConstructorType = T;
using ValueType = T;
ScalarAttributeValue(Symbol name, ConstructorType value_)
: AttributeValue(name), value_(std::move(value_)) {}
ValueType& value() {
return value_;
Ptr clone() const override {
return Ptr(new ScalarAttributeValue(name, value_));
AttributeKind kind() const override {
return Kind;
ValueType value_;
template <typename T, AttributeKind Kind>
struct VectorAttributeValue : public AttributeValue {
using ConstructorType = std::vector<T>;
using ValueType = std::vector<T>;
VectorAttributeValue(Symbol name, ConstructorType value_)
: AttributeValue(name), value_(std::move(value_)) {}
ValueType& value() {
return value_;
AttributeKind kind() const override {
return Kind;
std::unique_ptr<AttributeValue> clone() const override {
auto copy = value_;
return Ptr(new VectorAttributeValue(name, std::move(copy)));
ValueType value_;
using FloatAttr = ScalarAttributeValue<double, AttributeKind::f>;
using FloatsAttr = VectorAttributeValue<double, AttributeKind::fs>;
using IntAttr = ScalarAttributeValue<int64_t, AttributeKind::i>;
using IntsAttr = VectorAttributeValue<int64_t, AttributeKind::is>;
using StringAttr = ScalarAttributeValue<std::string, AttributeKind::s>;
using StringsAttr = VectorAttributeValue<std::string, AttributeKind::ss>;
using TensorAttr = ScalarAttributeValue<at::Tensor, AttributeKind::t>;
using TensorsAttr = VectorAttributeValue<at::Tensor, AttributeKind::ts>;
using TypeAttr = ScalarAttributeValue<c10::TypePtr, AttributeKind::ty>;
using TypesAttr = VectorAttributeValue<c10::TypePtr, AttributeKind::tys>;
using IValueAttr = ScalarAttributeValue<at::IValue, AttributeKind::ival>;
struct Graph;
// We special case Graph attributes like this because we want to ensure that
// Graph::copy() is called when we clone() these attributes.
struct TORCH_API GraphAttr : public AttributeValue {
using ConstructorType = std::shared_ptr<Graph>;
using ValueType = std::shared_ptr<Graph>;
GraphAttr(Symbol name, ConstructorType value_)
: AttributeValue(name), value_(std::move(value_)) {}
ValueType& value() {
return value_;
Ptr clone() const override;
AttributeKind kind() const override {
return AttributeKind::g;
std::shared_ptr<Graph> value_;
struct TORCH_API GraphsAttr : public AttributeValue {
using ConstructorType = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Graph>>;
using ValueType = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Graph>>;
GraphsAttr(Symbol name, ConstructorType value_)
: AttributeValue(name), value_(std::move(value_)) {}
ValueType& value() {
return value_;
AttributeKind kind() const override {
return AttributeKind::gs;
std::unique_ptr<AttributeValue> clone() const override;
ValueType value_;
struct IRAttributeError : public std::exception {
IRAttributeError(Symbol name, bool defined) {
std::stringstream ss;
if (!defined) {
ss << "required keyword attribute '" << name.toUnqualString()
<< "' is undefined";
} else {
ss << "required keyword attribute '" << name.toUnqualString()
<< "' has the wrong type";
msg = ss.str();
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return msg.c_str();
std::string msg;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch