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Version: 1.8.0 

/ jit / _recursive.py

import inspect
import torch
import collections
import textwrap
import functools
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Type

import torch._jit_internal as _jit_internal
from torch.jit.frontend import get_default_args, get_jit_def, get_class_properties
from torch.jit._builtins import _find_builtin
from torch.nn import Module
from torch._six import get_function_from_type, bind_method

ScriptMethodStub = collections.namedtuple('ScriptMethodStub', ('resolution_callback', 'def_', 'original_method'))
PropertyStub = collections.namedtuple('Property', ('resolution_callback', 'def_'))

# TODO: there should be a more principled way of doing this.
ignored_attributes = [

def make_stub(func, name):
    rcb = _jit_internal.createResolutionCallbackFromClosure(func)
    ast = get_jit_def(func, name, self_name="RecursiveScriptModule")
    return ScriptMethodStub(rcb, ast, func)

def make_stub_from_method(nn_module, method_name):
    func = getattr(nn_module, method_name)
    if isinstance(func, ScriptMethodStub):
        return func
    # Make sure the name present in the resulting AST will match the name
    # requested here. The only time they don't match is if you do something
    # like:
    #   def _forward(self):
    #       pass
    #   forward = _forward
    # In this case, the actual function object will have the name `_forward`,
    # even though we requested a stub for `forward`.
    return make_stub(func, method_name)

def make_stubs_from_exported_methods(mod):
    stubs = []
    for name in dir(mod):
        item = getattr(mod, name, None)
        if (
            is _jit_internal.FunctionModifiers.EXPORT
            stubs.append(make_stub_from_method(mod, name))

    return stubs

# base types that can be constants
# in addition, tuples and lists of these base types are also considered constants
# If you edit this list, then you also need to edit the handlers in
# ConstantValue in jit/script/init.cpp
_constant_types = (bool, float, int, str, type(None), torch.device, torch.layout, torch.dtype)

def _get_valid_constant(attr, v, owner_type):
    if isinstance(v, _constant_types):
        return v
    elif isinstance(v, tuple) or isinstance(v, list):
        return tuple(_get_valid_constant(attr, x, owner_type) for x in v)
    constants = ", ".join(torch.typename(typ) for typ in _constant_types)
    raise TypeError(textwrap.dedent("""
        '{}' object in attribute '{}.{}' is not a valid constant.
        Valid constants are:
        1. a nn.ModuleList
        2. a value of type {{{}}}
        3. a list or tuple of (2)
        """.format(torch.typename(type(v)), owner_type, attr, constants)))

class SourceContext(torch._C._jit_tree_views.SourceRangeFactory):
    def __init__(self, source, filename, file_lineno, leading_whitespace_len):
        super(SourceContext, self).__init__(source, filename, file_lineno, leading_whitespace_len)

def infer_concrete_type_builder(nn_module, share_types=True):
    Build a ConcreteModuleTypeBuilder from an nn.Module. This
    ConcreteModuleType doesn't have a JIT type associated with it yet, it
    must be filled in by the caller.
    concrete_type_builder = torch._C.ConcreteModuleTypeBuilder(type(nn_module))
    if isinstance(nn_module, (torch.nn.ModuleDict)):
    if isinstance(nn_module, (torch.nn.ModuleList, torch.nn.Sequential)):

    class_annotations = getattr(nn_module, '__annotations__', {})
    if isinstance(nn_module, (torch.quantization.QuantWrapper)):
        class_annotations = {}

    # Get user-annotated ignored attributes.
    user_annotated_ignored_attributes = getattr(nn_module, "__jit_ignored_attributes__", list())

    # try to infer the type from type annotation or from the object itself
    def infer_type(name, item):
        # The forward function from Module is special; never use this annotations; we
        # need to infer type directly using JIT.  I originally wanted to write
        # this test as isinstance(class_annotations[name], Callable) but
        # isinstance on typing things doesn't seem to work: isinstance(list, Callable)
        # is also true!
        inferred = False
        if name in class_annotations and class_annotations[name] != torch.nn.Module.__annotations__["forward"]:
            ann_to_type = torch.jit.annotations.ann_to_type(class_annotations[name], _jit_internal.fake_range())
            attr_type = torch._C.InferredType(ann_to_type)
        elif isinstance(item, torch.jit.Attribute):
            ann_to_type = torch.jit.annotations.ann_to_type(item.type, _jit_internal.fake_range())
            attr_type = torch._C.InferredType(ann_to_type)
            attr_type = torch._C._jit_try_infer_type(item)
            inferred = True

        return attr_type, inferred

    added_names = set()

    for name, item in nn_module._parameters.items():
        if name in user_annotated_ignored_attributes:

        assert item is None or isinstance(item, torch.Tensor)
        attr_type, _ = infer_type(name, item)
        # We currently have the invariant in various places in our code
        # that parameters must be Tensors. However, the nn.Module API also
        # allows NoneType parameters. These parameters are not returned as
        # part of `parameters()` and its variants, but are available
        # through direct attribute access.
        concrete_type_builder.add_attribute(name, attr_type.type(), True, False)

    for name, item in nn_module._buffers.items():
        if name in user_annotated_ignored_attributes:

        assert item is None or isinstance(item, torch.Tensor)
        attr_type, _ = infer_type(name, item)
        concrete_type_builder.add_attribute(name, attr_type.type(), False, True)

    for name, item in nn_module._modules.items():
        if name in user_annotated_ignored_attributes:

        attr_type, _ = infer_type(name, item)
        if item is None:
            # Modules can be None. We don't have direct support for optional
            # Modules, so the register it as an NoneType attribute instead.
            concrete_type_builder.add_attribute(name, attr_type.type(), False, False)
        if attr_type.success():
            assert attr_type.type().is_interface_type()
            # if the type can be inferred, it should be a module interface type
            sub_concrete_type = torch._C.ConcreteModuleType.from_jit_type(attr_type.type())
            # otherwise we get the concrete module type for item and add it to concrete_type
            sub_concrete_type = get_module_concrete_type(item, share_types)
        concrete_type_builder.add_module(name, sub_concrete_type)


    # populate constants_set
    constants_set = getattr(nn_module, "__constants__", set())

    # Constants annotated via `Final[T]` rather than being added to `__constants__`
    for name, ann in class_annotations.items():
        if torch._jit_internal.is_final(ann):

    for name in constants_set:
        if name in added_names:
            # TODO: We should really error in this case, but its bc-breaking so
            # we need to warn for at least one release
            if name in nn_module._modules:
                hint = "submodule"
            elif name in nn_module._buffers:
                hint = "buffer"
            elif name in nn_module._parameters:
                hint = "parameter"
                raise AssertionError("added_names must be submodule, parameter, or buffer")

            warnings.warn("'{}' was found in ScriptModule constants, "
                          " but it is a non-constant {}. Consider removing it.".format(name, hint))
        if not hasattr(nn_module, name):
            # TODO: We should really error in this case, but its bc-breaking so
            # we need to warn for at least one release
            warnings.warn("'{}' was found in ScriptModule constants, "
                          "but was not actually set in __init__. "
                          "Consider removing it.".format(name))
        value = getattr(nn_module, name)
        concrete_type_builder.add_constant(name, _get_valid_constant(name, value, type(nn_module).__name__))

    # populate overloads
    overloads = getattr(nn_module, "__overloads__", {})
    # update with any annotated overloads
    for name, overloaded_names in overloads.items():
        concrete_type_builder.add_overload(name, overloaded_names)

    for name, value in nn_module.__dict__.items():
        if name in ignored_attributes or name.startswith("__"):
            # Python objects have lots of random attributes attached to them;
            # PyTorch adds a few more. Prevent these from getting compiled.

        if name in user_annotated_ignored_attributes:

        if name in added_names:
            # Don't re-add anything we already added

        # Handle Python function attributes
        if inspect.isfunction(value):
                scripted_fn = torch.jit.script(value)
            except Exception as e:
                # If we fail to script the function, it isn't a hard error.
                # Instead, we will add it to the list of attributes we failed
                # to convert, with the compilation error.
                hint = ("(This function exists as an attribute on the Python module, "
                        "but we failed to compile it to a TorchScript function. "
                        "\nThe error stack is reproduced here:\n{}").format(e)
                concrete_type_builder.add_failed_attribute(name, hint)


        # Handle calls to builtin functions (either bespoke builtins from torch.jit._builtins or
        # a call to an aten function like torch.add)
        builtin_symbol_name = _find_builtin(value)
        if builtin_symbol_name:
            concrete_type_builder.add_builtin_function(name, builtin_symbol_name)

        # Handle Script function attributes
        if isinstance(value, torch.jit.ScriptFunction):

        # If we got here, this is a regular "data" attribute, Add it to the concrete type
        attr_type, inferred = infer_type(name, value)
        if attr_type.success():
            concrete_type_builder.add_attribute(name, attr_type.type(), False, False)
            # TODO: could add more detail here. For example, what the user should do
            # when the pytype is `list` or `NoneType`
            inferred_msg = "Its type was inferred; try adding a type annotation for the attribute." if inferred else ""
            additional_info = f"{attr_type.reason()}. {inferred_msg}"
            hint = "(This attribute exists on the Python module, " \
                f"but we failed to convert Python type: '{torch.typename(type(value))}' " \
                f"to a TorchScript type. {additional_info})"
            concrete_type_builder.add_failed_attribute(name, hint)

    # add hooks to concrete type
    for hook in nn_module._forward_hooks.values():
    for pre_hook in nn_module._forward_pre_hooks.values():

    return concrete_type_builder

class ConcreteTypeStore(object):
    type_store: Dict[Type[Module], List[torch._C.ConcreteModuleType]]
    methods_compiled: Set[torch._C.ConcreteModuleType]

    def __init__(self):
        # Python module type => List[ConcreteModuleType)]
        self.type_store = {}
        # ConcreteTypes that have had their methods already compiled
        self.methods_compiled = set()

    def get_or_create_concrete_type(self, nn_module):
        Infer a ConcreteType from this `nn.Module` instance. Underlying JIT
        types are re-used if possible.
        concrete_type_builder = infer_concrete_type_builder(nn_module)

        nn_module_type = type(nn_module)
        if nn_module_type not in self.type_store:
            self.type_store[nn_module_type] = []

        # Search the type store for an already-available JIT type
        known_types = self.type_store[nn_module_type]
        for known_type in known_types:
            if known_type.equals(concrete_type_builder):
                return known_type

        # We didn't find anything; generate a new JIT type from this concrete type
        concrete_type = concrete_type_builder.build()
        return concrete_type

concrete_type_store = ConcreteTypeStore()

def create_methods_and_properties_from_stubs(concrete_type, method_stubs, property_stubs):
    method_defs = [m.def_ for m in method_stubs]
    method_rcbs = [m.resolution_callback for m in method_stubs]
    method_defaults = [get_default_args(m.original_method) for m in method_stubs]

    property_defs = [p.def_ for p in property_stubs]
    property_rcbs = [p.resolution_callback for p in property_stubs]

    concrete_type._create_methods_and_properties(property_defs, property_rcbs, method_defs, method_rcbs, method_defaults)

def create_hooks_from_stubs(concrete_type, hook_stubs, pre_hook_stubs):
    hook_defs = [h.def_ for h in hook_stubs]
    hook_rcbs = [h.resolution_callback for h in hook_stubs]

    pre_hook_defs = [h.def_ for h in pre_hook_stubs]
    pre_hook_rcbs = [h.resolution_callback for h in pre_hook_stubs]

    concrete_type._create_hooks(hook_defs, hook_rcbs, pre_hook_defs, pre_hook_rcbs)
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